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  • *Gets hit* Hah! You call that an attack? That's nothing compared to a Thunderbolt! Those hurt.
    Um, Swin, you're weak to Grass type moves and Thunderbolt has no affect on you. You should be hurting because of that Leaf Storm.
    Your point?
    ........I sometimes question your logic, Swin. Anyway, use Ancient Power.

    (She said she'd be back on July 5th; do you think she's still tired?)
    Swin, let's go!
    Oh yeah! Time to show you the 'swine' in Mamoswine!
    ...Uh, what did you say?

    (...Huh, she's still not online.... ;_;)
    Cera, return! *Returns the exhausted Cera; Poke Ball automatically goes to PC*
    So... shall we continue our match?
    Just take the egg, Skroy. It'll be like raising me again! ^^
    .... You be quiet you Floatzel.
    *Looks over to the exhausted Houndooms* Hey, I think they stopped!

    *Yawns* Is it morning already? *Looks down* WHY THE HELL ARE MY PANTS WET!? AND WHY'S MY HAND IN A CU- *O_o* ZEL!
    Hey, Skroy, you should come see this.
    Sure, after you see my fis- *Notices Cera and Lucifer*
    ... So... who's gonna keep the egg?

    (You were 11 hours and 38 minutes late with the 'night'. I'm fully awake now. :P)
    ....Wow.... just wow....
    Hey, I think they're slowing down...

    (I hear ya.
    Anyway, I gotta sleep, I'm gonna apply for a summer job tomorrow. D: Though, I might sneak on tonight when I feel the urge to do so. ;) Night, Typh).
    Shh, he might wake up. *Slowly dips Skroy's hand into cup of warm water*
    *Looks toward Cera and Lucifer* ... O_o Those Houndoom sure know how to go at it...

    (Heh, I never thought I'd be this desperate to yearn for a particular person's company. Then again, considering Nottie is the first person to directly say she considers me a best friend, I guess her company really has an impact on me. ;_;)
    *Is sleeping*
    .........*Is still sleeping*
    Why I ougtha- *Idea ding!*...
    *Leaves to get a cup and some hot water*

    (...Well, I hope she logs on tonight; I wanna chat with her.)
    La la la~♫♪♫.... Hey, Skroy, what should I do?
    *Is still asleep*
    ...Uh oh~♫♪♫. *Gets hit by Giga Impact; critical hit!; faints*

    (Huh, where's Nottie? I miss her. ;_;)
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