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Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

The calls had reached Grace, and it, along with her own steady breaths, she managed to calm herself down enough while they fled to safety. Her eyes had lost that radiant glow, and she seemed a lot more lucid with each second.

She had to focus. The team needed her to keep it together...!

The togetic clutched her head with a paw once, trying to piece together what they'd just seen and apparently heard. She'd helped Owen. She'd made an impact!

If she could just get stronger...

If she'd just been stronger...

"Mhynt..." Grace finally said, her voice gentle, but pained. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more. I... I'll do better..."

Then her eyes settled on Odette. "Um... I don't know about everyone here, but... are you hughman? Um... I didn't hear him cry for help... but maybe it's like how I can understand Purple and Leaf can't...?"
Mhynt gratefully took the canteen, emptying about a quarter of it all at once. She handed the rest to Astrid and nodded. "Thank you," she whispered. "I'm... I'll be fine."

She looked at Odette, though, during her rant. Owen had been calling for help? She hadn't heard a thing...

"You sound positive... and I don't think you were infected with anything special. If you were, why weren't we?" She shook her head. "What's... different about you compared to all of us? All I heard was him... speaking in feral chirps again. He's... formerly feral. He might have resorted to that, but... I don't see how that means anything."

Grace's theory held some water, but it had no proof. They knew too little. "Is Odette the only human here?" she said, glancing at the others for confirmation. "Hmm... that might be it..."

The ground rumbled...

Behind the Wayfarers, Twilight Quarry darkened further. And then...


A squadron, slowly yet endlessly growing, emerged from the Dungeon.

"NO!" Mhynt cried. "They can't leave Dungeons! They can't! How are they--" She was already on her feet again. They didn't have the numbers for this. They'd die head-on against them. But if they fled, and they followed, what would...?
Grace yelped, and jumped into the air. "They're coming!" she cried, quickly wracking her brain for a solution. "U-Um, I could explode with Radiance all over them? It'd give you all a chance to get away! Um... i-if they don't follow us all the way back to town, at least...." she tapped her paws together quickly, already focused on building up Radiance again.

"I don't mind doing this for all of you."
No, that theory couldn't be right. Though she had kept the fact close to her chest - none of the Wayfarers except Koa knew - Bellatrix had not understood what the charmeleon had said despite being human herself. She was just about to point it out before the dungeon behind them had other plans.

"There will be no exploding with anything," Bellatrix responded curtly. "Create distance, see how well they can sustain themselves outside the limits of their dungeon and then decide if it is worth fighting or fleeing. We may as well use Betel's network to call for further backup if it is required."
Blinking, she considered the hypothesis. She hadn't thought about it, but was she the only human here? She didn't really know anybody in the particular group too well, save for Bellatrix. But she couldn't even remember if Bellatrix had mentioned she was human or not. Going on hypotheticals, perhaps she was the lone human...

"But...why would that make a difference? Wouldn't that make me less susceptible to understanding what he's saying?"

She wracked her brain for an additional explanation. Charmeleon were fire types, and back home, she could sort of understand fire types, thanks to Ange. But would that kind of language understanding transfer to another world?

She didn't have much time to dwell on it before more shadows burst from the dungeon, sending her scrambling to her feet in a defensive position. She set up to shoot again, but stopped when the togetic geared up to play hero and self-destruct herself.

"Are you fucking crazy?" she spat, eyes not moving off the incoming threat. "Radiance was barely holding them off in there, what is killing yourself using it going to do out here? We need the numbers, and we don't need anybody sacrificing themselves so stupidly."

Nodding toward Bellatrix, she began to inch backward, gun raised. "Agreed. Fall back, and stay alert."
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"Haah, always something to surprise us," Aige said, "We could always lure them away somewhere- considering the shadows specifically said they were instructed to stay in place." She made a low noise. "The potential for collateral fallout is too high though."

The Roggenrola glanced over at Grace. "Self sacrifice is unnecessary. But the thought is appreciated."
Mhynt nodded. "We need to go, Grace."

The Wayfarers were already on the move, though they took advantage of their head start to fire a few wayward Radiance blasts behind them. Powder Snow, Dazzling Gleam -- it seemed to slow them down considerably, even as their numbers bulged.

"Numbers..." Mhynt repeated Odette's words. "I think... I think I know what we can try. But we have to run... to town! Or... anywhere out in the open--let's try to contact Betel and the others!"
He should have gone. Koa hadn't been able to stop worrying about the group from the moment they left. Better off without him, he'd told himself. But he wished he'd gone anyway. Still, knew trying to follow them in alone was a fools errand, so he'd taken up watch outside not long after they entered.

Just as he was beginning to think he was worrying for nothing, the group emerged. Pursued by a swarm of Shadows. Koa was halfway to his paws, already charging toward them when the call came from Betel's network. As he ran he anxiously scanned the group. Everyone was accounted for.

The familiar sizzle of Radiance gathered in his pelt. As he drew near he fired off several radiant charged bolts of electricity to slow the horde down, then fell in step alongside the group, closer to the back to drive off any shadows.

"I'm here," he called between breaths. "What's the plan?"
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No? No blowing up? The team urged her onwards, and Grace wanted to follow them. They didn't want her to make a sacrifice, which meant that she had to support the others as best she could.

Grace's wings were starting to feel tired as she kept up with the others. She knew that she couldn't let the darkness catch up to her, or... they'd get her.

