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Frontier Town Jailhouse


A Murder of 'Krows
Heartache staff
Frontier Town's jailhouse was not a large building at all. Consisting of only two rooms, the marshal's office and the jail, the two connected through a simple, doorless archway. A watchog was stationed here, eyeing visitors with a healthy dose of scrutiny but remaining stiffly silent as to not distract themself from duty. Sunlight filtered in through small, dusty windows leaving the place dim even on the brightest afternoons.

The marshal's office contained a simple wooden desk - its drawers filled with all kinds of paperwork - and a single holding cell for the most recent arrest awaiting justice or bail. The cell itself had simple furnishings, a couple benches in case of getting a gang or rowdy bunch of saloon-goers and a, while extra care was put into the make of the cell's bars. More well-proofed with dungeon dust than most things in town to hold firm against any elemental attack that would come their way. The cells in the jail itself were also similar, though they also housed beds and were smaller to fit more within the room's modest dimensions.

Ch03: How to Train Your Drapion [Koa & Drapion]
Koa slowly made his way to Frontier Town's rather small jail, his steps dragging. Every time he stepped a little too wrong, he felt a dull ache across his body. His stomach was already churning at the idea of what he was about to do, but it felt too late to stop. Despite his fear and anger he felt instictually responsible for Drapion. He had to try and check on it, see if it could be helped.

Steeling himself, he stepped into the small office, glancing around. He spotted a Watchhog standing by the jail entrance. "Excuse me," he said, hoping he sounded both pleasant and polite. "There was a Drapion brought here a short time ago, that I need to visit."
He probably shouldn’t be out of bed right now. Every once in a while, Archie found himself fidgeting with the bandages wrapped tightly around his torso, underneath which the wounds from his and Wes’s midnight encounter with The Wolf had been stitched closed. Taking too deep a breath still shot dull pain up his sides, there was nothing the doctor could do about cracked ribs but suggest he stop getting into situations where he was liable to be hit with metaphorical sledgehammers, and since the rest of his wounds had been exterior, he’d been discharged from the clinic with a prescription of bed rest and zero strenuous activity.

Only, the thing was, in the chaos of the last several days, he’d yet to make arrangements to move out from the Haus, and, at present, staying there for extended periods tended to invite paranoia. He’d needed to get out, and so he had, figuring he’d find a place to get a light lunch and then maybe try to hunt down Tarahn. Only, it wasn’t the Toxel he stumbled across, but a completely different Electric Type entirely. Instead, he found Koa, just as the Electrike was letting himself into the town jail.

For a moment, the Oshawott stood there, looking at the building, wondering just what it was the Electrike needed there, of all places. Then he remembered that this was the place that, for lack of a better option, the Maus had elected to take the Drapion. And, they had all talked about maybe checking in on the Shadow Pokemon! Did Koa intend to do that all by himself, or was he meeting someone else here? His curiosity piqued, and figuring worst case scenario he could at least just poke his head in and say hello, the Oshawott followed after the Electrike.

By the time he’d opened the door, Koa had already struck up conversation with the Watchog guard. So, not wanting to make a nuisance of himself, Archie let himself in, and closed the door behind him as quietly as possible, figuring he’d wait until the pair were done before saying anything himself.
The watchog looked at the electrike skeptically but stood aside, allowing Koa and Archie through. There, in the second cell from the door, was the drapion. Its stingers and mandibles twitched threateningly when it saw the new arrivals walking through the doorway.

From where they were standing, Koa and Archie would have noticed that the drapion's bed had been thoroughly thrashed, and the stone walls bore many, many scratches. Globs of venom coated the bars, however they held strong against its corrosive properties. It certainly couldn't escape, but it certainly could still attack through the bars if it wanted to. The two would need to be careful if they didn't want to end up in a similar shape.
The quiet sound of the door closing caught Koa's attention and he paused before entering, glancing over his shoulder. Archie stood there looking like he'd been in a fight, somehow worse than when Koa had seen him after the Drapion fight. He supposed he didn't mind company if it was Archie but what had happened to him?

