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Obstinea Mountains Swiftwater Library

Chibi Pika

Well-known member
Heartache staff
A short series of switchback paths snaking up the north mountainside from the main garden would reach the library. Compared to the rest of the monastery buildings, the library's walls were noticeably less weathered, the roof tiles conspicuously less sun-faded. It sat alongside one of the many waterfalls of the area, which continuously turned a massive waterwheel, no doubt powering some of the amenities inside.

Towering shelves of smoothly-carved, polished cypress held an endless array of archives both new and old--from classical scrolls, woodcuts, and vellum tomes, to modern books made with a printing press. Flowering plants crept in through open windows, along with the occasional bee. It was equal parts library and museum, with a wing displaying history statues, instruments, and tapestries. The occasional saffron-garbed monk could be seen browsing the shelves, perusing the writings, and a dozen or so benches and cushions near the window offered the perfect spot to get comfortable and while away the afternoon with a book.

Ch04: Scholarly Interest
A Grovyle sat partially-submerged in an enormous cushion in the reading corner. He didn't seem to be dressed in the typical saffron yellow that the monks wore--most likely a guest at the abbey, then. The early-morning sun hadn't reached the window, leaving the corner relatively shaded, though he didn't appear to mind--his yellow eyes were firmly fixed on the book he was reading, turning pages at a regular rate. A tattered cloak, belt, and supply pouch sat on the stone floor next to the cushion.

He seemed pretty absorbed in his reading. And this early, too--had he been reading all night?
Their night's stay had given Laura a deep, dreamless sleep, and she'd accepted a modest breakfast from the monks – a warm bowl of mountain oat porridge, sweetened with honey from the Abbey apiary. With the morning sun pouring through the dormitory halls, she'd shaken off her fatigue in surprisingly little time, and found both her mind and her hindpaws wandering.

She wandered, in the end, on the other side of the Abbey, crossing by cable car – past a stunning, expansive view of western Luctemar's interior – and walking silently past polite pokémon in saffron sashes (Eldegoss, Oricorio, Claydol, Wartortle...) to find herself entering Swiftwater Library. Her mouth twitched into a smile at the sight and sound of rushing water propelling a simple pre-modern turbine, and sniffer the air.

She detected many scents – incense, the books themselves, unfamiliar pokémon, a blown lightbulb of all things (being replaced by a dutiful Golett monk), a pokémon she recognised... Grass-type, lizard, familiar somehow...


She padded forward, and leaned against the window frame. Yeah, this was the same Grovyle she'd met in the Sanctum of Wishes not long ago.

"What're you doing here?" she asked, trying to sound casual and friendly.
The pursuit of knowledge, or maybe enlightenment. For Aige, it was little more than an excruciating death march to madness.

She would never say that though. She had little ground to stand on in terms of expecting the impossible, but still she found herself wondering about things she couldn't put into words.

The Roggenrola had found the library after a period of searching, realizing rather quickly that she had no clue what she was even searching for. Nearby was Laura talking to a Grovyle she seemed to recognize. Aige wasn't acquainted in the slightest, but nonetheless she hung nearby. In the back of her head, she hoped that maybe the Meowth would find out where to start reading.
Ralsen looked up from his book and took a moment to identify where the voice had come from. His eyes fell on the silver-furred Meowth, then lit up with recognition.

"Ah, Laura, right?" he said, slipping a bookmark in between the pages he'd been reading. "I'd heard that more guests arrived last night. What brings your group to Obstine Abbey?"
He remembered her as well, then.

"Yeah, we met in Frontier Town," she said, wondering how much to say, how to answer... "We heard the monks here know about Radiance – that's something that might be... Well, do you know about the Shadow pokémon?"

She swallowed, and bit her lip. Not off to a good start.

"There's some sinister stuff going on back in the Soja', and we're looking for anything that could help deal with it. Maybe even meet this 'Wandering Light' who's apparently been seen around here. We... We talked about Legendaries last time we met, didn't we? Is that why you're here? Looking for one?"
The Grovyle's eyes were alert, attentive. "I've heard rumors of demons in the desert. I take it they're more than just rumors, then?"

