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  • D: Are you almost done with it? :(

    it was supposed to be... No what are you insinuating I am COMPLETELY over Minecraft yeah.
    :O I have no idea what they're about! But eh.

    My friend has been pestering me to try it for a year. And I broke down and tried it. D:

    grrr my r key is sticky >:(
    ...something. That's definitely doesn't matter, at all. Nope. :D

    ..! :o

    \o/! I. I'm not productive.

    I got into Minecraft, darn it. There goes my hope of doing real stuff.
    Yay. :c

    Also also I'm getting Fire Emblem Awakening soon I'm so happy afsadsadf aaa \o/


    Did you get a thing done today.

    (I got the feeling that you lurk and so didn't really want to be talked to? I don't know.)
    Yeah. :D

    /lazy and busy and whatnot

    (why didn't I try talking to you earlier, wow)

    He doesn't look evil... I think.

    (I just really don't want Kirigiri to die if she does I'll be forever scarred)
    Komaeda isn't a jerk, is he.

    Junko would've been my favorite!
    But now I love both Touko Fukawas and Togami.

    edit: and Kirigiri. (And Sakura but I'm kind of suspicious.)
    I have to finish reading DR to think of starting DR2...

    Komaeda looks like <3

    So you have read DR? (don't spoil me [I'm starting chapter 3]) but what was your favorite character?
    Dangan Ronpa eeeeeeeeeee

    I don't know! If you switch stuff around I'll be sad because Ron <3

    But also DR is awesome too! D:

    Shame on you. In Africa, people are starving, and you're getting frazzled over AA vs DR. >:C
    Ha, that's true. Just Google up "professor layton storylines" and you'd probably find something interesting!

    Ahaha, I've been talking to Hiikaru a lot lately! Python actually looks like vague English to me, but still.

    The Professor Layton storylines are always great! It's just that in the first trilogy (Curious Village, Diabolical Box, Unwound Future) there are a lot of puzzles! And then in the prequel trilogy there's all of a sudden tons of plot and not so many puzzles!

    Well, I haven't finished a prequel trilogy game. But.
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