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  • Just a reminder - you only have 24 hours left to post commands in your tournament battle!
    Nope. Besides, I'm trying to complete the dex using as few outside resources as possible. And really, I'm very close.
    Hi Emperor_Evulz! I just wanted to tell you the same thing I told Grass King not too long ago: I have a lot of free time until Monday, so if you want to take advantage of that by posting your commands quickly, we can get through a couple of rounds of your tournament battle pretty fast. After Monday I'll be back to the usual 2-3 days between reffings. There's no hurry, of course; I just wanted to let you know in case you'd like to take that into consideration! c:

    (p.s., feel free to contact me any time if you have questions about how I would ref a specific thing!)
    That's... relatively strange, actually.

    Aw, that's sad. I wish I could help people with things like this, but I can't. It sucks to be powerless.
    ...They did? I don't know a lot about economy stuff because it honestly bores me quite a bit, but that bit's interesting.

    Aw. Well, feel better soon.
    Speaking of inflation, have you ever seen this?

    And aw, I'm sorry. :/ Anything I can do to help? I know loneliness sucks, and it's not easy to get rid of, either.
    Maybe someday, it'll go back. /shakes cane at the sky

    Anyway, what've you been up to?
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