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  • I barely remember that show, though, so I forgot who the characters were except for Courage.

    What other cartoons do you watch?
    Ooh, I've hacked a game beyond playability before. Not fun. DX I've only done it once, though, and that was when I was much younger. I haven't messed with AR or anything of the sort in aaaages.
    10 minutes away from the city by car? Then I would say you live in the suburbs, not in the middle of nowhere. :P
    Speaking of nowhere, that's where Courage lives: in the middle of Nowhere (capitalization intended).
    Hah, there's no chance a little kid stole mine, unless they broke into my house. X3 Yeah, I'm certain I just misplaced it. Along with my old DS, which fortunately it was in, so I won't have to search the carpets for a tiny cart.
    Like the house that Courage the Cowardly Dog lives in, which is basically in the middle of nowhere? (Do you know that show?)
    Um, you can always hang out with your friends during the summer. That's what all my friends do (or they have jobs and they go do that instead).
    By the way, you never answered my question three posts ago: do you convo-stalk people by any chance?
    She gave it to me. Don't ask me for it, that's her decision to make. :P
    She hasn't responded yet... But I'm not giving up! ^w^
    Um, that picture doesn't comply with the previous decision: desktop mouse that you normally use on desktop computers or motion-sensor mouse that you see on laptops?

    (Yeah, I hope nothing bad has happened to her, too. So that's why I'm trying to contact her via e-mail in case she did get blocked from this site. I hope she can reply to the message I sent (or at least access her e-mail account)...)

    Mouse (computer) or those motion-sensor mouses you see on laptops?
    (At least there's more variety to this conversation than what we're playing right now. Speaking of conversations, do you convo-stalk people by any chance?).
    How long did it take for you to figure that out? XP

    I lieks that pic too. Obviously.

    Heyyyy, we should make a Social Group for Meta Knight. Notory could do some art for it too, like the kick-awesome banner in my sig... when she comes back. ;_;
    I've already seen that one. XP If it comes up by searching "Meta Knight", you can bet I've already seen it.
    It seems like everyone knows someone who has/had cancer. It's so widespread... how awful.

    Oh, thanks. It's from the Kirby manga if you couldn't tell. Meta Samurai = <3
    Actually, no, accounts don't get deleted after a while. At least, not to my knowledge.

    Speakers or headphones?
    (Same here, but you should also make it an effort to make some guy friends, too).
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