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  • *Returns with a cane* I call them as I see them... crippled guy. (・∀・) *Readies cane*
    ...Wait, isn't that Jessie's cane!? O.o

    (^An actual cripple guy I know from school)
    Ow, ow, OW! *Runs away from House*
    Wait, come back Ryann! He hasn't even beaten the rest of your body!
    10 points! Woot! And since it's the crippled dude, a bonus 25 points. ^.^
    *A la Phoenix Wright* OBJECTION! You still threw coins at me which would've probably killed Skroy here. Because of that, you shall be punished!
    -.-;; They were intended for me and you're practically immortal!
    I'm immortal unless YOU are dead.
    *Flings thousands of coins back at Typh*
    (Heh, I guess that makes sense)

    Mwhaha! I can't die! Do you know how many times he shoots me?
    It's true, watch. *Shoots Ryann multiple times*
    *Is still alive, unharmed* ^.^
    *Sighs* See? He's like this... annoying voice in my head that won't shut up and the only way to calm "it" is to bring "it" to life.
    (*Sighs* Just like how all my real friends in life think about me.)

    *Uses Ryann as a shield*
    OH SH- *Gets hit by thousands of coins*
    *Come backs* Hey, guys. How did you like the clone I- *Notices dead clone*
    ...Uh, I'll take a guess and say you didn't like it?

    (...Why do I get this strange feeling you don't like me?)
    *Falls to ground and dies*
    *Pokes dead body* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ALIRGHT! I'm free! Free at last from [Skroy]'s shootings! =D
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