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  • That's true. If you don't feel like playing the game on the ROM, I completely understand.
    You can play the ROM on an SNES emulator. You know that, right? Though the last boss on there just creeps me out.
    You read it? My, you were fast 'cause I deleted that message as soon as finished posting it and realizing my mistake. I was gonna put in our conversation but my rear had business with the toilet. ;)

    Anyway, Toad Town (the picture of the town is blocked for me for some reason).

    Ness or Lucas?

    He tries and tries to kidnap the princess, but that darn plumber keeps getting in his way. I pity him, really.
    Goombario or Goombella?
    Poor green guy— er, I mean Luigi.
    Um, I can't find a good photo with the two. Anyway, mine is Link+Saria (why not look at Notory's picture, the one with all the sages plus Link and Zelda as the eeveelutions?).
    Kooper or Koops?
    When I CAME! *shot* (I couldn't resist XD But really, I started it. :P)
    I always preferred that couple. :)

    ^He was the inspiration in creating the Skroy Horitz who you can see in my art album.
    Young Link or adult Link?
    To be honest, I never really liked brownies; too much chocolate. (In other words, this is my answer:
    PIE! Why? Because THE CAKE IS A LIE! *shot* (Actually, I prefer cake. :3)
    Dog or cat?
    Fire red. (And yeah, it does. XD But time for something completely different....)
    Kirby or Starfy?
    And since you changed it, I might as well do the same:
    Waterfall or Surf?
    Oh, so we're going by types now, eh? I love both fire types and water types. But if I only had to choose one, I'd go with fire.

    Rock or Ground type?
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