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  • I had a feeling it was something like that. Anyway, I'll repeat what I asked in my previous post: "You have a retainer? What's it like having one? I'm gonna be getting one soon I think."
    I'm MewXCharmeleonXEevee. I just got my name changed because I thought my old one was too long.
    Oh well, I'm feeling sleepy. I guess I'll speak with you later, Poke, okay?
    You have a retainer? What's it like having one? I'm gonna be getting soon I think.
    ...My shipping senses are still tingling... but ignore that.
    I joined my school's music band because my parents wanted me to take on some extracurricular activities (actually this was part of a concentration program I took in which it was incorporated into our schedule as a regular class). If I had never gone there, I probably would've remained an anti-social person.
    Sax-butt? O.o
    I have a fellow band-mate who calls his bass clarinet, "the sexiest instrument ever!" XD (and he said this at a retirement home! XDDDD)
    Well, I'm still not gonna talk about it. In fact, I just wanna forget the whole thing happened...
    What did I tell you? I don't want to talk about it; Scyther went overboard when I told him it.
    I'm currently in my sister's air conditionned room "sleeping" with the door closed so the cool air won't escape. ;)
    I know. ^w^
    But I don't know for how long though. If only my dad would sleep right now...
    *Immediately gets revived* Did someone sat bacon!?

    *Goes after bacon*...Ew, it's all sloppy with saliva.

    (Okay, I'm gonna go "sleep" because of my dad. However, I will try sneaking on tonight. If I don't make it on, night Poke. D:)
    *Is revived again* Ahh, I'm alive again baby!
    *Sniffs purified air; (it's too pure unfortunately); faints for a third time* X_X
    *Is revived* Ahh, I'm alive, baby! 8J
    *Sniffs newly added air; faints again* X_X
    Kirby broke the sky!? O.o
    THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING! *Runs around like a little chicken*
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