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Search results

  1. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    No worries Kratos ^_^ We still wub you :P Alright Bel, great going with that Facade. We're nearly there, hang in there girl! I bet Koutus fears your anger will give you the edge in the fight, so try and stop her with a Roar. Next we'll show them your Hidden Power, so launch it full pelt. After...
  2. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I'm glad the local paper didn't do that for me O_O My hometown is very homophobic ;-;
  3. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    And their dog? o.o Well I'm happy to say that I'm happy, I had my first true gay experience <3
  4. Wyvern

    Wyvern vs. Blastoise

    Paralyzed AGAIN?!!! You've got to be kidding me! Right, this little bitch (it's a female dog...thing, I can say that) has done it now. No more Mrs Nice Houndour. Burn it with Heat Wave, then if you can, try Facade. Give it something else to cry about with a Will-o-Wisp as well. If she looks as...
  5. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    "Alrighty!" said Mori, a smile on his face, "You can come too if you'd like Hal." Mori peered outside the door, looking for anyone that loked like he should avoid them. Deciding the coast is clear, he walked out and down the hallway to the noticeboard. There were papers and names all over it...
  6. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    "Don't worry mate, I'm sure we'll get along just fine..." said Mori, "...it's these other guys that worry me." This Diego fellow sounded like the one to avoid. At least this time he was pre-warned rather than finding out the hard way. Mori stretched his arms and legs and stood up from his bed...
  7. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I found this place called Open Doors which is actually government funded apparently o.o It specialises in connecting and supporting LGBT teens and their families.
  8. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    Mori chuckled as Jadyn struggled with his bags, but not too much as he didn't want to sound rude. He followed him to the office to see where his dorm was, only to realise that the lists were posted on the doors of each dorm. "Do they really think that's a good idea? Someone's probably already...
  9. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Sure thing mate ^_^ I'll add you to the list right now :3
  10. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    It's happened before with the Pokephile club. I guess as long as it's not a link directly to porn, then it should be fine ^_^
  11. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    Mori snorted and chuckled quietly, covering his mouth as he did. As Jadyn got up to leave, he waved at him and said, "Yeah, I don't know either, see you." with a small smile on his face. After a few seconds he got up from his seat rather quickly. He called to Jadyn, "Wait!", caught up to him...
  12. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    Mori's depressed state quickly subsided as once again, someone directed a sentence at him without an insult in it. He chuckled as this Jadyn fellow told of his earlier encounter with the slightly hyperactive Monferno. "I'm Mori...Mori Arpen. I transferred here from my old high school so this is...
  13. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    Mori slowly looked around as he fiddled with the cube in his hand, nothing that he really wanted to look at. Jeez, even the teachers are gettin' a little randy... His thoughts as he peered over at the Dance teacher. He looked away to the left and, out of the corner of his eye, spotted...
  14. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    Before he knew it, a Rubix cube was being forced upon him. He held it in his hand and simply looked at it, trying to use it as an excuse not to answer the questions he was being bombarded with by a complete stranger. After a while of looking at it, he started looking around and moving the cube...
  15. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    Oh great, already there's more questions. Mori stayed quiet, diverting his eyes to the Rubix cube in the Monferno's hands. He imagined playing with a Rubix cube of his own, solving it in no time at all. In his fantasy, the crowd cheered for him having won the Rubix Cube World Championship, then...
  16. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    As Mori played with his scrunched label, he heard a voice that seemed to be directed at him. As hard as it was to believe that someone was actually talking to him without a single insult in the sentence, he turned to the direction of the voice's origin to find a Monferno putting his bag down...
  17. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Looks cool :3 Btw, please be extra careful when posting links as I don't want anyone getting in trouble. Just a friendly warning :3
  18. Wyvern

    Closed Sunset Falls Academy

    Wow, so many people. I didn't think the place would be this crowded...I hate people... The thoughts of a young, slender male Mightyena as he slipped through the rush of students making their way into the hall. He finally made it through and started scanning the rows of seats, looking for where...
  19. Wyvern

    The LGBT Club

    I found a gay bar called The Wickham and it has rainbow flags outside too :3 It's not a place you'd go to on your own though and I have no one to go with T_T
  20. Wyvern

    [MATURE] Furry fandom

    Awesome mate ^_^ I'll add both of those names to the list :3 So, question to get the place going: Who's your favourite artist and what's your favourite drawing of their's? Mine is Zaush and my absolute favourite drawing is "Lapping the Competition" Page 8
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