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Obstinea Mountains The Ring of White and Black

Jackie Cat

A cat who writes stories.
Heartache staff
they or she
For significant encounters, one may need a significant location. Places of importance are built in spots that are unusual or set apart. All the better if they're precarious enough to make one wonder at the choice to place them there.

Between each half of the Abbey, on their respective mountain faces, a chasm filled with clouds held one small island of solid ground just above the sea of white vapour. Accessible only by flight, or by cable car, this tiny plateau – only about a dozen yards across – had been flattened and paved in even flagstones of black and white marble to form a circular arena. Over this space, a gazebo-like structure resembling a pagoda had been built, with a high ceiling over it. Wooden rails guarded the edge from any pokémon who might tumble over them, and curved wooden benches around the rim of the arena provided a place for any spectators. For while the ideal of this place was as a shrine for meditation and reverence, in truth this was also an arena – a place for duelling.

The Obstine monks' idea of duelling was a very different concept to that of other cultures, however. Where a Commonwealth townie might expect to walk several paces and fire a pistol, and an Escarpa warrior might expect a serious battle with natural attacks, the monks treated duelling as a form of structured debate. A small box, or chest, at each entrance to the arena held garments of black and white for participants to wear. These garments indicated that they had taken on the ceremonial roles of Truth and Ideals before their battle, or that a spectator was expressing alignment with a particular side. Any monk would gladly explain the basics of this tradition – the nuances and history of it, however, were clearly a weighty subject.

Of course, being a place for contemplation, the monastery's residents made no objection to anyone wishing to visit the shrine simply to talk, or think, or wonder.

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[Ch04] ~ History's Long Shadow
A saffron-robed Lucario stood, balanced on a fencepole sunk into the plateau of the Ring. She looked out onto the Soja', barely an impression in the distance this particular morning. The clouds were practically a blanket of white over the world, above which the Abbey perched on its sheer-faced islands.

There were visitors in the Abbey – she expected they'd come find her. When they did, she'd be here, waiting.

Her eyes closed, and her ears perked, at the sound of a cable car approaching...
Rodion looked around as he stepped out of the cable car. He had to admit, the monastery looked impressive and was far grander than he imagined when he initially had read about the place.

As he kept walking, he spotted a Lucario balancing on a fencepole. Given that he was told that there was only one Lucario in the abbey, this had to be the Pokémon he was looking for...

"Master Akela, right?"
The Lucario turned her head, and nodded, smiling faintly.

"You have found me," she said, just loud enough to be heard.

Master Akela turned and jumped from the fencepole – the movement was so fluid that she seemed to step from it and take a pace towards Rodion as if she'd simply skipped the several feet of air entirely.

"Shira tells me of travelling pokémon who arrived at the Abbey as day turned to night," she continued. "Many come to the Abbey, and some of these wish to be taught of the Light. They learn that Radiance is not a skill that one can learn through study."

The Lucario bowed her head towards Rodion, and towards the other Wayfarers stepping off the cable car. Her fur was somewhat silvered, but she didn't look so weathered as to be elderly – perhaps middle aged at most. Was that early onset greying from stress, or an inherited quirk?

"I wonder if anyone has told you about this place?" she mused, motioning with a paw to the marbled floor of the Ring.
"It's nice to meet you. The name's Rodion," he said extending his paw towards Akela. "A friend of mine in Frontier Town had told me about this place, although it was Dave here who first brought up your expertise on Radiance."

Rodion pointed off at the Poochyena behind him, before continuing on.

"We've come here because of the recent Shadow Pokémon attacks. We're looking for a way to fight them."
"We also heard the Wandering Light has been sighted here recently, and that she can give Radiance to people," Dave added. "You know anything about that? Is she here, or anywhere nearby?"

He followed Akela's paw to the black and white marble of the floor. "Person who gave me the directions said something about a place for debate?"
Akela smiled kindly at Rodion's direct answer and extended paw. She bowed again, as if to indicate that that was how politeness was shown here.

"Visitors rarely want whole lessons if they have yet to ask," the Lucario remarked, "but I should tell you this much: those that live and study here believe in... the transforming growth of ideas, through conflict and joining together. One idea holds some Truth or Ideal, its opposite clashes with it, and they reconcile as something new."

Dialectics, said something in Dave's brain, as if Betel were offering an alternative, dramatically more succinct translation. The monks believed in dialectics.

"Those that think this way use this ring, which represents that cycle, to practice it themselves. 'Debate', 'battle'... neither is quite accurate. Some call it 'testing', and this word gives a more proper meaning."

Peer review, came the auxiliary translation again, though more hesitant. Figurative, not literal. The monks' ideas had to stand up to examination. They were iterated on, building on ideas that had been 'tested' before.