He shut the book he'd been reading and set it on the side table before extracting himself from the cushion. "Myself, I came here to see what I can learn of the abbey's history--that's my field of study, after all." He put a clawed hand to his chest. "But, as it happens, while I've been here, I've taken an interest in studying the Light as well. The monks have allowed me to attend some of their meditation sessions, though I admit I haven't made any practical headway--not that anyone would expect to in only a week, of course," he added with a chuckle.
Laura nodded, her gaze moving from Ralsen to the rest of the library.

"We've had a few encounters," she said. She'd rather be laconic about that for the moment.

So, Ralsen was here to study? He certainly seemed to have the temperament for it.

"Everyone keeps saying that you can't just get the knack of Radiance," Laura remarked. "Apparently most of the monks never really get the hang of it at all, and it's unusual to develop any control of it." She grinned, it only now occurring to her that Shira's teenage talent would probably be infuriating to someone who'd spent a lifetime trying to develop the ability. "I take it you don't intend to spend years here learning to use it?"

A part of her imagined attending a meditation session and – just like that – learning to wield elemental Light. Anti-Shadow. Couldn't hurt to give it a try. Maybe she'd be another prodigy. Supposedly humans did have special strength on this world... Or maybe they'd find this 'Luz'.
“…Well, let’s hope it won’t take literal years to ‘catch this light’.” A soft chuckle followed. “I’m not really interested in growing old and bored, only to learn a few flashy tricks!”

Pop! From around the corner of a bookshelf emerged the now-Sneasel’s head, staring at the other teammates and the new acquaintance. He had been wandering around the library since early in the morning, looking for whatever useful information he could find, but got curious when he heard some familiar voices and decided to follow them.

He turned to the Grovyle and waved his paw, smiling neutrally. “Hi, name’s Silver,” he greeted, before adding with narrowed eyes, “And before you ask, no, I’m not named after my fur or the river.”

The now-Sneasel crossed his arms and shot an intrigued stare at the Grovyle, once he got close enough to the group.

“So! Ralsen, was it? Well, what d’you learn so far ‘bout this place and the stuff monks do? If you’re fine with sharing your findings, of course.”
The corners of Ralsen's mouth curled slightly. "Yes, they certainly want to avoid giving the wrong idea. And I was never under the impression that I'd be able to use it myself. But the power of the Saints and Nobles was too fascinating to pass up a chance to get a bit of hands-on learning, even if it's just in the meditative sense." He put a knuckle to his chin, pensive. "Unfortunately, it seems that I arrived just too late to meet the Wandering Light myself."

Ralsen nodded to Silver as the latter arrived and introduced himself. "My understanding's only surface-level, really. You'd have better luck speaking directly with one of the masters. But it's my understanding that drawing on the Light is to draw on oneself in an uninhibited state. No longer held back by the restraints placed either by oneself or by those around them. The purest representation of one's drive." He smiled, a bit sheepish. "They'll be quick to point out that it's not all positive."

The morning sun had finally crept in through the window, and the Grovyle held up an arm so that its rays fell on his leaves, highlighting the tiny vascular lines crisscrossing within.

"I hope to better understand myself with their teachings, even if I'm never able to draw on the Light as a physical property."
So, they'd just missed Luz? Too bad. Laura nodded, waving a little greeting to Silver, and making a mental note to ask after Luz' movements.

"I wonder if all the monastery stuff – meditation, contemplation, etc. – is not to try and become more able to use Radiance, but better-suited to its use. If it kills your inhibition, then I suppose you'd better hope what's underneath your inhibitions is something you want to have that kind of power."

She looked out of the window Ralsen had sat beside, and felt a little breath leave her at the sight of the dawn-dappled Obstinea Mountains, stretching out across the world's back.

"Not a bad place to do it..." she mused. "Wouldn't blame anyone for staying a while. Having said that, you got a destination in mind after this?"
Silver snorted, displeased by the news, and rolled his eyes. ‘Hooray, the Wandering Light is gone! Yet another bummer to add to an endless pile of bummers!’ He dismissed his annoyance with a quick shrug. ‘Oh well, whatever! It’s been a refreshing breath of new air, anyway. Kinda felt like one of those Trainer School trips.’

