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  • ^I wonder what happened between him and Professor Ivy?

    Professor Oak, Elm, Birch or Rowan?
    (Uh, I like those three series, too, you know...)

    Umbreon or Espeon?
    (Um, we can chat about anything, you know. But I agree, without Nottie here it's boring and lonely. I'm not saying you're boring or anything; I love to chat with people. It's just that me and Nottie have a lot in common, so I feel 100% at ease with her company and we can change the convo from goofy to serious (I'm better verse in serious conversations).)

    Staraptor or Pidgeot?
    (Back to Pokémon, heh. :P Speaking of Nottie, I'm not sure. ;~; I really miss her. For all we know, she might've made a typo in her user title and meant to say she would be returning on the 15th of July. ;;~;; Or her parents might've found out about this site and blocked it! ;;;~;;;).

    I don't like licorice...

    Hamster or guinea pig? (Why are they called guinea pigs if they don't look like pigs at all? :S)
    If you're a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, you would know who they are. (Deem Bristow was the voice of Eggman for the video games, but then he passed away and since the 4Kids company had the rights to dub Sonic X, Mike Pollack took over for Eggman. Because of this, the whole original voice cast of the Sonic series was unexpectedly fired and have been replaced with the 4Kids cast. I'm not too sure if this is the entire reason for the replacement but that's how I see it).

    Tails, 'cause I always win when I choose that. ^.^ (Not to mention I like the fox version of it. :P)

    North or south?

    Who's Weegee? =S

    Anthro or no-anthro?
    (Anthropomorphism: the attribution of uniquely human characteristics to non-human creatures and beings, natural and supernatural phenomena, material states and objects or abstract concepts.
    In this case, Sonic the Hedgehog, for example, is an anthro being, whereas Oddie is non-anthro).

    ^Because during the day, you have to do work. :P

    This game or this game?
    (Finding the right videos for these games took me a pretty long time).
    I had a feeling you didn't know what Naruto and Bleach were, but I wasn't sure about it. And I think the word you wanted was 'hacking', since you're basically playing around with the program. Moving along...

    ^Isn't it cute? ^.^

    Pencil or pen?
    Oh, I didn't notice you were gone. ^.^;; Anyway...

    Naruto or Bleach? (You watch them, right?)
    (By the way, which Sonic game were you reprogramming?)
    ♪Me mind on fire -- Me soul on fire -- Feeling HOT HOT HOT!♪ =D

    Chemistry or Physics?
    I don't usually read Get Fuzzy, but I'll have to go with:

    ^(Character created by Darby Conley)

    On the subject of comic strips, Calvin or Hobbes?
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