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  • Hello, Poke. What's down?
    And by the way, I read your message in the afternoon instead. =P
    Dummy!? O.o
    Never mind, Ree, he's okay. You can put the phoenix down away.
    -.- *Leaves company to return phoenix down*
    Well, I also gotta going, too. *Yawn* I'm getting sleepy. *Leaves company as well*

    (Night, Poke. ・ω・)
    (Don't call me an idiot. -_- 'Sides I was calling for Kirby.)

    *Walks on over to Kirby; notices Poke's dead body*...Ryann, get me a Phoenix Down, stat!
    OH NO! Are you okay!?
    A spaceship just crashed into him, do ya think he's okay?
    No, I meant Kirby. Is he okay?
    Wow, those Hyrulians sure are fast at getting the story.
    *Looks up* Oh look, a shooting star!
    ...Oh wait a minute, it looks like Kirby's ship... and it's coming this way! RUN FOR THE HILLS!
    Zelda... in the dumpster... with her bra off!? (゚Д゚ )
    Um... you don't think she's, uh... y'know... O.o
    WOOT! TAILS, YOU ROCK MY SOCKS! WOOT! *Throws random bra at him*
    ... Where'd you get the bra? O.o
    In the dumpster. Why?
    (Actually, here in Canada in the province I'm in, you have to be 18 to drink and, well, I'm almost 18 (but I wouldn't wanna drink it anyway; tried some and I didn't like it.))

    Oh dear, this ain't good at all.
    Why's that?
    Who knows what could happen with a drunk wolf around? O.o
    It's good to see you're awake now, Poke. And not to worry, you could always try some real beer! ^w^
    *Offers beer drunkenly* Want to try- hic- some?
    Ryann (REE-ann): Um, that's not Johnny...
    *Whispers* Shush, Ree, you're ruining the moment.
    OH NO!
    ... Hello? Where's the dramatic music?
    (That I'm not so sure).

    Then again, we could be in the real world and Link has just turned into to a wolf because he has to do some sniffing around...
    (You should get it; one of the best games on the Wii. ^^)

    Oh, then I guess that is Wolf Link. But wait, if he's here, then doesn't that mean we're in the- *gulps*- Twilight Zone?
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