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  • I always did prefer apples over orange...

    Tony the Tiger or Toucan Sam?

    (She should be back now...
    Perhaps she's working on unfinished requests?)
    Both spin-offs are fun! ^^ You should definitely play them if you ever get a hold of them.

    Moving along... I prefer the Sonic Boom one.
    Now then... Coke or Pepsi?

    Do you know anything about the Megaman EXE or Star Force series? If so, EXE or Star Force?

    If not... Coke or Pepsi?
    (I miss Notory. ;_; How 'bout you?)

    ^Now you got me thristy

    I can't think up a new one right now. =( I have to sleep now, so I'll come up with a new choice tomorrow, okay? Night, Poke.

    EDIT: Heh, guess you posted first. Night.
    Um, the image is not showing. Moving along...
    The music from Superstar Saga. I admit, the first one is epic but I prefer the more cartoony feel of the second one.

    Black Ace or Red Joker?

    My family only eats turkey during Thanksgiving and even then I barely get to eat any since I have greedy cousins. :P

    Moon or Sun?

    Time to kick things up a notch...
    This music or this music?

    (Just give me the title of the game it comes from.)
    I'll just stick to my DS Lite, thank you very much. :P

    ^"Vive la France!" - And plus he's super easy. ^.^

    If you've played the Megaman Star Force series, Geo+Sonia or Geo+Luna?
    If not, boxing or the UFC?
    You should get it, it's awesome! There's even a disco kid in the game.
    I has returned! Anyway:

    The 360 doesn't have games that I'm really interested in playing, except Tales of Vesperia, Eternal Sonata, Rock Band and Star Ocean. The Wii, however... well, there's a lot to list. (Have you ever played Punch Out?)

    Lemon or Lime?
    Whoops, gotta go. Gotta sleep and learn how to wake up early (6 AM) for when I get my summer job. Night.
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