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Sojaveña Wilds Twilight Quarry

"I have a hypothesis. You're only saying that because you couldn't beat me at your best if you wanted to."

"You're a child," barked Ein. But his voice wavered. A child should be a pushover, and yet...

Koa's punches, Mhynt's blades, shockwaves from eardrum-battering meteor blasts. It was too much. He was stronger, but they were much stronger, and outnumbered him, and had that caustic light—

The Electrike's Radiant attack pulsed gold, and Ein's imminent tirade of derision – and volley of counter-attacks – was cut off as his body seized up.

"Don't have the nerve to kill me?" he taunted, his sclera turning black with seething Shadow.

She disappeared in a flash of light; an instant later, she completed her throw... from behind Ein, her true target.

Ein's face held solid shape long enough for his eyes and mouth to fix in a disgusted glare of cold malice, and then his body melted into captive aura. The capsule shook, and shook again...

...and with a hollow clang, it sealed shut.
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