"My understanding's only surface-level, really. You'd have better luck speaking directly with one of the masters. But it's my understanding that drawing on the Light is to draw on oneself in an uninhibited state. No longer held back by the restraints placed either by oneself or by those around them. The purest representation of one's drive." He smiled, a bit sheepish. "They'll be quick to point out that it's not all positive."

Ah! That was interesting intel! Silver’s ears twitched in intrigue, and he tilted his head.

“Hmm, yeah, I think I gotcha. Someone’s drive can either be the biggest strength to achieve greatness and growth, or the biggest weakness that’ll lead to downfall and disasters — for oneself or others. If left unchecked, far too many goal-driven folks would choose to do something just because they can, without stopping to think if they should.”

A pair of cruel red eyes briefly flashed into his mind, like an illusory phantom from the darkest corner of his memories. Silver shook his head to remove that mental image.

“…And if someone has great willpower and an oversized ego, they’re far more willing to do things they shouldn’t.”

"I wonder if all the monastery stuff – meditation, contemplation, etc. – is not to try and become more able to use Radiance, but better-suited to its use. If it kills your inhibition, then I suppose you'd better hope what's underneath your inhibitions is something you want to have that kind of power."

Silver glanced at Laura, a soft hum slipping through his lips. “Hm? You mean by learning ‘bout stuff like self-restraint and self-discipline?”

That wasn’t a foreign concept to Silver. Monks and sages all around Johto taught similar lessons, too, to better learn how to control someone’s impulses and instincts.

“…Yeah, it seems like that kinda power requires plenty of self-awareness and self-control. Or… power in general, really. It can be stupidly easy to get blinded by its appeal.” He smirked mischievously. “It sure never hurts to learn ‘bout that stuff! Heck, maybe doing so will also help with the… antithesis of Radiance, if you catch my drift!”
Lyle popped out from behind a bookcase had kinda just been distracted for much of the time since coming into the library just talking with Silver and soaking in with the scenery, he supposed that getting floored by his surroundings was a bit of a trend with this abbey at this rate. Lyle wasn't sure what to make of this stranger who was apparently there in the library with them, or what the story was between him and Laura was since they seemed to know each other somehow. He thought of asking what the story was between them, but figured that it was best to not turn things into a social hour since they did come here to learn about Radiance.

“…Yeah, it seems like that kinda power requires plenty of self-awareness and self-control. Or… power in general, really. It can be stupidly easy to get blinded by its appeal.” He smirked mischievously. “It sure never hurts to learn ‘bout that stuff! Heck, maybe doing so will also help with the… antithesis of Radiance, if you catch my drift!”

"Blinded by its appeal"? Lyle supposed he'd heard of power going to people's heads, but wasn't Radiance supposed to be an unequivocally good power? It was more or less specifically made to counter Shadows, wasn't it?

"Wait, but what would there be to get blinded about for this power?" he asked. "If it's the antithesis of whatever power is making those Shadow Pokémon that is removing their inhibitions, isn't it a bit weird that Radiance would also do the same but in another direction?"
Ralsen's eyes lit up at Laura's hypothesis. "That's exactly right. To know yourself is to know how to control one's own nature, especially in the face of something that would lift one's inhibitions."

Ralsen didn't seem too fazed by the Cyndaquil popping up suddenly from behind the nearest shelf. The Grovyle listened to Lyle's words with a curious expression.

"I can't say I'm too familiar with 'Shadow,'" he replied with a shrug. "But if Shadow and Light really are equal and opposite, then I'd say it's not weird at all. Any great power could blind those who seek it for power's sake." He nodded toward Silver, as if referring to the sort of person that Silver had just described--someone who would choose to do something just because they could.

"So, you'll find that the monk's teachings are indeed more to do with self-restraint and self-discipline, and less to do with flashy powers. Though you may have seen that Charmeleon girl around--the acolyte prodigy. I'm sure she'd be willing to demonstrate the more 'dramatic' side of the Light in battle," Ralsen added with a chuckle.