It hadn't quite occurred to her that Mhynt had called for backup-- not until Koa had arrived and struck their pursuers. "We need to fight them back, or they'll follow us to town! Let's find a good spot to stop and strike while they're out of the dungeon!"
"We still need more numbers," Mhynt shouted. "Look at it!" Even as she ran, she gestured behind her. They were slow, but they were numerous. A whole storm of Void Shadows...

"The others are coming." She nodded at Koa, who seemed to have been watching from outside as backup. "But right now, we can't do anything... Not yet. Let's run, and then fight them once they're further from the Dungeon."
She had to help them.

"Okay, I've got something to help us!" yelled Grace.

As she flew, she focused on the the familiar energy of Metronome again, wiggling one of her paws as she thought about the technique she was after. She'd seen flying mons do it before, conjuring winds from nowhere that seemed to make themselves and their allies faster.

And then... those around her felt an encouraging wind urge them onwards. "We can do this! Just keep running!" she encouraged.
Bellatrix was already well on her way. "Ensure they do not get too close to the town," she yelled, sending another message across the communications to draw further attention to the matter at hand. With no further breath to spare, she sent a quick, telepathic message to the newly arrived electrike. "Expect to see your drapion soon, Koa. It was among the shadows that chased us out. Perhaps you may be able to do something about it now."
His pelt tingled with excitement but he carefully reigned in his hope. Drapion... And Owen likely too. Could any of them be rescued? Not only would it be a blow to Alex's plans, but he could free some. Help save pokemon.

"Thank you. I'll keep my eyes open."

His mind raced as he tried to plan what he could do. Maybe if he could stun some of the shadows once they'd been weakened they could be rescued. As he ran he scanned the crowd again. Not yet, but if a moment arose to save some, he'd have to be ready.
Archie's imminent arrival was first announced by the jet of water streaking across the landscape. As it approached the group, the Dewott himself erupted out of it, one paw holding his hat in place, the other already grabbing for one of his scalchops. He did his best to quickly take stock of the situation, already having to break into a run to keep up with the moving group. Koa and Odette. Bellatrix and Mhynt. Two others he wasn't especially familiar with. And in the distance behind them, a mess of writhing shadow.

"Came as fast as I could," the Dewott said, panting slightly, "What's the plan?"
"The plan is to keep running until the rest arrive," Mhynt said. "It's short notice, but--"

She glanced behind her. Sixth senses told her to dodge, primal instincts alerting her to things her conscious mind was only aware of after the fact. She'd narrowly dodged a Shadowy blast.

"We can't let thyem get to down... but we can't fight as we are. Just--hurry!"

Behind them, the swarm had thinned some as they got further from the Dungeon, but the dark masses were still led by the crazed Charmeleon. And, just behind him, two Void Shadows... seemed to retain their form more than the rest.

They could see town on the horizon. That was good and bad. Soon, they'd need a change in strategy... but they'd at least bought some time to think.

As the sun set, casting long shadows on the Wayfarers, they made it to the outskirts of town...

[Ch06] The Usurper King's Darkness ~ Part 2: Sleuthing the Quarry
Just outside Twilight Quarry, Mhynt and a small team of Wayfarers met together for one final debriefing. They hid behind a rock--not very glamorous, but effective--to discuss all they knew and all they'd uncovered during their stakeout.

It had been about a half-day of observations, but it would have to do. The sun was no longer at its hottest, but sunset was still at least two hours away.

"We are not equipped for a full-on raid," Mhynt reminded them, "but we can scout for information with one final dive. We're looking for two keys: One, how Alexander travels--and confirming if he can also traverse Dungeons--and, two, if there are any chips, patterns, or other weak points in his Shadow possession of others, Wayfarer or otherwise.

"Before we go in, let's go over one last time what everyone can do. I'll start. If we lose our Escape Orbs, I can Teleport as many of us out as possible. My knowledge about Shadows back home--and at least being able to guess how Alexander may do the same--is secondary help."
"Well, I've got a lot of techniques handy, so if there's anything in particular anyone wants to try, I can help," Grace said to everyone with a soft smile. "Though... I want to save some of my energy for healing just in case something like last time happens..." said the togetic as she fluttered close to the ground to avoid being spotted in the air.

"Mhynt... how close can we get before we should be worried about Owen or the dungeon spotting us...?"
Nova was fiddling with his bag. He produced a pink disk and inserted it into his cheek bolt, which shut with a hydraulic click. Pink overtook the turquoise blue in his feathers and glowing parts.

"Psychic's... risky, given who we're dealing with," he whispered. Nova had no idea if the dungeon could hear them at this range and didn't want to take chances. "But it might help me sense auras before anyone can get the jump on us. Or sense if there's a waypoint or something." He nudged his back. "I brought the fairy drive, too, but I'd need someone to cover me so I can switch."

His crest drooped. "Got some helpful info from Sybil, but it was too last-minute to put it to use here. Maybe for the next trip..." Nova was very much assuming there'd be a next trip.
"I'm not sure," Mhynt admitted to Grace. "Owen's range seemed to be a lot shorter here than it is back home. We have that to our advantage. But beyond that... I think if we can see his individual claws, we're probably too close. At least we know where he usually is--that... pit. Nova, if you can out-range that with your detection, perhaps we could avoid him.

"I'm not sure about the Dungeon itself detecting us, but... perhaps not. It would have reacted a lot earlier otherwise. We must have dived too deep into his base the last time. Dave could also help us by tracking down some scents. We got some of Owen's belongings--Dave has a good read on it by now, yes? Either way..." She looked skyward. "Let's try to leave before sunset. Can't risk fleeing at night when not all of us have good vision in the dark."
"Anyone bring any quick seeds?" Nova mused. "Maybe they can make the trek faster..."
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