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  • We just call him Desmond in our house, cos he's like a friend. An old chum. Or there's Masterchef or the Clothsies Show. Clover and I love our Sunday afties, don't we Clover?

    (Trying to teach him what, how to embarrass his mother, how to smack himself with heroin, what???

    Trendy young people in their 60s?

    Hahahahaha. Yes. xD

    Are you a Shules or Shawn/Gus shipper? Or just strictly Shassie? C8
    (Best line in the whole thing x3)

    I make myself a cheese and tommy-toe toastie, sometimes two toasties, and an old muggins of tea and I snudget down in front of the television and I watch the Roadshow. I love Sunday afternoonies.
    *high-fives* :D

    Cute little Shassie... I think that's what they call the Shawn/Lassie pairing. xD
    Wow... didn't expect that. xD

    And if that happened I think I would die from fangirlishness. xD
    *grabs drunk Lassie and puts him near Shawn* Let's see if we get $10 from Wilson~ :D

    I think he's gonna start crying and hug Shawnie! :D
    We come back and I make myself a cheese and tommy-toe toastie.

    (I'm watching ABOFAL right not :DDD)
    Do you know what I do of a Sunday? After I've taken Clover for walkums ... we go walkums after lunch, don't we Clover ... just Clover and me and of course my little pooper-scooper, because that nasty Parkie man doesn't like to see poochie-poop on his best grass, does he? And I don't like seeing Poochie-poop on my best carpet and if I do Colver knows to expect a visit from the smack fairy.
    Come here Lassie. *holds hand* C8

    (Which one what? *confuzzled herself again* xD)
    My first dax, my first little dax was called Sculley. I named him after Hugh Sculley from the Antiques Roadshow. I love that programme, don't you?
    Awww cute. ^-^

    (Well, your style of drawing is quite good, and you draw a lot of my favourite characters so that's like +5x1000 points of awesome from me. :D oh my... I have an urge to watch "Murder? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller" again because of Lassie's cute smile when he says, "This is the best date I've had in years!" C:)
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