He opened his mouth to ask, then bit it back. There'd be time for that later. Shaking his head, he glanced down the hall towards the jail. "You sure you're up for this?" he asked softly, pausing before entering the hallway and turning to Archie. "You... you don't have to help me if you're not okay."

Archie had at least been sympathetic to the shadow pokemon but if it attacked again...
The Oshawott waved, a little lamely, trying to think up some kind of excuse for his presence here. But, thankfully, it seemed one wasn’t needed. Koa was ready to accept his assistance, so long as the Oshawott felt up to giving it. Trying to tame a Shadow Pokemon probably didn’t count as ‘zero strenuous activity,’ but, Archie wouldn’t tell the doctor if Koa wouldn’t.

“I promised I’d help,” he said, smiling faintly, “I can at least offer moral support.”

He pulled the flaps of his coat a little over his bandages when he caught Koa looking that way, before approaching the Electrike. This was important, if they wanted to make any progress with the other Shadow Pokemon, like Seth and that Treecko’s friend, this Drapion was their best first step. Although, now that he’d gotten closer to the opening to the jail proper, and was starting to catch sight of some of the damage the Drapion had done even confined to its cell, he was beginning to have his doubts…

For now though, he did his best to squash them, and gestured for Koa to enter first. “I’ll follow your lead.”
Koa nodded to Archie but lingered near the entrance for a moment before gathering up the courage to enter. He'd managed to calm it back at the Haus, so maybe a similar approach would work? "Okay lets... lets just try to keep calm and be very quiet. Like back at the Haus." His mind raced as he tried to recall anything else he knew about Drapion. They were native to Sinnoh, he knew that much. Trainers were warned to give them plenty of space if they couldn't handle them in a battle. And they didn't like Hippowdown, but he wasn't sure that helped here.

Exhaling slowly, Koa called out as he took a few steps toward the cell. Part of him was relieved for the bars between him, but a part of him also pitied the pokemon. "Hey Drapion," he called. Hopefully calling out would prevent startling it. He stopped short of the cell, keeping his distance as he noted the damage.

For a moment, he almost looked directly at the Drapion, but caught himself before he could. "Try to avoid direct eye contact," he whispered to Archie. Probably looking right at its eyes would be like a challenge. Instead he looked not quite at it. Kept his eyes low. Voice soft. Ignored the hammering of his heart. "I wanted to come check on you. See how you're doing."

Probably awful by the looks of it. Not that he could blame it. He wondered how much of its words Drapion could understand. Could he try and bribe it with food? He'd kept a few berries in his jacket but he decided to wait and see how it reacted. If it showed any signs of calming like it had before.
In response, the drapion planted its claws on the ground and let out a low hiss, a hungry glint in its eyes. Hunger for food, for battle? It was impossible to tell nor did it seem to understand Koa's words at all. It remained in place, continuing to growl, for now.
Needless to say, the Drapion was not enjoying captivity. Moving towards the Pokemon’s cell further revealed just how much damage the Shadow Pokemon had been doing, cooped up as it was. In particular, Archie eyed the globs of poison coating the bars with some obvious concern. If this encounter went badly, those bars wouldn’t save them from his poison, or its needles. On the other hand though, the Pokemon wasn’t attempting to kill them on sight. So maybe that was an encouraging sign?

Actually, he wondered if they’d been able to feed this thing any? It wasn’t unreasonable to assume that no want wanted to get close to it given the Drapion’s propensity to shoot poison and spines. The Shadow Pokemon definitely looked hungry, though Archie was doing his best to keep from looking directly at the Pokemon as per Koa’s suggestion.

“Maybe it remembers you?” The Oshawott whispered to the Electrike, “It’s not trying to hurt us – at least not yet.”
Koa glanced uneasily at Archie. It hadn't attacked, which was good. But it also didn't seem much less hostile, to his dismay.

"I hope so," he murmured.

