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Closed Sunset Falls Academy

Beythear walked into the crowded assembly hall, and the first thing he noticed was someone getting punched in the face. What a friendly community, he thought sarcastically. He walked towards them to see what was going on. "Everything all right over here?" he asked awkwardly. There was a flareon girl, a black ninetales girl, a houndoom, and a rhyperior. The only one not making a scene was the ninetales girl. At least it's better than home...
Larry noticed that someone came form behind him, and noticed he swung his bag towards him. Larry jumped out of the bag's way, and hissed. "What was that for, you dirty..." But he stopped when he noticed that the "attacker" already ran to some room.

He walked towards the room everyone headed to, and noticed there were a lot of seats there. He shrugged, and looked around, finding one with a label reading "Larry fiemount" on it.

He noticed a mightyena sitting near it, seeming a little depressed. He walked to his seat, grabbing the label and examining it for a short while before looking at the mgihtyena.

"A little depressed, are we? Tell me your problem, I mgiht help!" He said to the Mightyena near him while taking his bag off his back and opening it, looking for whatever would be in it.
Finally, I'm here, and away from him

Were the first thoughts as Xreig entered through the front doors of the Sunset Falls Acadamy. He made his way to where all the other students were, and took a seat near the back with a bored expression on his face. Might as well sleep, this will be a long speech.
As Mori played with his scrunched label, he heard a voice that seemed to be directed at him. As hard as it was to believe that someone was actually talking to him without a single insult in the sentence, he turned to the direction of the voice's origin to find a Monferno putting his bag down.

"Hmm? Oh...thanks...but it's nothing really, just uh, partner issues"

Here's a student, trying to help and be friendly, but unfortunately for Mori they asked the most awkward question that anyone could possibly ask him. Not only that, but he answered more than he wanted to. He turned his head away once again, this time throwing the label onto the floor nearby.
"Partner issues? What's that?" Larry looked at the Mightyena- the guy seemed to either be a maniac, some strange guy, or trying to hide something.

"Say, do you mean your having problems with friends, or that you have no friends?" The latter a problem I have myself and don't really care about. Well, some of us always need friends, I guess.

He yawned, and stretched, looking into his bag, and finding a small, colourful cube, and started moving it, trying to solve the little puzzle. (yea, forgot the name of these things)
"Song!" Haneul went running towards the Swellow girl, seeing her and her blue scarf (and wings!) from a distance. The girl turned, and squeaked as Haneul threw her to the ground in a humongous hug. "I haven't seen you in forever, how've you been? What classes are you taking this year?"

Quickly, Song snatched up the scarf that had fallen to the ground and turning away from the crowd, refastened it around her face. You know, she would've said. And I'm the same as usual. As always. She narrowed her eyes around the corners, appearing to create smile lines around her eyes. They both knew she couldn't even smile or mouth words, though she lived with it.

"I'm glad," Haneul released her, who'd been struggling out of her grip the moment she'd hugged her. The Luxray girl's tail twitched, and she looked up suddenly as the switch in her mind flicked.

"Let's go find a seat," she muttered. "I think our wonderful principal has something important to say." Stalking off, Haneul disappeared into the chatter of rather colourful people. Song followed quickly after. It wouldn't do to lose her here, even though she wasn't new and knew most of the faces here. Song knew of Haneul's quirks, as Haneul knew of hers. Glaring up at the principal, she took her seat beside Haneul, near the back.
Oh great, already there's more questions. Mori stayed quiet, diverting his eyes to the Rubix cube in the Monferno's hands. He imagined playing with a Rubix cube of his own, solving it in no time at all. In his fantasy, the crowd cheered for him having won the Rubix Cube World Championship, then he gave his lover a big kiss.

All of a sudden, he snapped out of it, wondering how he got so desperate that he'd fantasise about Rubix cubes. Though he didn't mind having the lover. He went back to watching the Monferno instead.

((Last post for tonight, don't wanna back-and-forth too much :P And Twiggy, it's called a Rubix cube))
Larry moved the box for a short while, silently saying "HA!" a short while after starting- he solved the cube in less than a minute.

"Well? Will you tell me your problems or do you insist to stay in a depression? if you do, you really ought to get your head checked..." Larry said, and then started moving the box.

"it getts boring after you go over it 20 times daily.." He mumbled as he made the colours once again a chaos, and started making order between the colours.

"Want to try? It's quite fun! the reason my 'father' gave me five of these cubes.." Larry mumbled again and then yawned.
Mason rushed into the school, nearly falling through the front doors. He ran down the halls, muttering something about "misteleportation" the whole while. The halls were almost empty, which helped him get to his desk faster, but assured his fear that he was critically late.

His tail bobbing behind him he found his desk in mid-run, getting some odd glances from his fellow students, and sat down. He was glad that the chair he had was a "Tailspace Brand" chair, meaning that his tail fit comfortably as he sat down. Seeing half the people in the hall staring at him, some snickering, some whispering to their friends, he opened up a textbook of his and began to read feverishly, though sadly, he was holding the book upside-down.

The Weavile sitting beside him woke up momentarily as Mason entered, but he soon fell asleep again as the boy began to read...


Carrying her bag, Naoto made her way to the podium, she wasn't exactly looking forward for this, but what was there to do?

She went into the podium and took a seat behind a Flareon, who immediately caught her attention. She was pretty, and probably taken.

Naoto sighed again, that was the problem with this school, pretty much everyone who she had interest in already had someone, and that gave her another reason to dislike boys.

Boys, she didn't like 'em, yet she couldn't help but feel envious towards them, because it was "natural" for them to be together with girls.

