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Frontier Town Jailhouse

Koa stifled a growl, glaring at the newcomer who'd interrupted them in undisguised suspicion and confusion. "What the- Who are you?" he said stiffly. Shadow investigations? Last he'd heard, outside of Rangers, and he supposed Nolan's group, there wasn't any kind of shadow investigations, was there? And why now? He didn't get the impression this guy was a Ranger or a friend of Nolan. And certainly not one of their own. Sounded weird to him.

He was about to warn the Zweilous, except he seemed to have either no concept of the danger, or must have had something else he was planning. And he dared not physically try and stop the Zweilous. All Koa could do was watch as he approached the cell and Drapion started up again, only to seemingly... hesitate?

More suspicion arose in Koa, with a trickle of cautious curiosity. He cocked his head and blinked, sutdying Zweilous. "Shadow investigations? So you're with the Rangers then?" he asked innocently. it was a long shot but...

'Betel...? Can you hear me? Are you able to sense anything about this guy?'
There was something… Off, about their mysterious interloper. And the fact that the Drapion held back from launching its spines at them just made Archie all the more suspicious. He took a half step towards the Pokemon, far enough to get a good look at the Drapion before stepping back again. It was primed and ready to attack, attempting to approach the two headed dragon would be asking for a face full of poison spikes. So all he could do was study the Zweilous, closely.

“Investigating? On whose authority?” he asked, trying not to sound accusatory, “Maybe we can trade info?”
But before they could get a response from Betel, Alex made another advance. He was now within grabbing distance. "The Rangers know nothing about how to handle a real threat," Alex said, nearly scoffing. "Trading info... Hm." He didn't seem to give that an answer.

"Hello, lost spirit," Alex said gently, tilting his head upward despite lacking the ability to see it. "...Is there a need for that?" he went on. "Well?" he asked again, gentler. "Isn't there something you want to do? Aren't you going to kill me?" He went against the cell, holding a paw up to one of the bars.
The drapion's eyes narrowed. It chittered and its snarls began to shift into a low growl that droned on as Alex continued to speak. When he held out his paw, it went still as it began to fixate on it, like it was filled with the sweetest of combee honey.

There was a pause, similar to how it reacted to Archie putting his arm through the bars and then, eyes filled with greed, the drapion lunged for Alex's paw but the moment its claw pierced through his scales, drawing blood...

It froze in place, looking momentarily dazed.
Koa's eyes widened. "H-... What are you doing?" His confusion was only growing, along with his suspicion.

Obviously this Zweilous wasn't purely faking. Somehow he was... Well, Koa wasn't sure what the Zweilous had done but it was having an effect on Drapion.
Alex didn't flinch when the claw pierced into his paw, even as the blood trickled up his leg. Instead, despite not being able to see, he made the gesture to stare directly at Drapion.

"Do you see?" he said in a low whisper, though it was still loud enough for Koa to hear in the new silence.

Alex leaned in, pressing against the claw as it went through his paw. And he pressed more and more, each one getting closer to Drapion despite the damage it did to him.

"I'm not afraid of you," Alex said. "You are nothing against me." He clenched his injured paw so he grabbed Drapion's claw in a bloody reversal, tugging Drapion's face closer. "Is that... understood?"
Archie reached into his coat pockets, feeling for where he’d stashed his scalchop while his stomach was too injured to host it. Something wasn’t right. And that suspicion was all too quickly confirmed when the Zweilous fully pushed its own paw deep enough into the Drapion’s claw that said claw came out the other side. Whatever this Pokemon was, it wasn’t normal. He drew his scalchop, the doctor’s exhortation for him not to do exactly what he was doing now momentarily forgotten.

“Hey, what the hell are you doing?” he said, this time not bothering to hide the harshness in his tone. “Leave that Pokemon alone!”
"How interesting," muttered Ignatius, from his cell. There was a soft sound of steps taken towards the bars.

Betel's voice filtered through the sapient chatter and feral chittering.

I am not sure what is happening, Koa. Stay safe. Be on your guard, both of you!
Drapion stared at Alex and after a moment before its line of sight fell to the ground. It attempted to back away from the bars, as if to realise that it was now encroaching a dominant drapion's territory. Its mandibles clicked slowly and quietly as it did as to not anger the dominant zweilous.
Alex stared for a while longer. The other head--Xander--still muzzled, had a frenzied, gleeful look in his eyes.

Alex pressed harder against the Drapion before letting him go, the claw dislodging itself from his paw as crimson spilled onto the floor. But Alex, if he felt the pain, did not let it bother him. He instead placed his paw on the ground... It bled a lot less than expected.

In his muzzle, Xander seemed to be chewing on something. It smelled like an Oran Berry...

