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  • Plus that bullshit fly-straight-up-and-breathe-fire-downwards move that basically just instakills you whatever you do.
    If only they'd spent the time they used on the cut content on fleshing out Izalith and the Archives garden. :v
    Well, we'll still need a Gwyn 3.0 when the Flame starts dying again, and so on, so that's not quite true.
    I think I'm actually going to have to kindle for O&S. I don't think I've kindled a bonfire since my first playthrough.
    I'd ask what title beating the DLC bosses would earn me, but let's be realistic, that's not happening.
    I meant in comparison to non-SL1 O&S. And I take offense to the idea that I'd cave and summon Solaire :p

    What will I become if I do manage to kill them? Is there anything above Sexual Tyrannosaur?
    You can't ascend dragon tail weapons though, I wouldn't have thought dino dong weapons would be any different.
    I think the next game I play will be X. I just got a PS4, and there's the HD remasters of X and X-2 for that. (Though currently I'll be playing a lot of MGSV)

    I watched some cutscenes for Crisis Core and was interested, but then I realized that the game is only playable on PSP and my PSP is mostly broken. :/
    Now that I've played Final Fantasy VII, which should be the next one I play? I'm leaning towards either VI, IX, or X. FFVIII, since it's also on Steam, would be pretty convenient to play, but I'm not sure if VIII is as good as other FF games, based on what I've heard. Also, should I try the other FFVII games (and movie), or would I be better off focusing on the main games instead?
    Well, I mean, it seems different from even five years ago! But maybe it's just a hot year or something, I dunno.

    Pft. Mine too. I would prefer no news over news of any kind any day.
    Even so, 32 seems like a lot. I don't... remember it being this warm. It was this hot like once a year. I mean, they don't even have air conditioning here, for fuck's sake. This country is not prepared.

    Heh, well, no news is good news, I suppose.
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