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  • Dunno. ┐('~`;)┌

    My mind works in strange ways. For example, while eating a baloney sandwich, I was reminded of a quote from a Mario fanfic I read which said, "...Boo-Ster from ‘Boo Busters’ in the episode ‘Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian’ when he used dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane to defeat a Boo that had pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis in a past life at Uhatanatikaunehwiakopaetamatouauaokagnahignatakahwatamuat hill on the island of Hcogogogoilisytnallllwbordnrywhcyregogllygnywgllwpriafnall?" ^ω^

    I hope you don't think this is just classic Mike and Typh messing about.
    We are GOING to do this one day.
    It's too cool not to 8D
    Or we could sail around stealing treasure.
    Maybe see if Steven, Hugh, Rowan and Zach want to come along :3
    We should become pirates :3
    Bring Notory along and we're in a job together, and bingo, calling each other colleagues makes sense. 8D
    That was just... WOW! ^ω^
    And somehow it reminded me of this video and this video.

    I really wanna watch Mythbusters but my sister keeps stealing the remote from me. -.-

    ... I don't usually watch that channel because my sister tends to steal the remote and I can't steal it back from her because she kicks-- hard-- down "there." =(
    Ahh, LazyTown.... never watched it and probably never will... dunno why. =/

    I will watch Arthur however. =) *Sighs* How I miss Arthur and his friends...
    This is true.

    In other news,
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