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Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

Grace just wanted to go before Alexander came after them. Surely it wouldn't take him long to see his gigantic pet Owen gone, and detect the fleeing non-Shadows leaving his realm?

She sucked in a breath and channelled a radiant life dew in her paw. "Mister Giovanni, sir, I can help soothe Shadows with this. I know Owen is super duper corrupted, but, I want to try. I won't be a bother."
Mhynt had noticed Nova's signal, but then saw Grace's proposal. She would... be a much better fit than she ever would. Wincing, Mhynt stayed quiet.

Giovanni didn't seem to notice Mhynt's gestures and stared instead at Grace. "If you're certain you can help him... of course. You may stay for the night, but don't expect cozy accommodations. Now... would you like to get going?"

Red appeared with the bag and offered various simple Poke Balls, some of them already tethered to a Wayfarer from before.
Grace nodded, then glanced at Mhynt. "You should rest, then you can see him. If Alexander can't find Giovanni's hide out, then Owen's safe. We'll make sure of it."
Oh, great. Lovely. Best news he had heard all day. The King Ghidorah wannabe had returned home, and Silver had no doubt they would soon be the main course of his menu.

The exit to the entrance was so close, and yet it felt so far. The freezing sensation that coiled around his mind felt so horribly familiar. The cold glare of a power-driven woman, staring down at him with those emotionless, calculating red eyes. He was nothing more than yet another pawn, which we wanted to bend to her own will…

However, Silver was quickly dragged out of his mind and back to reality by Owen bursting out of his Ultra Ball again, darkening the atmosphere considerably. The Sneasel groaned loudly, both physically and mentally exhausted.

“Dammit! Not now!” he hissed, pouring more venom into his claws. Why couldn’t that Charizard get the freaking clue and stay put?

But before he could try to stun Owen again, someone very familiar had appeared to handle the situation, and Silver’s eyes widened in shock. In his frenzied half-dazed and half-shadowed state, he couldn’t stop himself from muttering a surprised, “Father…?”

Realizing what he just said, he coughed in his claws to try to hide his blunder and quickly backtracked with a louder, “I mean—Giovanni! For once I’m glad to see you here!”

He shot a wary look at his surroundings, his ears and tail-feathers flicking in alarm, then let out a loud snort.

“Well, how ‘bout we have this kinda chitchat when we’re far away from this hellhole? And if you want someone to accompany Giovanni for extra reassurance,” he stared intently at the Mewtwo, his gaze stoic but determined, “then I’ll go, too!”
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"We can check in on him first thing tomorrow morning."

Nova handed Owen's ball to Grace. Then he headed up to his ultra ball and booped the button with his beak to recall himself. The weightlessness would hopefully help stave off the inevitable soreness from what had just happened.
"Welcome," he said quietly to Dave. He couldn't wait to put this whole incident behind him.

A sinking dread came over Koa at Giovanni's proposal. No choice, again. They had to trust Giovanni. He had to trust Giovanni. If Ein got away again... He glanced at Silver, then dropped Ein's pokeball and rolled it towards Giovanni and Red.

"I'll go too," he said quietly. "If thats okay. It's not just Owen, there's a Manectric named Ein, and I don't want him to escape," he growled. He started forwards, then paused. "Mhynt..." he said quietly. "Maybe Owen needs a familiar face."

Somewhere in the back of his mind he couldn't help but be amused by how much this was beginning to sound like the worlds most awkward sleepover.
Really? No one else disliked this? Well, what-the-fuck-ever. Just a crime boss from another world in the body of a destructive mutant, but he was nice now, supposedly.

"Sorry, are you proposing you put us in balls and then haul us off and then pinkie-promise to let us out in Frontier Town?" Granted, he was about to melt into a fucking puddle, and it would be nice to not have to walk. But on the other hand, what the fuck.
"I believe you've already seen some proof of how easy it is to escape if you needed to," Giovanni said coolly, holding Owen's ball a little higher. "Of course, you could also fly with my partner and I. I can go over my findings of the power of friendship with you."
Silver cleared his throat loudly, his foot tapping anxiously and impatiently. “Hey! Little friendly reminder that we have literal hell demons chasing us and a dragon who’d be all too happy to make us join his twisted family if he were to find us!”

Speaking of, it surprised him that the shadows hadn’t caught up with them yet. Huh, adrenaline and panic are one heck of a speed boost!

“If our choices are joining those brainwashed fellas,” he pointed at the churning darkness, “or getting inside a ball,” he pointed at the Poké Balls and fished his own sphere, identifiable by a tiny silver sticker, “then ball doesn’t sound like such a bad deal, no?”

And without hesitation, he tapped the ball on his head, letting himself be sucked inside and drop back into the pile.
"I believe you've already seen some proof of how easy it is to escape if you needed to," Giovanni said coolly, holding Owen's ball a little higher. "Of course, you could also fly with my partner and I. I can go over my findings of the power of friendship with you."
On the one hand, it was tempting to immediately pop out of existence and stop dealing with any of this. On the other hand, if this was how it was going to be, it was about time he got to judge this fucking guy for himself, instead of squinting at every bizarre third-person report about him. “…Sure. Power of friendship it is.”
Giovanni chuckled in his usual, sinister way. "Of course. I'll be happy to share my findings with someone. You appear to be... knowledgeable in the field of science."

His eyes glowed, and suddenly Dave was floating, while everyone else had been withdrawn and carried by Red. They flew from the Quarry, leaving it behind, and getting a haul twice as big as they'd been expecting...

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