"Are you hungry?" he asked hopefully. "Food?" he was beginning to wish he'd done more research on feral pokemon. Normally he'd battle a wild mon to befriend them or earn repbut he wasn't at all sure that was a sane idea here.

Moving slowly he reached into his jacket and withdrew an Oran berry. Gently, he set it on the ground and rolled it across the floor towards Drapion. Did Drapion here like berries?

"It's yours if you want it." He narrowed his eyes and studied it, wondering if it was still under shadow influence at all.
The drapion continued to stare, growling and clicking its mandibles before it reared up to display its claws and pincers. It still wasn't attacking, nor did it appear as if it was about to. It picked up a stray wooden board with its tail and snapped it in half in a display of strength and social dominance. The lack of eye contact and presentment of food must have registered as submissive behaviour. It didn't acknowledge the food, not just yet, instead it waited for the two smaller pokémon to make their move, twitching erratically as it did so.
Well, if anything, the Drapion sure seemed to be acting more like a feral Pokemon than a mindless killing machine. At the same time, it didn’t exactly appear as if they were having any luck getting through to it. It hadn’t even accepted the offering of food, apparently too interested in making itself look big and scary to the Electrike and Oshawott. And they weren’t exactly in a good position to challenge that behavior, either!

“Maybe if we show it we’re not afraid of it?” he wondered. They didn’t want to piss it off, or do anything that might seem like a challenge, of course. But at the same time, if they let the wild Pokemon believe it was their superior, it’d likely become that much harder to work with it. For now, Archie stood his ground, not responding to the Drapion’s threat display one way or the other.
A flash of fear rippled through Koa for a moment at the threat display but quelled it quickly.

Could that really work? It certainly didn't feel like trying to placate it was really working. His gaze shifted between Drapion and the ignored berry. Maybe Archie was right. "Okay..."

Standing his ground, Koa cautiously met the Drapion eyes. Unafraid. But not aggressive. "We don't have to fight. But I'm not afraid of you either. I just want to help." He kept his tone steady and level. Even if Drapion couldn't understand his words, maybe it could grasp the tone still.
Its twitching grew faster and more erratic in response and a low, challenging growl echoed throughout the cell as it met Koa's eyes. It raised its claws again, this time, sparks of dark, shadowy energy glinted against them and venom began to drip from its mandibles. It jerked more erratically as it did so but it did not strike. The non-aggressive tone had it resort to further intimidation, goading a reaction, but it was obvious that the shadow infection had this thing on a hair trigger.
It was still attempting to scare them into submission, though its continued hesitance to attack them outright suggested that they weren’t on the entirely wrong track just yet. Maybe it was time for them to try something a little more drastic? Archie eyed the berry Koa had rolled towards the Drapion. Well, at least if he was the one doing the stupid thing, it hopefully shouldn’t bring any harm to Koa.

“Hey, it’s okay, we don’t want to fight,” he said, trying his best to be soothing. He held out his paws to show they were empty, then slowly, carefully, approached the bars of the cell. Keeping his eyes on the Drapion, the Oshawott reached down and grabbed the berry where it had come to rest, then, slowly, reached his arm through the bars to offer the berry directly to the Shadow Pokemon.

“See? No tricks, we promise.”

He really hoped he wasn’t about to get his arm bit off. At this point, it was impossible to stop his fur from standing on end, and he was ready to leap backwards at a moment’s notice. He reminded himself not to make any sudden movements.
Koa froze as Archie started to move towards the Drapion. "Archie..." the word of caution died on his jaws. His heart fluttered and he instinctively wanted to grab him, but he resisted the urge to lunge.

Instead he took a step forward to back up Archie, but stayed on his toes just in case. This time he put on a more firm posture. Head up and standing a bit taller to appear confident. "Easy," he said, watching the Drapion. "We're not going anywhere though. And we're not running. Take the food," he said, both encouragingly and insistently.
It reared again, hissing and clicking its mandibles when the pair approached. It began to look frustrated, like its territory was being threatened. The shadows dancing from its claw tips became more intense but when Archie stuck his hand through the bars offering food, offering his arm, it went still. Then...


