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  • Stuff's been well! Had a few issues with my parents here and there, but oh well.

    Collegeversity's been GREAT except for asshole ex-friends who won't leave me alone *cries*
    Cheers! Sorry to hear uni didn't work out for you - I hope the working world does! Ooh, Greek is a beautiful language (any particular reason?) and I wish you the best o' luck! (My fiancé has had to learn some Greek due to his studying classics, although pretty sure his is nearly all ancient and I dunno how much difference there is. But he has some go-to online vocab tests I could link you to when you get a bit good if you wish!) And as far as ponies goes - I was quite obsessed with them a few months ago, but being fickle, I focused my attention on other stuff. But I like it a lot still! I'm assuming you've heard of UK of Equestria? Cool site, bro.
    meowth why did you just randomly come back presumably to make one comment on the 2ds

    (also i miss talking to you :( )
    Really, I've soldered my heart together several times and it didn't burn that bad

    (your rejection just hurts way more than the others have </3)
    Holy crap! I feel rather silly/absent! Welcome back to my roster of people that I know exist. I've been variable! I had inner troubles and dropped out of uni (even though I loved the place and people) but now I'm starting a different course at a different uni in September. Also I'm engaged, if you didn't know that. Yay! What has been the haps with you, then?
    Everyone is reading this, everyone stalks VMs

    ... ship? You mean this /isn't/ canon? TT_TT

    (nah I kid, I'm taken :P)
    Normally I'd be all "</3 NO" but my vague sense of sentiment is buried under disappointment that you want a divorce
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