• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

    Guests are not able to post messages or even read certain areas of the forums. Now, that's boring, don't you think? Registration, on the other hand, is simple, completely free of charge, and does not require you to give out any personal information at all. As soon as you register, you can take part in some of the happy fun things at the forums such as posting messages, voting in polls, sending private messages to people and being told that this is where we drink tea and eat cod.

    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Is there anyone else still here?

Honestly I don't think Discord is even maliciously out killing forums. Forums were declining before Discord got popular - the main thing is most people use big social media sites or apps to socialize online these days, rather than seeking out independent websites. But also, the live chat element of chat clients like Discord did sort of outcompete forums for the niche interest spaces, once they had decent organization features: quicker, shorter messages, more instant gratification with immediate reactions and responses, etc. I love forums, but even I can feel my brain getting more out of the everyday socialization drive with live discussions.

Which is a shame, because as you note, it's a lot more convenient for the internet as a whole when helpful information exists in places like forums, where search engines can index it. I'm still devoted to maintaining my website as an actual, searchable website with a proper menu and most all the content that's ever been on it still there, and it's very important to me that that means the info on it is searchable and will continue to be there and work. Community management was never my main passion, though, unfortunately, and then I basically thoroughly burnt out on it some years ago for various reasons, so I don't quite have the drive to be here personally trying to fight the times to keep the forum discussion going.

Always enjoy when we do get a thread that actually generates some talk, though!
Reddit has some responsibility for killing forums too, although discord is worse because it's not indexed by search engines. Back in the day you could google some hobbyist like game modding and find a guide written on a forum that's viewable on the open web. These days all those forums just point towards a discord community, so one discord goes down it's lost forever without any wayback machine archives (and searching on discord is a pain, too).
This. There are still forum posts from 10-20 years ago that can help answer some questions even now, and can be found with a quick Google search, that is if the forum is lucky enough to still be around. But we're in the future now, why should something so simple be harder to do?
Because it's the future, everything has to be overcomplicated in the future!
Honestly I don't think Discord is even maliciously out killing forums. Forums were declining before Discord got popular - the main thing is most people use big social media sites or apps to socialize online these days, rather than seeking out independent websites. But also, the live chat element of chat clients like Discord did sort of outcompete forums for the niche interest spaces, once they had decent organization features: quicker, shorter messages, more instant gratification with immediate reactions and responses, etc. I love forums, but even I can feel my brain getting more out of the everyday socialization drive with live discussions.
I get your point, but the thing is that different means of socialization work better for different people. Being an introvert with ADHD I find being in a chatroom with a bunch of strangers pitching in several quick messages at once to be very overwhelming, and even with the organization features Discord servers still just feel very messy and chaotic to me. I find forum discussion much easier to manage and take at my own pace, and I can stay on only specific topics that I actually care about. For me, live chat is only good to do with friends and usually just one-on-one, just as I would talk with someone in real life. This is why I mentioned in an earlier post that I wish there were more options for people with diverse interests and needs, but unfortunately these days we live in a very conformist age. It's ironic when there are all these big groups and coorporations preaching about "accepting everyone" and yet more often than not they end up promoting the opposite mentalility, but I guess that's a whole different discussion.
Honestly I don't think Discord is even maliciously out killing forums. Forums were declining before Discord got popular - the main thing is most people use big social media sites or apps to socialize online these days, rather than seeking out independent websites. But also, the live chat element of chat clients like Discord did sort of outcompete forums for the niche interest spaces, once they had decent organization features: quicker, shorter messages, more instant gratification with immediate reactions and responses, etc. I love forums, but even I can feel my brain getting more out of the everyday socialization drive with live discussions.
I get your point, but the thing is that different means of socialization work better for different people. Being an introvert with ADHD I find being in a chatroom with a bunch of strangers pitching in several quick messages at once to be very overwhelming, and even with the organization features Discord servers still just feel very messy and chaotic to me. I find forum discussion much easier to manage and take at my own pace, and I can stay on only specific topics that I actually care about. For me, live chat is only good to do with friends and usually just one-on-one, just as I would talk with someone in real life. This is why I mentioned in an earlier post that I wish there were more options for people with diverse interests and needs, but unfortunately these days we live in a very conformist age. It's ironic when there are all these big groups and coorporations preaching about "accepting everyone" and yet more often than not they end up promoting the opposite mentalility, but I guess that's a whole different discussion.
Not just this, but Discord and forums are designed with two entirely different depths of discussion in mind. You can't make a particular thread about so-and-so that has dozens, if not hundreds of people replying to it over the course of its lifespan on Discord. Sure, you can bring these things up within particular channels, but don't expect people to actually engage with what you want to talk about in any meaningful capacity beyond a few brief replies at the most.

Discord's good for brief, generalized discussions. Like, for example, a server dedicated to posting updates and allowing those who are interested to talk about a particular mod for a video game. But forums are for more in-depth communication, and the internet is sorely lacking in the latter nowadays since it just seems like a lot of modern day community managers just want to be lazy and dumb things down by boxing everything into ultra-specific, easily managed topics. Though just how "easy to manage" that really is varies from person-to-person.

Once again, it boils down to "Chat Program" vs. "Message Board".

