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Closed Sunset Falls Academy

((After reading the teachers list to try and see what clubs there were, I just noticed the puns on some of the teachers' names. :P))

Jasmine noticed that there was also a suitcase of sorts near the bed in the corner. That was probably hers... because there was no one else in the room. With a content smile, she took out a few articles of clothing and stuffed them in the bottom drawer of a dresser nearby, only to quickly yank the drawer open and reset the clothes so that they were neat. With that, she slammed it closed, and dug through what else there may have been in her case. After finding nothing of the moment's interest, she moved onto her messenger back, pulling out her planner and a binder that was already stuffed with... stuff. The Tyranitar laid those two items down on her bed, rooting through her suitcase and bag one more time to make sure nothing had been forgotten. With a sigh, she sat down on the nearby bed, contemplating her day. She could sign up for a club, but acting wouldn't be a good idea. Her Sand Stream would cause the stage to be slippery with sand. Jasmine suddenly grew quiet, soon sitting up to walk down to the main office to see the list of clubs.
"We're in the tenth grade," Haneul answered. "Uh, I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to unpack and stuff, so I guess I'll talk to you later?" She dove for the bed furthest from the door before Song could reach it, and grinned at the Swellow.

"Hey, funny how you were coming here right when I got on the bed!" Song blinked at looked at the bed opposite Haneul. Really? They were all exactly the same, though just the fact that Haneul had tried.. with a nod, she pulled her suitcase up to the bed and jumped onto it. She'd probably go for a flight tonight, so that meant she had to preen. Ugh.
"Don't worry mate, I'm sure we'll get along just fine..." said Mori, "...it's these other guys that worry me."

This Diego fellow sounded like the one to avoid. At least this time he was pre-warned rather than finding out the hard way.

Mori stretched his arms and legs and stood up from his bed, "I'm going to go look at the clubs board, see if anything interests me, you guys wanna come along?", he said as he gestured for at least one of them to come with him.
"Alright then.", Roman responded, "I am Roman Novak, and I suppose we'll be living together this year."

Abruptly, though, the door flew open and someone flopped down on the third, unoccupied bed.

"Then maybe you're Veral?", Roman asked the new arrival, "What's biting you?"
Beythear rolled his eyes. Veral had been the third name outside the door, which meant it was probably him. If he had to live with a guy who wouldn't even look at him for the whole school year, he would go insane. It made him feel like he didn't exist. He looked to Roman, and gave him a Is this guy serious? look. At least there was one guy who would acknowledge his presence.


" 'Kay," Joyce said, then finished her unpacking. She chuckled in mild amusement as Hanuel charged over to the Song's bad and claimed it before he did. As she put the last skirt away, she stood and said, "I'm going to go look around the school. I'll see you guys later." Then she walked out the door, and began wandering the hallways, looking at each class as she passed it.
Veral turned hos head, looking from Beythear to Roman. Yawning loudly, he nodded as he began to speak. "That'd be me, yes. Nothing's biting me, why do you ask?" Smiling at his roomates, he flipping himself over, leaning on his elbows. The blades on the ends of his hands stabbed through his covers. Ignoring it, he smiled. "I take it you're Beythear," he asked, indicating Roman instead.
Klavier rubbed his eyes as he woke up.

"That was a nice nap." he said to himself, as he started to unpack.

He pulled out his clothes and put them into an empty drawer. On his bed, he put some DVDs of his favorite shows and movies.

"I wonder what my roomies like?" he asked himself.
"Heh, no reason I guess.", Roman responded, "Actually, that'd be Beythear over there.", he added, indicating Beythear, "I'm Roman. Nice to meet you."

He then stood up, "I think I'll go take a walk. Either of you want to come with?", he asked the other two.
"Hey, not starting a fist fight over bed spots some how was a good start, that was an intriguing year. Hah, but really, no worries I think we'll be all good."
With that, Jadyn rolled off his bed and upright.
"So I'll unpack later, can't be arsed right now anyway~ Yeah, Mori, let's go check those clubs out - I didn't get a good look earlier." He said, starting towards the door.
Mark had been sketching for quite some time, and had ended up with a rough charcoal drawing of his amazing, vanishing roommate disappearing in a puff of smoke. The puff of smoke was creative license.

