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  • *assumes you're too excited about the story to respond and continues*

    Once upon a time there was a girl called Typh who had a jar of Nuttela
    It was the cereal killer! BWHAHAHAHAHA— *shot*

    Anyway, I gotta sleep now; punishment for getting caught sneaking on the computer past midnight. -_-
    Night, Typh.
    ...O.o Uh... um... duh...
    *Ahem* Who killed Tony the Tiger? *Shot for attempting at cracking a joke*
    Don't worry Wilson, I don't think Lassie could hurt a fly. *pats Lassie on the head* C:
    ... >->

    (Great mental image, huh? 8D)
    (How do you know you don't know what I'm referring to)

    Once upon a time there was a girl called Typh
    (Oh more than nudity D: I'll not speak its name, hoping your innocent mind is lucky enough to have been unscarred by it)

    OK then... *flips through storybook*
    :DDD Yay! ... Does that mean Wilson grows huge sideburns? xD
    Wha-What's going on? o.o *takes out another gun*
    Hey! How did you get that! D:

    (xD Nice... now a X-Men crossover~)

    (Also tip: if you decide to read that ED article on TCoD or just go there for any reason NEVER click around, especially not to the article named after that capitalised word O.O *tries to unsee*)
    o:! Claws~
    *takes off badass sunglasses* Claws? o.o X-Men? *lazereyes*
    Hehe... Cyclops? xD
    Well, now you know I'm a slightly mad person with a slight multiple personality disorder who get voices in his head.
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