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Search results

  1. ShadowUmbreon

    The Bank

    I'd like an account please! And I'm gonna be super cliche and ask for a Pikachu! :D
  2. ShadowUmbreon

    The Clue Game

    Help with 21? It is eating my brain!!:angry: EDIT: Nevermind, my younger brother got it on his first try. T.T SO! Any help with number 23 is now greatly appreciated! :D
  3. ShadowUmbreon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I caught a shiny Bronzor on Platinum a few days ago! And I literally just bought SoulSilver! I have to finish my English homework before I can start playing it though, so I haven't even opened the box yet! I am happeh! :D
  4. ShadowUmbreon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    We are going to New York City for band next spring!! We get to play at the St. John the Divine Cathedral and do lots of cool things that we would never get to do normally since we live in Texas!
  5. ShadowUmbreon

    What was your first ever Pokémon game?

    Re: What was your first ever Pokémon game? My first was Yellow! I got when I was five for Christmas in '00 along with one of those talking Pikachu toys and a Gameboy advance! Sadly my yellow was destroyed in a freak apple juice spill accident. ;_;
  6. ShadowUmbreon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Band was fantastic this afternoon!! We played really calm on Ave Maria and didn't play as loud as we could on Vesuvius!! Our director was really impressed and he let rehearsal end early!! And it's not Monday! :D
  7. ShadowUmbreon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Yesterday was my birthday!! And none of my teachers made the class sing for me!! :D And now I have enough money to go buy SoulSilver, God bless birthdays and neighbors with dogs who go on vacation!!!
  8. ShadowUmbreon

    The "Fwee" Thread

    My marching band got a first division at the UIL Marching contest on Saturday!
  9. ShadowUmbreon

    Odd One Out

    Luvdisc because its sprite has no shadowing but the others do.
  10. ShadowUmbreon

    The original place was just a myspace page, but I found another that has other stuff too, even...

    The original place was just a myspace page, but I found another that has other stuff too, even though they look really stupid. http://www.glitter-graphics.com/gallery.php?categoryID=70&page=4
  11. ShadowUmbreon

    I'm not sure... I just searched pikachu on google and found it!

    I'm not sure... I just searched pikachu on google and found it!
  12. ShadowUmbreon


    Wow... this is the first time anyone has actually told me to keep talking. And now I have nothing to say.
  13. ShadowUmbreon

    your "Holy crap!" moments

    When I turned on my Yellow Version and little brother (who was 3) had accidently performed some sort of glitch that made you stuck with nothing but you and trees on the screen and freaked out and saved the game. I almost killed him. It amazes me that I can still be angry over something that...
  14. ShadowUmbreon


    Favorite Color: Dark Blue Favorite TV Show: Sadly, I do not watch TV often, but when I do it's either CSI, The Office, or House Pokemon: Every single one of them, they are all full of epic win I have no website, too complicated and I would never update, it would be boring and therefore keel over...
  15. ShadowUmbreon

    Butter or margarine?

    Butter!! Margarine has the nastiest taste!
  16. ShadowUmbreon


    Hi! I'm ShadowUmbreon! I've been visiting The Cave of Dragonflies for a while, so I decided to join the forums. A bit about me: I play the Alto Saxophone and take ballet, a lot so I can't be on here very often since Marching Band takes up a lot of my time... so, yeah I'm sure no one will reply...
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