"It seems you understand," Alex said firmly. "Now. Behave yourself. I've learned what I needed to... and I need to report back. I'll return later."

He then turned his head to Koa and the others. "I hope that didn't frighten you," he said.
Koa moved and blocked the way out of the jailhouse, gaze flicking between the seemingly now quelled Drapion and Zweilous. How. His hackles rose. Half of him burned with curiosity and a tentative hope. Whatever it had done had... had some effect. He had no idea if it was good or bad. Would it last?

His eyes narrowed. "Actually I have a few questions before you go."
Archie moved to stand beside Koa, scalchop still held in his paw, though the Oshawott had yet to summon any of the various Typed energy blades. He wanted to be ready, but at the same time, he didn’t want to make the first move and turn a potential source of information hostile. Especially since, bluster all he might like, the Oshawott was in no condition to fight.

“What did you do? Who do you work for?” He asked, eyes flicking back and forth between the Zweilous’s two heads.
Drapion was silent and, after a moment, it lowered its head as if it was performing some kind of subservient bow. No growls or threats arose from its throat, the only sound it made was that of its armoured plating rubbing against each other. It remained still for now.
Xander said something muffled and probably offensive.

Alex sighed and shook his head. "I showed no fear and demonstrated how useless his ability to fight would be," he stated. "Creatures of darkness only answer to power. When their power is useless, they seek out a new commander. It could be anyone. Human, Pokemon... They just need to have power. That is all that matters to those reduced to their primal state.

"I'm afraid who I work for is not something I may speak of here," Alex said, gesturing to the ex-mayor, then the jail. "Just know I am on your side if you are trying to curtail these Shadow outbreaks. You are... yes?"
"Of course. Let's go somewhere to talk then," Koa said, on impulse. His gaze shifted again to Drapion, lingering. He wanted to stay with it, but he wasn't sure there was anything else he could do for it yet. Especially if they couldn't clear the shadow... This Zweilous, whoever he was, knew more than he was letting on. He shot Archie a look, wondering if the Oshawott agreed.

"We can go now, since we're on the same side." A statement he wasn't sure he believed, but that didn't matter. Getting some information would be valuable for the rest of their group. "I'm sure we can help each other."
Well, that really depended on what exactly the Zweilous meant by ‘curtailing.’ The ex-mayor’s idea of curtailing involved a whole lot of murder and dissection, after all. Though, the fact that the Pokemon wasn’t interested in talking in front of Voclain suggested there was little love between the two, so that was a promising sign, at least. The Oshawott met Koa’s eyes, and nodded, before looking back at the Zweilous.

“We hate to see anyone get hurt needlessly,” he said. Anyone included the Shadows themselves, but that information could be kept private for now. At least until they had a better read on the Zweilous. He returned his scalchop to his coat pocket, and tried to put a more earnest and trusting expression on his face. “So we really would appreciate any help you’re able to offer.”
Alex nodded. "Where would you suggest?" he asked. "I would love to help... but I've already heard some odd stories about how eager you are to spew everything you know to the public eye. So, if I'm going to be telling anything to you... it will have to stay between the three of us. Otherwise..." Alex's tone lowered. "You'll become targets. All of you. And you do not have the strength to stand up to that just yet... Is that clear?"
Eager to spew everything? What was he referring to? Maybe the newspaper article... He frowned. "I can keep a secret," he said firmly, without hesitation. At least he didn't have to lie or twist the truth about that. He'd had enough experience. "I wouldn't just spill everything to the public."

Koa studied the Zweilous closer. What did he mean about becoming targets? "If what you want to tell us is really a secret then any spot we won't be overheard, away from everyone should be fine..." His mind hurriedly tried to think of somewhere appropiate. Nolan was hanging out at the saloon, wasn't he? Probably better to avoid there. "Outskirts of town or any spot away from passerby." He gave Archie a glance, wondering if he knew of a good spot.
The Oshawott folded his arms, giving it some thought. He really hated going back to the outskirts so soon after his encounter with Seth. Who knew if the Lycanroc was still skulking around? Probably not, but… Koa was right that the Outskirts was a decent choice, away from prying eyes. Maybe if they headed towards Silver Ravine, they’d be able to get a strong enough connection for Betel to listen in…

“Out of town should be fine. Not too many go out near the ravine or the river aside from the odd fisherman or daredevil kid,” Archie nodded.
"Out of town... near the ravine," Alex repeated like he was considering how it tasted. Like a fine wine. "Mmm. Then lead the way," he said, gesturing with his wounded paw to the exit.

The paw's wound was gone. In its place was a black splotch of discolored scales.

"Then I can explain things to you with more... confidence." While he couldn't see, he did sniff the air. "I suspect those here would misuse this information, even in their... helpless situations."

With little more to say in the jailhouse, they made their way outside for the outskirts of town...

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