The Smeargle noticed that his other roommate, Klavier, had woken up and was messing with videogames or something. Mark unconciously scooted so that the Lopunny couldn't see his work.
Beythear stretched. "Why not? I got nothing better to do." He looked to Veral. "You?" Considering Beythear didn't actually know the school at all, he would rather not put off taking a look around. This would be a great opportunity to check where his classes were. He hoped that they weren't too far apart.
Diego finishes pakcing his stuff away, turning back to glance at the room. He let out a yawn and starts for the door, waving Tiny off.

"I'm going to check in on Ingrid. You can do whatever, Tiny"

"Alright Diego...I think I'll go check out that board again...I want to join the one Ms. Ryuu runs. Sounds fun~"

"Mysteries and murder cases. Have fun"

Diego slips through the door and parts what with Tiny. He slips down the hall, pulling his coat further on his shoulders, glancing at the boards outside the doors. He travels down the girl's hall until he comes upon the one baring Ingrid's name. He leans in the open door way, crossing his arms.

"Hey there Hotstuff, how are....are those panties on your head?"

Diego let out a soft chuckle, a smirk on his face.

"My my, aren't those cute. There's a bow and everything. But panties aside, do you fine ladies need a hand in here or should I just take Ingrid."


Tiny spilt up with Diego and travelled back to the club boards, He studies the board and picks up the hanging pencil and scribbled his name under the club Ms. Ryuu ran.

"I hope...I do good there..."

"I think you'll do fine, Remmi."

Tiny jumps a bit and turns to see Ming, a blush on his face.

"H-hi Ms. Ryuu..."

Ming chuckles a bit, placing a pale hand on his arm. She glances at the board and studies for anyother names under the club she runs. She clicks her tounge and shakes her head a bit.

"No else seemed to have sign-up much. Anyways. Would you like to help me Remmi? I'm looking for someone."

Tiny nods, moving from the board. Ming smiles at him and starts to lead the way down the hall.
Veral let out a yawn, before smirking. "Sure. So, what classes are you taking this year?" He dug in his pockets for a moment. "I'm in Drama and French first and second period. I have Biology followed by lunch. Then to top it all off I have PE and Photography," he said. Rolling up his schdeule, he stuck it in his pocket. "Also, do you know what clubs or sports teams this place has to offer? Not like I'd join any, but I still need to know," he muttered.
((So... anybody up for a club, then?))

"Hmm... let's see...", Roman said, unfurling a similar sheet of paper, "Art, French, Biology, History, and then Psych. Looks like we'll be seeing each other often, yes?"

He put his schedule away and continued, "Well, not really. I'm not quite aware of the clubs a lot of the time, and I'm just not a sports sort of person. Shouldn't be hard to find this stuff out."

Heading towards the door, Roman turned towards the other two and asked, "Well, coming?"
Beythear walked towards the door, pulling out his own schedule. "I've got Art, Japanese, Chemistry, Computer Programming, then Photography. Looks like the morning is the only time I'll see you Roman, and Veral only at the end of the day. Anywhere in between, you guys will be nowhere to be seen." He stuffed the paper in hid jean pocket and exited the dorm, waiting for the other two outside.
"Alrighty!" said Mori, a smile on his face, "You can come too if you'd like Hal."

Mori peered outside the door, looking for anyone that loked like he should avoid them. Deciding the coast is clear, he walked out and down the hallway to the noticeboard. There were papers and names all over it. He spotted a couple that took his fancy including a Guitar Club, a Computer Club for learning about the insides of a computer and even a Gaming Club, but he didn't want to sign anything yet. He wanted to see what Jadyn would sign up for.

"See anything you like Jadyn?" he said as he turned to his new friend, happy that he finally found a decent person in the world.
Roman stepped outside and stretched.

"I suppose that's too bad.", Roman told Beythear, "Although we see each other everyday anyway. Heard anything interesting about your teachers?"
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