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Closed Sunset Falls Academy

((Edited a second character into my first post.))

Have fun., Piet mused, chuckling at the irony behind putting it after mentioning the prank.

"Well I suppose I'll 'have fun' preparing for class then, hehe.", he said to nobody in particular, and then started walking off towards his hall.

((Question, can we (teachers) sponsor a club?))
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"Heh, this guy sure knows how to vent hot air, eh?" Jadyn half-whispered as Mr. Mustang was finishing his speech, nudging Mori lightly with his elbow. "...No pun intended."
Jadyn got up from his seat, lifting his large travel bag with an oomph; it looked ready to burst with all the stuff he had packed away and was sizeable to boot.
"Well, good meeting you Mori." Jadyn said, looking at Mori with a friendly nod of his head. "If you'll excuse me.. I have to go get unpacked. Don't even know who I'm rooming with yet. Some times I think they try to make this place hectic... Guess we have the whole day to get settled though."
Jadyn trotted off out of the assembly hall, he called back over his shoulder; "See you around!"
"Bastards," Haneul muttered. "Who the hell would burn or eat books? If someone does I swear I'll kill them." Song narrowed her eyes slightly. Okay, this was something new.. Haneul liked to read? Well, whatever. 'Mr. Havoc' was a cool name..

You signing up for anything? she mimed, appearing to write something on an invisible board. Haneul blinked.

"Uh.. Not sure. If you want to, you can go ahead, but really-" Something appeared to click in Haneul's mind, and she nodded.

"Nah, I'll just lay low this year," she announced, a bit high pitched. Song sighed and nodded, before following the crowd of people out and branching away from them to go to the office. Haneul watched her go, before standing and following.

"Well, why can't we use Substitute? There are two of us, so ha. We could have a medical reason or something." Haneul muttered to herself, pushing through the people. SHe just wanted to get back to the dorms.
Mori snorted and chuckled quietly, covering his mouth as he did. As Jadyn got up to leave, he waved at him and said, "Yeah, I don't know either, see you." with a small smile on his face. After a few seconds he got up from his seat rather quickly.

He called to Jadyn, "Wait!", caught up to him and started walking with him. "I'll look for my roommates as well and help you with that heavy bag."

Mori was surprised that he was offering help to someone he'd met a few minutes ago, but took much delight in the fact that he was doing something for someone else.
Klavier chuckled about the library thing.

"What...is everyone insane here?" Klavier muttered.

He walked out to the club board.

"I wonder if there's a Mock Trial club....or a movie club." Klavier said, as he looked through the list, "If so...this will be one of the best years ever."
Mason listened throughout the whole speech without making a single sound. Back in his village on Mt. Coronet, when the Leader was talking, you never talked. He made sure that every last bit of information was crammed into his brain and he could remember it, repeat it, or have his own opinions about each and every word that Mr. Mustang had said before he decided to find his dorm. Clubs were not his style.

As he walked through the boys dorm building 5 minutes later, he realized that it would take him forever to find his room. He sighed, sometimes his life just wasn't fair. After walking for a while, he found his name pinned to a sheet of paper outside of Dormitory 12. Not paying attention to any of the other names on the list, he walked in, flopped himself down onto a bed, and fell asleep within a matter of seconds.
Larry sighed- there weren't a lot of intersting things on the board, as he figured, so e decided to go to his dorm. He went to the male dorm hall, and looked around, finsding his dorm after a few minutes. The door to the left fo his door had the name "mason deRonez", a wierd name, lablled on it while his had the name "larry firemount" labeled on it.

He entered his dorm, a small to medium sized room with a bed, a wardrobe, and a few shelves for books, and a bathroom(muhahaha!).

He put his bad on the wood floor, opened it, and took a fantasy book out of it, took of his shoes, and then sat down on the bed, reading the book while sitting.

He yawned, and then put the book near him, laying down while facing upwards and thinknig what he could do with the whole year.

"Hm? Oh, no worries I'm cool, I'm sure you have your own stuff to worry about." Jadyn said, looking back over his shoulder to Mori. " 'Sides, this things isn't that- grsk" Jadyn swung the arm holding his bag over his shoulder out absent-mindedly - to which it responded to immediately buckling under the weight and causing to bag to echo a solid *THUMP* through the halls as it landed.
".....Well it's not so bad if I'm not an idiot about it" he continued, hoisting the bag back up over his shoulder with a heavy breath. "But why don't we find our rooms, always a good place to start. The office billboard should have..... oh bloody hell."
'Dorm occupations have been posted within the dorm building halls. Please check your key out of the office and proceed to your housing as listed.'
"Do they really think that's a good idea? Someone's probably already swapped those tags.. Oh, let's just leg it over and hope no one has gotten any ideas yet."
Jadyn dashed off down the hall beckoning Mori, and a few twists and turns and nearly splattered freshmen later they arrived at the boys dorm building. It seemed only a couple people had arrived so far. They entered and scanned down the long hallway, Jadyn reading off aloud.
"No. No. No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not even close. No. Oh!- wait, no. No.... Ah is that- no.... Wait...."
He stopped at a door, just like the others it listed off three names meant to occupy the room.
"Hallelujah Serafim, Jadyn Kaye, and... Ahehehe. Well this is interesting; Mori Arpen"
Jadyn turns and shot a smug grin to Mori. "Looks like we're roommates. Lesse how long it is before ya wanna strangle me now, hah."
He pulled a key from his shirt pocket with a light jingle and clicked it into the door, opening to reveal a fairly crammed little dorm room.
"They're really pushing their space limits here, but ah, it should work." Jadyn dropped his bag off next to one of the three beds in the room, kicked off his sandals and layed down with his arms behind his head. There was no bedding on any of the beds yet, and with only one desk and one washroom who could tell the arguments that would go on, but it was nice to lay down for a change.
"Wonder who this Hallelujah fellow is, though. Can't say I've met him yet. Guess we'll know soon enough though..."
((Second chars are accepted, and yes you two can make another but only if you can handle it. *stares pointedly at Twiggy* After you two make a second, no more making seconds. Got it?

