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Closed Sunset Falls Academy

Klavier slowly strode into the reception area.

"Oh, right, I guess we meet here on the first day." Klavier muttered to himself.

Klavier walked to his seat, trying not to make eye contact with anyone. People still made him nervous.

I just hope I make some friends at this school. he thought to himself, pulling out the chair so he could sit.
Sasha watched Ingrid's display boredly. She had absolutely no interest in boyfriends. Not this year anyway. She could wait until college for that.

Her gaze shifted to the teachers. Mr. Mustang looked irritated as usual. Grumpy-pants.

...Not that she was any better.

Her eyes met locked onto the art teacher, a Sceptile woman who looked rather eager to get away from the principal from the way she was slowly inching away. Sasha had never had class with her before, nor been in the room. She had heard that there was a sort of grading wall in there though. Your grade for the moment was painted onto a dark purple background in bright yellow that all could see. It bothered her; she thought grades were supposed to be one's own business.

She would live with it though.
Beythear shrugged and sat down next to the guy who was hit in the face. "I'm Beythear," he said, turning to him, "And your name is?"

((I want a second character too please! :D))
"Captain Blowhard looks jolly as always" Jadyn thought to himself as he surveyed the room. He had quietly snuck into a fairly empty seating area, which made things... exceptionally boring. He glared at the row across from him; that Monferno from the hall was heckling a very uncomfortable looking Mightyena. He ducked his head slightly as if he could blend in despite his bright blue colouration.
"Why do they bother with these assemblies" Jadyn thought to himself, rolling his eyes and sighing. His finned tail swished across the ground behind him nonchalantly. The art students were all doodling various things to pass the time, a Houndoom was getting beat on, welcome to Sunset Falls.
Sweat started to run down Mason's face as he realized with agony that he was reading upside-down. The problem with being able to do that could mean that you wouldn't notice. As he began to put the book away he heard a sweet noise. He turned to the Weavile beside him, who was playing a soothing song on a flute. Mason shuffled awkwardly, thinking about his almost inevitable failure compared to the boy on his instrument.

"That... That's uh... Well your good at playing your flute" Mason stuttered to the Weavile. He was still trying to pronounce his name, and he was having difficulty multi-tasking. Exreag (at least that was how he thought it was pronounced) looked at him for a second, then continued the song.
((Ooh. The principal's name is Mr. Mustang, if I read carefully. :) ))

A Tyranitar -- of mostly average size -- meanwhile, was sauntering towards the academy, seemingly not in a hurry to go anywhere. A few more students zipped by her, and she calmly entered the large building, following the others to the assembly hall. So there was an entrance ceremony... with a shrug, Jasmnie stepped through the door, but flinched as she saw how many others were there. I hate crowds, she thought with a growl, finding a seat that was far away enough from everyone so that she wouldn't attract attention, but not so far that she would. Even though a Tyranitar was very conspicuous anyway; she wouldn't have much of a chance of being alone. Sighing another growl, she stared, bored, towards the front, at the principal who seemed equally annoyed.
Diego glances over at the speaker, seeing that he seemed to want to strike up a conversation. He shrugs and pushes his sunglasses back up his nose, turning his head to face this 'Beythear'

"Name's Diego. Most people would know that...either you're new here, or you haven't been paying attention. But, not bad to see you"

Diego then leans on Ingrid, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. He leans down and gives her cheek a quick kiss then smirks, pulling ehr cheek a bit with his fingers.

"As for you. Ruffian? Really? That's a puffy word you have there, Hot Stuff."


"Oh shush Tiny"

Tiny just sighs and shakes his head, looking at the stage where the really bored Principal stood. He looked really announced and flustered by the day.

Poor guy...


"Three days tops. You can't resist not blowing up a beaker until then. Fifty bucks says that loud and clear"

A tall and slim Gardevoir moves her hair behind her ear, smirking at the Chem teacher with a mischievous glint in her pale purple eyes. She leans to her colleague, resting her elbow on his shoulder and letting out a soft purr.

"Care to prove me wrong Kimmy-boy?"

She then glances over to the black Charizard and giggles a bit, seeing her lovey looking like he'd rather be back at home with their littles ones and oldest two. She shakes her head and tsks under her breath.

"My my Mr. Mustang, are we already sick of the children?"
Larry sighed- it was boring to just sit.

He looked at his rubix cube- he really wanted to start calling it rubbish cube, since he had solved the puzzle a million times now(rather 20 times a day for 10 years).

He sighed, and stretched his hands and legs, accidentaly touching the back part of the weavile's head with the latter body part.

He looked at the cube after being done with it, and decided to look at the mightyena as he tried to solve it, a grin plastered on his face(for now).

(contact chart: Larry made contact with Mori(mightyena) and minor with saota(I think that's the name)(Weavile))
Mori slowly looked around as he fiddled with the cube in his hand, nothing that he really wanted to look at.