Akela glanced out again in the direction of the Soja'. Her face creased with thought. Even with the help of Betel's translation, were the ideas she wished to convey simply hard to express briefly in the first place?

"I wonder if you believe that light must defeat darkness," she said, sighing softly. "Have you asked about Radiance because you wish to use it... as a weapon?"
Odette slitted her eyes for a beat. Cryptic descriptions and questions might sometimes call for cryptic answers, but this one felt straightforward.

“I don’t particularly think darkness needs to be defeated,” she said. “Just balanced out.”
"Perhaps. That is one ideal. It may also be true."

Akela nodded, and watched the cable car trundle away towards the north side of the Abbey.

"You may have learned something about Radiance already. Maybe not. Not knowing your people and homelands, I can't know the best way to explain it to you myself. I should tell you this much: Radiance is not the same thing as good. Just as a candle's light may reveal danger or horror in a dark room, so too can Radiance reveal danger and horror in a person. Its effects may be compared to drink... or madness."

Her muzzle melted into a fond smile as she glanced the other way, towards the south side, where the Wayfarers had arrived.

"You met Shira last evening. Maybe you noticed her fearlessness? This is not the same as courage, just as a drunk 'mon is not brave when he picks a fight with someone stronger. Too much light can blind those that carry it – they no longer see their own vulnerability, nor the fine detail of a thing. Please understand this before you chase it any further."

The monk's meaning wasn't hard to decipher. Any number of hotshot adventurers looking for a quick way to get stronger probably came to the Abbey, chasing rumours of light that banishes the dark, or the power of the Saints. Akela didn't know the Wayfarers. She had to ask what kind of people they were, and to trust that they were responsible enough to tell of such things.
Dave squinted at Akela. The monk who'd directed him here had also said something about 'truth' and 'ideals'. Did this religion have some kind of obsession with these two words going on?

"I mean, making it about 'light' versus 'darkness' or whether it represents 'good' or whatever sounds like some fairy tale symbolism bullshit. All I know is there's a shady group kidnapping people who won't be missed and turning them into violent zombie-monsters who then attack and murder anyone they get close to. And I'm told Radiance is something that could be effective against these people, and maybe even cure some of the ones they turned. Provided that's true, then it could be the one thing that can stop a lot of innocent people dying. If it's not, then I'm sorry we wasted your time."
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Akela looked at Dave without showing any offence at his – especially characteristic – response.

"Your way of speaking is unusual even for a citizen of the east," she said, calmly. "I am not, as it is said, 'winding you up'. I can speak plainly when only plain words will be heard."

Was that... a subtle criticism? A joke? Hard to tell, but Akela continued without seeming ruffled.

"Radiance could help you fight these people. There are serious risks in using that power, if you are even able to obtain it to begin with. Still, to prevent innocents dying, or to save them from a callous fate, is worth some risk."

Whether or not Akela knew about Shadow pokémon, she seemed at least to take Dave at his word. Maybe she just had a good sense of when people were being honest. If she'd really met a Legendary, and lived beside an unstable dungeon, perhaps she had a tolerance for strangeness.

"I need to be sure that you understand the form of the risk. Without symbols, then, I shall explain again. Radiance excites the user's most prominent traits and damages their judgement. Whatever your flaws or virtues, they will become larger and more powerful as you wield Radiance, and your restraint will wither. This loss of reasoning is not permanent... but mistakes made in this condition may be."

Akela's eyes asked an unsaid question – do you get it now, stranger?
Dave sighed in irritation. "Yeah, you already said that plenty plainly. There are risks. Impaired judgement. Like you're drunk. I heard you. And then I said okay, cool, but I'm not here because I think it's the happy fun light and goodness magic with no risk attached, I'm here because people are fucking dying. So, can it help them? And if so, are you going to help or not? I don't care if you give the power to me or if you just introduce me to the Wandering Light and we get her to show up. You need us to pass some test or sign a waiver or what?"
Rodion stood there with his arms crossed and his eyes closed, carefully considering Akela's words.

"I think I get it..." he began, opening his eyes again as he looked at Akela. "You want to make sure we don't misuse this power, whether that's because of our intentions or because of the effects Radiance will have on our mental state."

The Buizel paused a moment as he considered his next words.

"… Admittedly I'm not sure how we can prove the latter to you without actually experiencing what using Radiance is like," Rodion said, before a bemused smirk formed on his face. "I mean, I can tell you about how when I get drunk with my friends I'm always the one preventing any fights and making sure things don't get out of hand, but those are just words in the end."
Odette listened to the back and forth, arms crossed and expression neutral. Really, this was coming down to the same song and dance as the last time they discovered a new power, granted with much less “ocean of despair” and stupid fucking bad-at-lying dual headed fuckfaces acting with the same ardor as a fucking serial killer. Still, the cryptic air around the conversation was still there, and she could really do without that. Of course it made sense that these apparent gateways to these powers talked like fucking fortune cookies but shit, could she get a blunt monk at some point? That would be nice.

