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  • Pitickiss, use ExtremeSpeed!
    Ayeaye, sir Skroy!
    ...You don't have to call me, sir, you know...
    Y'mean a dead
    *Blip* As am I.
    Go, Pitickiss! (Togekiss)
    Today's gonna be my lucky day! ^.^
    *Watches the two play with each other*....Why don't we go and continue our battle over there? *Points to the other empty part of the bar*
    O_o.... Ya know, maybe we should leave them alone for now... *backs away slowly*
    (Yes, Cera's female. :3)

    Hello to you, too, handsome. *Examines Lucifer* My, what a muscular Houndoom you are. 8J
    Oh no, not again! It's like the time we fought that Gabite and it used Attract on her, too.
    *Ice Shard misses* Hmm... I seem to have missed him.... and where's my ice cream?
    ...Myst, come back.
    Cera, you're up! Use Odor Sleuth!
    *"Cera the Houndoom uses Odor Sleuth"*
    Hmm... I need ice cream...
    *Sighs* Hey, bartender! Do you serve ice cream here?
    While I'm waiting for their response, use Ice Shard!

    (You be the bartender)
    Dodge it!
    *Gets hit; "it's super effective"* Hmm... what is this strange feeling?
    You're supposed to say "ow" when you get hit.
    ...-_-;; Try Confuse Ray and hope it'll work.
    Hmm... *uses Confuse Ray*
    Darn, a Sableye... let's make the best of this shall we? Myst, use Blizzard.
    Hmm... I could go for an ice cream right about now.
    ...Please, Myst, just use Blizzard and get this over with.
    Hmm... *head in the clouds*
    .............-_-;; I'll get you an ice cream cone AFTER this battle, okay?
    Hmm.... *uses Blizzard*
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