Jeez, even the teachers are gettin' a little randy...

His thoughts as he peered over at the Dance teacher. He looked away to the left and, out of the corner of his eye, spotted something blue that seemed to be looking at him. He turned his head a little more and moved his eyes to look, but before he could, he was smacked in the face by a someone stretching next to him, causing him to flinch a little. He went straight back to looking at the blue person, whom Mori identified as being a male Vaporeon. The boy's head was kind of ducked as if not to draw attention to himself.

Hmm, this boy seems similar to me. Hopefully he won't be as questioning as this guy

Mori looked at the Monferno as his mind spoke these words. Seeing he was one of few who actually sat in their labeled seat, he got up and started walking slowly and inconspicuously towards the Vaporeon, giving the Rubix cube back to its owner. He took a seat next to him, looked forward and down, shifted his eyes to look at his potential new (and only) friend and said...

"Hey...you ok?"
" ♪ When there's fire~ On the ground~ Should I turn my whole world around~ When a wheel's~ In the lake~ should I think it's a big mistak- ♪ Huh?" Jadyn looked up from his personal internal MP3 player when he noticed someone approaching from the corner of his eye. He glanced over to see the Mightyena boy who was being bothered by the Monferno heading over to him. He did a bit of a double take at him. "..Oh wow.... wai- no, no. no-"

"Hey... You okay?" the boy asked, pulling Jadyn back into reality.

"Huh? Me? Yeah, yeah just.. you know.. bored.. that kid is a bit clingy huh? Hah. If it makes ya feel better I nearly plastered him with my bag on the way in here- Oh, bugger, is he heading over here? This old coot had better start up soon..."
Jadyn paused for a moment to glare around, making sure he wasn't about to be jumped.
"My names Jadyn. Don't think I've seen you here.. New?"
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Ingrid made a soft 'humph' sound and ignored Deigo, her nose in the air. He was such a snot, her father was right. But he was so...handsome too. It wasn't fair. She snuck a look at the Houndoom, frowning. So tall and muscular...

She shook her head. Why was she thinking that?! She was mad at him! She made another 'humph' sound.

Kimbley, the Chemistry teacher, made a barking laugh and patted the Gardevoir teacher on the head, bobbing his head up and down. He grinned.

"You're on!"

The Principal glowered at the Typhlosian, and stood up straight; 9:00 on the dot, time to speak to the students. He cleared his throat, and quite a few students, including Hallelujah and Ingrid, looked at him and were quiet.

"Welcome to Sunset Falls Academy, old an new students alike!" He boomed, still managing to look quite annoyed. "First, I would like to tell you of a few rules changes and additions, and tell everyone that they should review the other rules, a copy of which is located in your planners, which were sent to your homes a week ago."

Ingrid pulled hers out of her bag and flipped it open. The rules took up about twenty pages. She sighed.

"First, I must remind you that alcohol and drugs are forbidden on the campus; you should know this. Second, due to an...incident last year, students are forbidden to use the Substitute technique."

Ingrid snorted; she remembered that. It had been funny. A tenth-grader had made a weak Substitute right before he had been about to go up for his match in the school-wide boxing tournament, and when his opponent had hit it, a large hole was put though the sub, who everyone had thought to be real. It had caused a lot of panic. She giggled at the thought.

"...Moving on, we have a few new additions to the teaching staff! As you know, our PE teacher retired last year, and we have found a replacement..." The Charizard glanced down at the teacher seating. "Though... he doesn't appear to...be here right now. Well." He cleared his throat.
Mori's depressed state quickly subsided as once again, someone directed a sentence at him without an insult in it. He chuckled as this Jadyn fellow told of his earlier encounter with the slightly hyperactive Monferno.

"I'm Mori...Mori Arpen. I transferred here from my old high school so this is my first year in this place. I haven't really got any f..." he said after Jadyn had finished, pausing as the black Charizard on stage began to speak. He looked up half-attentively at him, knowing he was going to be bored by yet another start-of-school lecture.
"I'm just new here," Beythear replied. When the charizard at the front began to speak he stopped. Why anyone would use substitute in the first place baffled him. It wasn't a very useful skill. He leaned back in his seat. Might as well get comfy. I might be here a while, he thought resentfully.

((So... can I have a second character?))
Diego's eyes train on the Charizard, a small smirk on his face as the teacher adressed the rules of the school. He remembered that punk that used the sub move, caused quite a riot at the boxing thing. A few of the teached gave Diego a scanning look and asked if he put the kid up to it when they found out. There couldn't prove that it was his idea, so they left him alone and returned to being a afraid of him.

Well...most of the teachers feared. Others knew he was full of crap. Like the Principal, the Dance Teacher, Photo teacher and others.

Diego's arm remains around the Flareon's shoulders, drawing her closer to his side as he watches Mr. Mustang's speech.