“I feel like there’s inherent risk in every little thing we do here,” she said. “I don’t think any one of us came here expecting for this Radiance to come easily, whatever that ends up meaning. But with all due respect, there’s probably lives at stake here, so the sooner we can figure out if pursuing this is even enough to help, the better. Please.”
Akela weathered Dave's aggrieved words with patience. Then, nodded agreeably to Rodion's more thoughtful response. She didn't repeat herself – she'd already said that she could help, and explained the nature of the risk in plain language.

"Gaining the power within a short time would mean receiving it from such a one as the Wandering Light, and I can tell you where to look for her. Before that, though," she continued, eyeing Odette, "There is a way to see if you have the potential to wield it successfully."

Akela smiled with a hint of tail-perking enthusiasm, and gestured around her to the floor of the Ring.

"The stone here is taken from the local Mystery Dungeon. It's charged with aura, which gives it many unusual properties and uses. I have some ability to use Radiance – with which the Ring can resonate. This is a means by which you can learn whether the Light will blind you."

Akela's eyes shimmered with a warm light, and the floor pulsed gold from underneath her hindpaws like a raindrop's ripple in a pond. Her paws met as if in prayer.

Akela Radiant Focused.
Akela used Calm Mind.
Akela gained 18 Rad.
The Ring reacted!
Everyone else gained 18 Rad.

"The more a pokémon uses this power, the stronger it becomes," Akela said, her voice thrumming a little, though steadier than Shira's voice had. "The Light can be seductive, even with preparation."
Rodion inspected his body as Radiance washed over him. The light gave him a warm and tingling sensation… but not much else. Or at least, none of the negative side effects that Akela had warned them about.

Perhaps she had only given them a little bit of Radiance so far? He supposed it would make sense to build things up one step at a time. Assuming she was gonna give them more Radiance soon, maybe in the interim it made sense to press Akela about something she’d said earlier.

"So where can we meet the Wandering Light?"
Huh. If there were stones found in dungeons that could spread Radiance to others, could they use something similar to...

Akela's eyes flashed, and a ripple of gold spread over the floor. As it passed under Dave's feet, a pleasant, buzzing warmth spread through him, and he shuddered as it permeated through his flesh.

This was... nice, actually. Just a sort of innocuous, slightly tipsy warm buzz, but with a strange, sharp tinge of clarity. The sort of buzz that'd make you stop overthinking shit, but no loss of coordination. Was that all?

"Feeling fine so far," he said. "So, can this sort of aura-charged stone be brought out of here? Like, say, we bring a large stone, one Radiance user fires off a pulse into while a bunch of other people place their hands on it, and now everyone can use Radiance temporarily? Anything viable there?"
Odette watched, particularly awestruck, as gold rippled through the floor and up around them. But, she wasn't at all braced for it to come back toward her. She braced, probably harsher than she needed to, tensing her shoulders and clenching her jaw as the remnants of Radiance traveled up through the tips of her toes and stopping at the tip of her nose. When she didn't immediately get sick, instead flooded with a light, airy feeling--honestly, not unlike Hau's favorite "Altaria Wing" strain of the devil's lettuce--she relaxed some, exhaling through her nose and letting her shoulders settle.

"I see what you mean," she muttered. She huffed again. "To bounce off Dave's question, on the other hand, is there something about the abbey itself that helps infuse the stone with this power? Something, something holy grounds, maybe?"
Akela smiled warmly. "Curiosity is a virtue. One should answer questions with knowledge."

Another pulse of golden light rippled across the marble underfoot, as the Lucario continued to flare her aura.

Everyone gained 18 Rad.

"You may find transporting dungeon stone into battle to be impractical," cautioned Akela, "but if practicality were no object, then it is not impossible for do what you describe. ...Purely as a thought experiment." She glanced at Odette. "The Abbey itself is only stone and wood and mortar. What makes something sacred, is people."

The monk looked to Rodion, and her smile became strangely playful.

"The Wandering Light told me before she left that she intended to head east when she was rested. Are you quite sure you did not pass her by on your way here?"

Was that... Akela's sense of humour?
The monk looked to Rodion, and her smile became strangely playful.

"The Wandering Light told me before she left that she intended to head east when she was rested. Are you quite sure you did not pass her by on your way here?"

Was that... Akela's sense of humour?

Rodion shot her a playful smirk back "I'm not, but she seemed like one cranky Aggron if so."

More Radiance, more warmth, more of that tingling sensation throughout his body... but not yet uncomfortable.
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