And yes teachers can sponsor clubs.))

Ingrid shrugged, wiggling out of Deigo's grip and getting up.

"I'm going to head the the dorms for now. Need to unpack; dad and Splinter brought all my stuff up already, and you know how messy they are." She said, trotting out of the assembly hall, waving to Deigo as she went. "Later."

She knew her way around the school very well, and quickly reached the girl's dorms, the long hallway well-lit and cheery, with a white board outside each door and a pen on a string attached to it. Names were written on each door, and the Flareon scanned each one looking for her own name, reading them out loud as she passed.

"Joyce Radson, Song Ji, Haneul Kyung... Nope. Jasmine Hawkes...she's got her own room, lucky... Aha! Ingrid Alarik, Sasha Vexzorn, and Naoto Watanabe. Bingo."

Ingrid slipped into the room and sighed at the sight of the tons of bags that her father and older brother had stacked everywhere, and got to work tidying them up.


Hallelujah, meanwhile, was slowly making his way out of the assembly hall in a large mass of students, his head bowed a bit. He was given a bit of space to move due to his large spiny back, and was thankful for that. He slipped down the hallway to the boy's dorms, and started to read the whiteboards carefully, looking for his name.

"Mark Vincianelli, Mason DeRonez, and Klavier Bauer... Diego Álvaro, Remmi Menchu, and Larry Feuerberg... Roman Novak, Veral Tenkal, and Beythear Radson... Xreig Kralon... Oh, here we are...Hallelujah Serafim, Jadyn Kaye, and Mori Arpen... I hope we can be friends." The Lapras said to himself.

He pushed the door open gentle and peered inside.

"Hello? I'm Hallelujah..."
Xreig weaved his way through the crowd. Over the years, he preferred to go through and just pass people then just push pass the crowd. After many checks of his map, he made it to the male dorms.

"Mark Vincianelli, Mason DeRonez, and Klavier Bauer... Diego Álvaro, Remmi Menchu, and Larry Feuerberg... Roman Novak, Veral Tenkal, and Beythear Radson... Xreig Kralon... Oh, here we are...Hallelujah Serafim, Jadyn Kaye, and Mori Arpen... Wait, only Xreig Kralon? Oh thank Arceus! I'm alone!" he said to himself.

He went inside and quickly looked around. It was of decent size. Their are three beds. "That will be empty" he added mentally.

He quickly set up his belongings. After a few seconds of boredom, he decided to take a walk around school. He might as well know at least the layout of the place. He might as well be here for four years...
Klavier walked back to his room. He knew where it was because he had stopped there before the meeting to set down his bags. He really didn't want to struggle with his bags all day.

He looked at the whiteboard telling him the names of his roomates.

"Okay, Mark and Mason. I have to remember that." he said, starting to unpack.

Then, he noticed Mason.

Gotta be quiet... he thought.

He decided to save the unpacking until everyone was awake.
Mark walked to the dorms, weaving around people and attempting (mostly succeeding) to not hit them. His tail, always tipped with royal blue paint, hung low but above the ground behind him.

He reached the whiteboards and located his name. He had two roommates, Mason and Klavier... He hoped that they weren't horrible. He trudged to his dorm, entered, and saw a pink Lopunny. Male, apparently, from the fact that this was the boy's dorm.

"Erm, hello. I'm Mark Vincianelli. Are you Mason or Klavier?" Glancing around, Mark noticed a sleeping Kadabra on one of the beds.
"Um...yes, I'm Klavier." Klavier mumbled, "We better be quiet. The guy I assume is Mason is asleep."

Klavier let out a small chuckle.

"Of course, you probably noticed that he was." he said, "I always end up...stating the obvious."

He stared at Mark.

"But nice to meet you." he finished.
"Mason," muttered Mason, who had woken up when Klavier had first entered the dorm, being quite a light sleeper, "And I guess that you," he opened his eyes at this point and pointed at the Smeargle, "are Mark, and you," now pointing at Klavier, "are Klavier. At least if I memorized what you each said..." He stopped speaking, realizing that both the Lopunny's and the Smeargle's eyes had widened at his memorization skills.

Mason was quiet for a moment, then he decided that he was in an awkward position, and he didn't like awkward positions. With a pang of guilt, he teleported outside of the dorm and padded away quickly, hoping that he hadn't upset his roommates at all.

((Augh Ninja'd by Flareth))
Mark's eyes bugged out as the Kadabra disappeared, leaving Mark and Klavier alone. He would have to be careful around Mason, he could memorize things even when he had just woken up... Which was probably normal for a Kadabra.

In an attempt to break the silence, Mark said,"Umm, I like your shirt..."

Why did I say that? It probably sounded creepy...
"Thanks." Klavier said, "Hope we didn't disturb him too much."

He yawned.

"I'm going to bed. Don't worry, I'm a heavy sleeper. Where I lived, there was always a ruckus."
"Hmm. Okay, then," said Mark, the end of his sentence trailing off into nothingness. He stood akwardly for a moment, and then fell onto his bed, rather more quietly than someone would expect. Scratching at his collar, he curled up near the pillow-end of his bed and drew his backpack up to his knees. Mark pulled out a charcoal pencil and a sketch book, and began rapidly, but comparitively quietly, etching something or another into it.
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