"Looks like he's already sick of school, eh Hot Stuff."

Tiny stares at the stage and looks at the teachers, searching to see who he knows and who he is yet to meet. He liked most people at thsi school, but he was still iffy when it came to adults. He then spots the Dance and Chem teacher talking. He liked the Dance Teacher, she would bring in her kids for the students to meet sometimes.

Then there were the times over the PA when the Principal and the Dance teacher...had a meeting.

"...why did I think of that..."

The color on Tiny's face raises, casting hsi eyes away from the Dance Teacher.


Ming leans back in her chair and watches the foolish Charizard adress the students, surpressing a snort when he brought up the Sub. issue. She glances at the students and fidn Diego with ease, knowing the boy personal through her son Joey. She'd bet he had something to do with most trouble in the school. And if it wasn't him, then it was her son.

"Wonder what else has been added, Kimmy-boy"
He momentarily stared at the Kadabra.

Why on earth his he reading upside-down? And did he just compliment me? Whatever.

He was about to play a different tune, when the Charizard, the principal he guesses, began to address the students. At the Sub. issue, he had a straight face, but in the inside, he snickered, but mostly ignored him. Over the years, he had learned to hide his emotions with a mask of indifference.
Klavier let out a smell chuckle.

Substitute? Why would anyone ever use it? Klavier thought, Well....it certainly...blew a hole in his plans.

Klavier cradled his head in his hands.

You're thinking of corny puns, still. No one likes them. he told himself.
((Ugh. I didn't put a backpack or bag of any kind in my appearance section...))

Jasmine's head jerked up as the principal started speaking. Apparently, he was stating the rules. New student, Jasmine thought, again half-growling in her head. She looked back up to the principal; she had allowed her eyes to wander down. He called for a planner of some sort, that had the main rules of the school in it. Jasmine didn't feel that it was polite to read while he was talking, so she waited. Typical rules... then, there was one that somewhat puzzled her.

"Second, due to an...incident last year, students are forbidden to use the Substitute technique."

"That's odd," she murmured to herself, her tail swishing slightly to the right. But why would she -- especially in class? She wouldn't actually learn anything anyway. But then again, how could the teachers tell it was a Substitute. Probably because it poofs after it's done, the Tyranitar thought to herself, wondering if the principal had anything else... interesting to say.
((yeahsure, Chaon, as long as you can handle it (and make longer posts.)))

Continuing on, the principal looked up from the teacher's seating section and back at the students. He coughed a bit, and his tail swayed behind him, like a cat who was annoyed.

"In any case, you will meet Mr. Havoc soon enough. I expect you to treat him with respect that you would show any other adult, I hope you all understand. He is very skilled at what he does."

Ingrid sighed and leaned against Deigo, wondering why he was going to such lengths to make sure that they all respect this new teacher. He hadn't done this for any other new teachers.

"The Librarian would like me to remind you all that books are to be read, not used as coasters, table legs, pillows, toilet paper, kindling, juggled, eaten, drawn in, made into paper airplanes, or the like. And they are to be returned, or you will pay for them."

Hallelujah sighed. He remembered when he wanted to take out a book, and found out that it had been eaten by a rather...ravenous Sharpedo.

"And to finish, have fun!" The Charizard barked, making it sound more like an order. "You have the rest of the day to get settled into your dorms and meet new friends, sign up for clubs - the club board is outside the office - and whatever."
Tiny leaned forward on his knees, starting to get back to his feet. He knew that if he waited for the others, he'd have to stay back and allow others to go infront of him so he doesn't step on them. He reaches a hand to Diego and taps his head.

"behave please...I'm going to look at the board..."

Diego lifts his hand and places it on Tiny's, looking up at him.

"Going for a club?"

"Yeah...maybe a art club or a reading club..."

"Or the Football people will hunt you down again."

Tiny let out a snort, tapping his head and slipping out of the hall carefully, not wanting to create another hole at the top of a door too soon in the year. Dieog shakes his head and glances down at Ingrid.

"So. Club or just chilling this year?"


Ming gets to her feet and walks over to Roy a bit, placing a small hand on his shoulder.

"I can go looking for the dork if you like."

She then glances back at Kimbley, sending him a playful smirk.

"We can look for him."
Larry chuckled a little when he heared what the black Charizard said about the library, and could hardly supress laughing when he heared the possible ways of ruining books.

He stood up from his seat, and put his rubix cube in his backpack, put it on his back, and then headed out of the room.

Hmm... Nowadays when people talk about 'clubs' they refer to some strange disco stuff... Maybe I could try and find something interesting. He thought to himself while heading to the club board and releasing a flamethrower on his hands to heat them.

no Substitutes...too bad, I liked it so much to see people enter my room and suddenly see me twice! A fun feeling. He chuckled under his breath, and then looked around in hope of finding the mysterious board(lol).
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