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Search results

  1. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu noticed that her name was said. Oh. So, she was right about the riddle. That was good. The rest of the group started to leave, and after several seconds of hesitation she followed. Yes, two people were in the woods. Including her maybe-friend. But she trusted Kit. Maybe not to the point of...
  2. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu grinned, tiny fangs showing. Actually, she was a little confused, trying to work out in her head what you were supposed to do next, but it looked like she was headed in the right direction. Almost literally. So that was a good sign. She ignored the second half of answer, which wasn't...
  3. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Good. So he wouldn't run off, after all. Probably. Miyu at least attempted turned her attention to the test of the mind, as Kit put it. It was pretty hard to focus on much of anything when someone just got kidnapped. This sounded like a riddle she'd heard a while ago. Hey, why not? If nothing...
  4. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    ((See? I'm still alive!)) Miyu saw it too. Still, she wasn't going to run away and do something dumb like Iortheayr. Or at least wasn't planning on it. But if he ran off like that, he was going to get hurt. And then they'd get attacked again, maybe the whole group. Oh, this was bad. Try and help...
  5. Elfin

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    The Doctor didn't seem particularly bothered that he was almost shot. "Oh, it's fine. Happens all too often. Hello, I'm the Doctor, a Time Lord, in case you were wondering." He looked back at the TARDIS as well, smiling a bit sheepishly. "I don't suppose you could tell me where and when we are..?"
  6. Elfin

    Not entirely sure where else to ask this (the eternal, annoying question..), so.. I know, I've...

    Not entirely sure where else to ask this (the eternal, annoying question..), so.. I know, I've kind of stopped posting in the RP for a really long time, thanks to writer's block and other things. I want to actually start posting again, but have pretty much lost track of what's going on and...
  7. Elfin

    Open Rift in the Dimensions

    ((JUMPIN' ON THE BANDWAGONNN-Okay I'll stop.)) Vworp Vworp Vworp.. Oh, that lovely sound.. Of course, so was anything that wasn't one of the multitude of others. The TARDIS getting eaten by Cthulhu, etc etc. The Doctor opened the door to find an absolutely enormous field, nothing but grass as...
  8. Elfin

    That's.. depressing. -_- Well, that's the important thing. I'm like that with music. Well...

    That's.. depressing. -_- Well, that's the important thing. I'm like that with music. Well, singing and flute. But still.
  9. Elfin

    Huh.. If you know exactly who they are that's saying that stuff, maybe you could report them to...

    Huh.. If you know exactly who they are that's saying that stuff, maybe you could report them to the principal or something? Yeah, I know that sounds corny. It would somewhat work at my school, but then again it's one of those places where the principal (and many teachers) are all "WHEEE HAPPY...
  10. Elfin

    o_o ....... Whereas all the kids at my school have ridiculously sick minds, but that's insane...

    o_o ....... Whereas all the kids at my school have ridiculously sick minds, but that's insane. And quite possibly the stupidest reason to make fun of someone ever. ALLOW ME TO PUNCH THEM ALL IN THE FACE. It could take a while, though.
  11. Elfin

    ... Oh, yes. The little baby you (hypothetically, maybe he won't be, but oh well) adopted is...

    ... Oh, yes. The little baby you (hypothetically, maybe he won't be, but oh well) adopted is totally gonna murder you. Totally. -_- Wow.. and I thought the people in my school were idiots. >> Completely understandable.
  12. Elfin

    o.0 That's... incredibly depressing.

    o.0 That's... incredibly depressing.
  13. Elfin

    EVERYTHING. >D Except school. They'll eat people, y'see..

    EVERYTHING. >D Except school. They'll eat people, y'see..
  14. Elfin

    Happy.. kinda late birthday. Sorry I didn't go on before.. ^^; Anyway.. I GOT YOU A ZEBRA...

    Happy.. kinda late birthday. Sorry I didn't go on before.. ^^; Anyway.. I GOT YOU A ZEBRA. *whatever sound a zebra makes* His name is Sir Bobbingston.
  15. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    "Really? You'll die if you fall asleep? Or you just sleep really deeply? I don't. I'll wake you up. And not by setting you on fire." Such an obsession with fire, all of a sudden. Miyu was about to continue rambling as well, but they were leaving now. She jumped down off of Iortheayr's head a...
  16. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Io.. Iortheearee? Iortheyr.... That's hard to pronounce. That wasn't so polite. Oh well. He was so friendly-looking and hadn't done anything annoying or violent yet, so it was impossible to dislike him. Miyu jumped up and sat on his giant head, purring. "I'm a cat. Well.. the word is Nekomata, I...
  17. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu hissed in surprise as the giant wolf-thing bounced into her view, almost stepping on her. She was one second away from setting him on fire before realizing who and what it was. The cat sat down again and mewed, "Hello there. I'm Miyu. You?"
  18. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    Miyu had been awake for a little while now, blinking sleepily. She wasn't used to having to wake up at any particular time, and wasn't entirely awake. She was hungry, too.. Still, the cat sat up, looking at their leader attentively. Her mind, and eyes quickly wandered, looking towards the trees...
  19. Elfin

    Rift in the Dimensions: Signups/OOC!

    As I've been quite obsessed with the show recently.. >3 Name: The Doctor Series: Doctor Who Personality: Nothing to add here~ Other:
  20. Elfin

    Open Land of Twilight II

    ((Crap.. I just now realized that I wrote that wrong and it sounded like my character was.. oops. That one's probably my fault. Um.. I'm editing that first post. >>))
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