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  • CHOCOLATE!!! *Runs into Kirby's open mouth*
    Ooh, not a good idea... O.o
    Obviously because he is the ruler of dimensions, and can bend time and space to his will.
    Don't ever test that. ;_; If Kirby went SPLAT on my newly painted room... actually, it'd compliment the color pretty well. Almost-hot pink on lilac. :3
    Uh oh, looks like that darn fish followed me here. -_-;;;
    Good luck, Kirby. ;)
    I wonder what would happen if you fed Kirby one...?

    He'd get Jet ability, methinks.
    Thank God you're here, Kirby! *Offers chocolate bar* Could you keep this chocolate bar safe and sound?
    But still: Don't. Mention. It. Ever.

    She's technically the first person to directly consider me a best friend. BEST friend! Do you know how much those two words mean to me!?
    Then. Don't. Mention. It. Ever. And besides, I don't think her cancer is fatal. She'll be alright. ;)
    There are many possibilities as to why she's not logged on. For all we know, her family might've extended their camping trip to a whole week plus a few extra days! (Well, that's what my family did).
    If she doesn't log in by the first of August, then something is DEFINITELY wrong...
    "This is way off subject, but I just thought of something. Since notory has cancer and all.....what if......she.....you know...I cant say it. its too horrifying....."

    Um. Mind if I say something here...?

    She told me that the big tumors(and theorectically the most dangerous ones) are gone now by radiation, and the small ones will be gone soon (and considering between the time Notory told me and now, they maay be gone now, I'm not sure) and aren't much of a threat.

    If it makes you feel better, I think I can find when she told me that...
    Well, you were just one 'Dex number off, think of it that way. XP Hey, maybe they sent you a second Explorer Kit by mail.
    Yeah, codes are fun while they last. In SA2:B (*puts up glomp-shield*, but keep in mind I haven't played the series in forever), the game I screwed, having an Omochao was fun, and so was, say, having Battle Mode (or whatever)-exclusive characters in the Chao Garden. But I never got that Tails Chao I had wanted so badly because I couldn't get the code to work. I think I entered it incorrectly, which would explain a lot.
    There's just too many to list... but if you insist (these shows are ones that I usually watch the most whenever I'm in the mood or have the time):

    • Pokémon
    • Fairly Odd Parents
    • Spongebob
    • The Simpsons
    • Family Guy
    • American Dad
    • 6teen
    • Total Drama Island (I keep missing 'Action')
    • My Gym Partner's a Monkey
    • Ben 10
    • Phineas & Ferb
    • Disney's Recess

    And a whole lot more!
    On the Internet, though, I watch anime in its RAW state (in Japanese basically) with subtitles. This list includes:

    • Detective Conan
    • Tales of the Abyss (anime version)
    • Sonic X
    • Legendz

    ... And that's about it!
    What you said sorta reminded me of Samurai Pizza Cats. O_o I mean, they fight crime and make delicious pizzas. :P
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