Naoto shook the thoughts of it out and crossed her left leg over her right, she had a feeling this Flareon was taken, but she couldn't help but whistle a little at the sight of her.

((Oh yeah, I'm so flirting with you, FMC.))
((Bunch of duplicate posts on the bottom of page 2...))

Piet van Snits was late. Not that it mattered, really, it was only the entrance ceremony, mostly a students thing. Why did teachers have to attend, anyway? Didn't it make more sense to have the teachers doing actual work, considering that a new semester was starting? Piet couldn't very well question his employer, especially with so little time here under his belt, and he resignedly shifted towards the assembly hall.

There was certainly a lot of commotion between the students, and getting inside proved a little bit tricky. However, many stepped aside when they saw a teacher coming. Piet noticed a section set somewhat apart from the general rows and noted the teachers sitting there.

Concluding that it was the teacher section, Piet took a seat next to a Mr. Morgan, a physics teacher, and prepared himself for a rather long morning.

((And I suppose today is not too late for me to miraculously add another character? I kept deliberating with myself as far as what sort of character to make...))
Larry moved his eyes from his rubix cube when he noticed a Weavile girl sit down one row before him, straight before him, and then moved his eyes back to the rubix cube.

Is it just me, or is everyone in here depressed? Maybe school is a torture after all...heh.

He moved his thought back to the Rubix cube, staring at it for a moment and then mumbling
"Fucking hell why did I move my eyes from this bloody cube of shit..?" and groaning aloud.

He took the cube, pushing it into the Mightyena as hard as he could, and then 'dived' into his backpack again, looking for a new cube he could take care of after he has lost all of his focus on the previous one.
Diego picked himself off the ground, saking his head as he rubbed his jaw. He looks down atIngrid and sighs, a pained look in his eye.

"Ouch babe. You don't have to be so rough, we chave the entire year to have fun"

Diego then grins and drops in the seat on the other side of her, waving Tiny over with a cocky grin. Tiny just sighs and stumbles over, leaning down to look at Diego's jaw.

"I tried to warn you..."

"Yeah yeah, I know. Ingrid is as jumpy as Buneary. I already know that."

Tiny just shakes his head and moves int he seats behind the odd couple, notcing the Ninetales next to Ingrid. He tilts his head to the side and studies her.


((Thank you moon-panther for ignoring me completely.))

Beythear sighed. Already so much like home. No one would pay attention to him most of the time, then when they did they degraded him. He thought it was better to get away from the situation before the insults started. He turned to leave.
Xreig woke up a second time.

Damnit, everyone is to damn loud. he thought as he shook his head. He saw that in the corner of his eye, he saw that a Kadabra was sitting beside him.

And here I thought that I could be alone. he thought and sighed. Might as well practice my flute while I wait. Slowly, he bent down and opened his bag, taking out one of his most prized possesions, a flute that was passed down his family. Slowly, he started to play this song.
((Totally didn't see your post...))

Diego glances over his shoulder at the one that showed concern about him. He grins and tips his sunglasses down his nose, a small lit in his voice.

"Nah. I'm fine. I'm used to this to tell the truth"

"Which isn't something to be proud of..."

Tiny looks over at the other student and smiles a bit.

"Don't mind us...we're just a little...odd at times."
"Goodbye, son. Promise to come back and see us?" the big, beefy Electrivire said.

"I promise." Klavier said.

Most people wouldn't believe that was his dad. His dad was strong, while he ws a bit weak. He wasn't scrawny. He considered himself to be in the middle bewteen scrawny and average.

"C'mon, guys, go. I think I might be running a bit late." Klavier said, shooing his parents away to their car.

Holding a map in his hand, he dashed off, hoping that it would be okay if he was a bit late, since it was the first day.
((Yeah go ahead and get a second chara, just tell me when you're done :3))

Snorting, Ingrid slugged Deigo in the chest, not as hard this time, and snorted. What an annoying boy. She wondered why she hung out with him again, but ended up just sitting down again and crossing her arms over her chest. She pouted a bit and stared ahead at the stage and the bored Principal, who was now staring at the clock like he wished he could be somewhere else.

"I am not jumpy, Deigo. You should know better than to scare people. It's rude." She snorted, turning her head a bit and glaring back at him. "You're just a ruffian!"

Hallelujah turned his head when he heard the yelling and, spotting Ingrid and Deigo, chuckled to himself. Those two were always going at it, arguing and wrestling, and Ingrid seemed to like punching him. The Lapras laughed a bit, and looked back at his lap, where he had doodled a few pictures of the people sitting around him. He pushed some hair out of his face and started to draw some more.

Up on the podium, Mr Mustang was grumbling to himself. Another year of the school property being scrawled on, moved around, stolen, broken, misplaced, and blown up. He glared at the Chemistry teacher with the last thought, who was making bets with the dance teacher about how fast he could explode a beaker this year. The Charizard sighed. Good grief.

And the students were loud, too. He frowned.
Before he knew it, a Rubix cube was being forced upon him. He held it in his hand and simply looked at it, trying to use it as an excuse not to answer the questions he was being bombarded with by a complete stranger.

After a while of looking at it, he started looking around and moving the cube in his hand, slowly solving it.
((Guys, wait for me))

Mark walked rather quickly into the, well... you might have called it a reception area. There were other people there, some seemingly his age, many somewhat older. Picking at where his 'collar' met his neck, the Smeargle looked around for a while, nearly ran into some people, and finally found his chair.

He sat down, glad no one else was sitting near him. He pulled a pencil and a notebook from his backpack and began to doodle, blue-tipped tail hanging over his shoulder.
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