The deafening sound of claw hitting metal filled the jailhouse. It had swung faster than Archie could react but luckily for him, it had gone for a wide angle. Its claw snagged on the bar, blocking the incoming attack and causing the darkness to dissipate in the air. It took a moment to wrestle itself free, hissing and spitting at the bars as it did so, giving Archie and Koa an opportunity to make a decision.
Archie practically leapt backwards, wrenching his arm back and bumping into Koa. The sudden movement brought a dull throbbing pain back to his injuries, and he bit back a cough as he felt his chest tighten. He quickly double checked his stomach bandages to make sure he hadn’t reopened his wounds. They looked clean – so far. So much for their peace offering though, he’d definitely fucked it up this time.

“I- I’m sorry,” he said, looking at Koa with some dismay. He looked at the berry in his paw, then back at the Electrike, before holding it out for the Electrike to take back. Clearly the Drapion was not in a place where they could bribe it with food. “I hate to leave it like this, but… Well, what do you think we should do?”
Koa moved to pull Archie back, but Archie had already scrambled back of his own accord. His heart was racing again and he kept his gaze locked on Drapion, ready to run for it. Reluctantly, he took the berry back. "I don't know..." He admitted, his voice trailing off. What else could they do? Drapion was glowering at them, still violently angry it seemed. And even though it hadn't attacked at first, it was hardly warming up to them. There had to be a way.

As he stared at Drapion's beady eyes, his thoughts turned to his team, and then to Rascal. All his attempts to befriend her when they first met. Battling, training, and bribes of food. None of it had worked. Maybe... Could this be like Rascal all over again?

"We do nothing." He spoke slowly, almost as if thinking out loud, studying Drapion. For a moment, his gaze shifted to Archie, then back to Drapion. He backed off, step by step, until he was out of sight, a few yards from the cell and close to the wall (and hopefully out of Drapion's reach). Swallowing, he sat down, still careful to be ready to move. Nodding to Archie, he motioned for him to do the same. Then he began to talk, trying to keep his voice level. Focus on Archie.

He angled himself towards Archie as he continued. "Back home I had a pokemon I didn't get along with. We were both pretty stubborn. I was determined to prove I could be her friend. And I kept pushing her. Food and battles and training but she just kept getting annoyed." At this point he didn't really care what he said, just how he said it. Calm. Like talking to a friend. And trying to pretend a very angry Drapion wasn't a few yards away ready to skewer them.

"I think... we have to let Drapion come to us. That's how I got through to her. I spent a whole night sitting on a cliff and waiting, until she wanted to come to me." It felt silly now, looking back. Obvious that he should have known better than to out-stubborn Rascal. "Maybe we wait. Don't bribe ir or attack it, or react. Just... talk, I guess?" Now that he said his idea out loud he felt much less certain, and looked at Archie hopefully, wondering if he thought it was a good idea.
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Archie seemed more than a little incredulous at Koa’s suggestion, unable to see how doing nothing was going to help them make any progress here. Still, he followed along with the Electrike’s suggestion, following after and sitting down across from him, out of sight from the Drapion, and leaning back on his paws to keep his belly from compressing. He probably wouldn’t get back to his feet very easy, but, the Oshawott figured worse case scenario he could probably roll until he was in a better position to pick himself up. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

Once Koa had taken the time to explain his thought process, it did start to make a little more sense to the Oshawott. The Drapion clearly wasn’t going to be pushed to open up to them – given how it was reacting, it likely wasn’t even used to their presence. If they wanted to get anywhere with it, giving it some space, and time, was going to be a must.

“It’s worth a shot,” the Oshawott nodded, encouragingly. They just had to hope the giant, poison spitting scorpion would settle without them directly prodding at it. Archie wasn’t sure how likely that was going to be, but nothing else had worked so far, and he was willing to give anything a try once. “So, you were a trainer back home? Tell me about your Pokemon.”
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