The Grovyle stretched for a moment--he really must have been sitting in the reading corner for a long while--and then moved to return the book he'd been reading to its shelf. "In any case... while this library is a fantastic resource for my archaeology studies, there's another location around here that I haven't gotten the chance to visit, which is a lot more intriguing to me."
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Laura gave a nod of acknowledgement to Lyle, then frowned as his assessment of Shadow and Radiance. Ralsen addressed the Radiant side of the matter, to which she listened before speaking up herself.

"I don't get the impression Shadow-type energy removes inhibitions," she ventured, audibly skeptical,"unless you reckon everyone's raring to lash out and fight at all times if not for their inhibitions...? From what I've seen—" and felt "—Shadow draws out 'negative' emotions and amplifies them over all other feelings. Fear, for instance, or anger, sorrow, and so on. The things that... cut you off from others."

She recalled what Powehi had said in that dream they'd all shared. Pain. Despair. Grief.

"I get the impression Radiance working in the other direction could take something 'positive' like... wanting to save someone, or do something fun, and amplify that to the point of it becoming unsafe. More so if it numbs your fear and pain the way Shadow numbs joy..."

She shook her head. Talking about Shadow always gave her a creeping dread.

"Uh, right. Ralsen. You said something about another location you've taken an interest in?"
The Grovyle gestured a claw around the library, and its overall unblemished walls and shelves. Time had certainly not taken near as much a toll on it as the rest of the abbey...

"They told me that this library was completed relatively recently. The previous library fell into disrepair around 20 years ago. But it technically still exists, even if it's no longer very accessible." His eyes glinted with intrigue. "It was swallowed up by the Templefall Caverns."
Silver held back a quiet chuckle, but his slightly exposed fangs still showed his lighthearted mirth. It seemed like that Grovyle really liked books — if his fatigued eyes were any proof — so what would make a bookworm more excited than some lost library brimming with arcane and ancient knowledge?

While he couldn’t claim that books brought him as much joy as some good tussle, he still kinda enjoyed reading texts and looking for valuable information to help him with his goals. After all, knowledge is another form of power!

“Well, then, enlighten us! What d’you know about this library swallowed by caverns?” he asked, his ears fully raised and aimed at Ralsen, showing interest. “What should we expect to find in that place? Some valuable ancient wisdom? Traps to keep the overly curious and unworthy away? Or… what?”
Laura blew a short laugh out of her nose. "I take it that's the local Mystery Dungeon, then? Couple decades ago... that'd be during the Entropic Crisis, then."

She'd been reading up on history when she got a chance, and the Entropic Crisis was what people called the spread and growth of dungeons about twenty-five or so years ago, which Jesse Stranger had supposedly been summoned to solve. He had, along with his partner Sierra, but not until after dungeons up and down the Soja' had swallowed everything from regional ecosystems to entire small towns.

For the benefit of the other Wayfarers present, she briefly explained all this, as succinctly as she could.

"So... there must be a reason why the monks haven't just recovered all the books already," she added, querying Ralsen. "Are they even legible, or does the distortion ruin them?"
Ralsen gestured with both palms up. "The monks of course have done their best to recover the lost tomes over the years, but it's slow-going when the dungeon gets angry if you try to take too much out all at once. You can try to copy the writings down, but it's hard to get very far while fending off dungeon apparitions, and if you stay too long, you risk getting disoriented and waking up outside, and it's slim chance you'd ever find the same book after the cavern rearranged itself."

The Grovyle held a claw to his chin. "Still, all that said, I'd still love to take a look for myself and see what I could find. Writings from hundreds of years ago... there may even be firsthand accounts of the Saints hidden away in those caverns. Unfortunately, I must admit that I'm not much of a dungeoner," he added, a bit sheepish.
“It sure sucks that scanners and digital cameras haven’t been invented yet. That’d make things so much easier…” mumbled Silver whisperingly, glancing briefly at the other former human with a meaningful gaze. Shrugging casually, he focused once more on Ralsen.

“Well! I’d say you’re in luck! There are a few teammates of ours who have experience with dungeons — like Sprigatito Felin — so if you need some backup to check out those places,” he flashed a smug smirk, “then just say the word! I wouldn’t mind exploring those places, either, and myself and others can help keep those figments of the dungeon’s imagination at bay!”
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