...I'm pretty sure I just repeated my last post on the subject.
Funny how this seems to be the most active thread on here in a while that isn't Heartache RPG-related. I guess the key to generating some discussion on here was to rant about the lack of such. Haha.
I feel like that's been the gist of most of the somewhat active threads we've had in the last couple of years.

I said before that I miss when you could google information and you used to get forums discussing it. Maybe the secret to getting activity here again is to encourage that kind of posting. Maybe I should make threads about pokemon glitches I've been reading about in-depth.
Funny how this seems to be the most active thread on here in a while that isn't Heartache RPG-related. I guess the key to generating some discussion on here was to rant about the lack of such. Haha.
Well, that's certainly giving me a heartache. Reject RPGs, embrace traditional forum contribution. And people getting angry = more discussion, a tale on the internet as old as the internet itself! Half-Jokes aside, I never thought this little inquiry of mine would become one of the most active threads on what I'm calling the "mainland" forum in god-knows-how-long.

On a funny, semi-related note, the mention of that RPG's name brought to mind a little song that's been stuck in my head for the better part of a decade. And its lyrics (at least to me) could potentially be interpreted in this context as a TCoD regular or returning TCoD regular watching as everyone leaves or has already left it, holding onto that bit of hope that one day their old hangout will thrive once more:

I feel like that's been the gist of most of the somewhat active threads we've had in the last couple of years.

I said before that I miss when you could google information and you used to get forums discussing it. Maybe the secret to getting activity here again is to encourage that kind of posting. Maybe I should make threads about pokemon glitches I've been reading about in-depth.
I'd love to see those! I've also contributed (admittedly crappy) artwork, a story, and a song cover in the "creative" section, if that's any help too.
Well, that's certainly giving me a heartache. Reject RPGs, embrace traditional forum contribution. And people getting angry = more discussion, a tale on the internet as old as the internet itself! Half-Jokes aside, I never thought this little inquiry of mine would become one of the most active threads on what I'm calling the "mainland" forum in god-knows-how-long.
I guess you have a point, but it would be nice if we could get back to fun and casual forum interactions. There is already enough raging on the internet as it is.
Well, that's certainly giving me a heartache. Reject RPGs, embrace traditional forum contribution. And people getting angry = more discussion, a tale on the internet as old as the internet itself! Half-Jokes aside, I never thought this little inquiry of mine would become one of the most active threads on what I'm calling the "mainland" forum in god-knows-how-long.
I guess you have a point, but it would be nice if we could get back to fun and casual forum interactions. There is already enough raging on the internet as it is.
Oh I know, I was just making a joke there. If I can come up with some more content, I'll definitely be posting it on here. Especially if it attracts some attention.
Funny to read all this after I found out a few days ago another forum I used is going to shut down on February 1st unless people step in to help maintain it due to the owner being unable to afford to continue hosting it, having little interest in the forum, and not being interested in donations or handing all the keys over. It's down to maybe 2 active users since it's focused on a particular game but discussion has been superseded by the subreddit. There's no real reason I suppose to keep it around since almost all the info can be found on a wiki or the subreddit, but the smaller community was appealing to me.
Funny to read all this after I found out a few days ago another forum I used is going to shut down on February 1st unless people step in to help maintain it due to the owner being unable to afford to continue hosting it, having little interest in the forum, and not being interested in donations or handing all the keys over. It's down to maybe 2 active users since it's focused on a particular game but discussion has been superseded by the subreddit. There's no real reason I suppose to keep it around since almost all the info can be found on a wiki or the subreddit, but the smaller community was appealing to me.
wow ... i remember you too! that's so sad to hear
Funny to read all this after I found out a few days ago another forum I used is going to shut down on February 1st unless people step in to help maintain it due to the owner being unable to afford to continue hosting it, having little interest in the forum, and not being interested in donations or handing all the keys over. It's down to maybe 2 active users since it's focused on a particular game but discussion has been superseded by the subreddit. There's no real reason I suppose to keep it around since almost all the info can be found on a wiki or the subreddit, but the smaller community was appealing to me.
wow ... i remember you too! that's so sad to hear
Great to see familiar faces around! It's wild to see the messages on my profile from 10-12 years ago. I look at my join date and think about just how much I've changed and how much internet communities have changed. I didn't participate much on Himeuta so I don't have any real memories, just liked the vibes. It's not like if tCoD went away, that would be traumatizing. Same level as InvisionFree shutting down.
What forum was that?
himeuta.org it's dedicated to Kantai Collection and just hit 10 years old. It used to be very active and even had a group of users who sold things at Comiket. I joined when it was on the decline because I needed somewhere to get event info faster than the wiki and more concisely than reddit. It was more of a reference for me, I didn't post much myself.
augh invisionfree... so many roleplay forums with so much stuff lost to time ;; I never archived anything in those days and I majorly regret it

I remember you well! it's honestly a delight to see you again. I'm very sorry about your forum, even if its decline sounds like it was pretty inevitable
invisionfree.com is now a hentai website so be careful if you try and go there. I would love to meet whoever ran that service because it was so important to us. Low key miss the drama of power struggles and going off onto your own forum on a whim.
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