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Type Change

I can usually vibe with how most Pokemon are typed, but Clobbopus and Grapploct not being part Water is so bananas to me. Like hello, what part of these sea-dwelling octopi screams pure Fighting??
clobbopus and grapploct always mess me up on their types! binacle and barbaracle too, which I always somehow confuse as having a fighting type. they should swap imo
I can usually vibe with how most Pokemon are typed, but Clobbopus and Grapploct not being part Water is so bananas to me. Like hello, what part of these sea-dwelling octopi screams pure Fighting??
TRUE..... I feel that way about Pincurchin too. It feels like they were trying to make a point, like the sea doesn't have to be full of just Water-types, but it feels less convincing when the second type slot is just left empty... If they didn't want them to be Water-type then I feel like maybe they could have been Fighting/Poison and Electric/Poison, blue-ringed octopuses and (to a lesser extent) sea urchins are both known for it
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I can usually vibe with how most Pokemon are typed, but Clobbopus and Grapploct not being part Water is so bananas to me. Like hello, what part of these sea-dwelling octopi screams pure Fighting??
TRUE..... I feel that way about Pincurchin too. It feels like they were trying to make a point, like the sea doesn't have to be full of just Water-types, but it feels less convincing when the second type slot is just left empty... If they didn't want them to be Water-type then I feel like maybe they could have been Fighting/Poison and Electric/Poison, blue-ringed octopuses and (to a lesser extent) sea urchins are both known for it
oh MAN, speaking of, I always get Pyukumuku and Pincurchin mixed up, it takes me a bit to remember they're two different Pokemon. I'm always like, "yeah Pincurchin's that... gen 7... water type? hold on..."
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