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  • please could I join the Eeveeloutions group? I really do love all the Eevee forms - there all made of awesome... (I love Espeon the most)

    so... please could I be invited...

    I'll put an Eeveeloutions group banner in my sig too if you like...

    I know.People think Sally go's with Sonic.But Sonic and Amy should go together.So I watch his show every Saterday.
    ME:*wimpers, then scowls* DIE!!!!
    ME: BWWAAAAAAH! *Need i say it*
    That was a fun boss battle in my opinion. :D
    Huh, I really should finish the Gauntlet....
    Ooh yeah, you just gotta love the vibe from Fawful's theme. B-)
    Speaking of which, how far are you in the game? Did you finish it already? :3
    You do have FURY! xP
    But yep, I'm getting one now. :D This couldn't have happened if it weren't for my 99% average in math. (In case I'm not being clear, since I got such a high average in math in my graduating class, I got an award of $250 plus a diploma)
    Yello, Poke. B-)
    Oh, nothing much. Just waiting for my Wacom Bamboo tablet to arrive. ;)
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