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Closed Sunset Falls Academy

A well-lit hallway. This was it, if she remembered correctly. Sasha had slipped out just before the rest to use the bathroom, and was now in the dorms hunting down her room as she saw everyone else headed off toward their own.

"Let's see here... not me... not me... not me... Ingrid Alarik, Sasha Vexzorn and... something I can't pronounce." Sasha mumbled. "Fair enough." she hoped to Arceus that her brother had put everything away. He was one to... not do that. And her brother didn't get along to well with Ingrid's as it were, so she hoped nothing got too torn up.

And when she opened the door...

Her things were all sitting on a bed. It wasn't much; just a suitcase of clothes, a few sketchbooks, a DS and an iPod, but it would do.

: Thalia Primrose

: 15

: Female

: Plusle

: Plus

: Thalia is tall for her age, being about 6 feet tall. She has pale skin, somewhere between white and yellow. Her cheeks have a red plus on them. She has a small tail, shaped like a plus mark. Her ears are very tall and have a red tip on them.

: Thalia is quiet, shy, and rather timid. She often keeps to herself, mainly because she has so few friends. She is a talented actress, and can really open up when she is acting. She has a great appreciation for the arts, and most of her classes reflect on this. However, she does not like any physical sports, and isn't good at any of them. She has low self-esteem because most people pick on her because of her height and distaste for sports. She often feels safe when she is with Amos.

: Thalia was born in Goldenrod on the same day as Amos, and both of their parents knew each other really well. Until they were 11, they were best of friends and inseparable. During this period of time, their personalities were just about the same, they both liked to do the same things, both showing equal interests in sports and arts. However, when entering junior high, their personalities began to shift, until towards the end their personalities were entirely different. They began to grow apart as well, as Amos began to gain many new friends, and eventually began to leave Thalia behind. At around 13, their friendship dissolved and they only saw each other around at school. Towards the end of grade nine, however, there was an incident in which Thalia was being shoved around by a few other girls, and Amos beat them up in defense of Thalia. Since then, their friendship blossomed again.

Period 1: Drama
Period 2: Spanish
Period 3: Biology
Period 4: History
Period 5: Psych


Name: Amos Sharpfrost

: 15

: Male

: Minun

: Minus

: Amos is about 6 feet tall. He has pale skin, in a shade between yellow and white. His cheeks have a blue dash on them. He has a small tail, shaped like a minus sign. He has tall ears that have a blue color on the ends of them. He is rather muscular for someone his age.

: Amos' personality is much different than Thalia's. Amos is a very outgoing person, and is very kind and considerate. He loves sports and participates in as many as possible. He is one of the more popular kids in the school. He has a strong sense of justice, and often stands up for others who are being picked on. However, he isn't that intelligent school-wise, often averaging a C in most of his classes. Amos also tends to overreact to certain situations, often jumping to conclusions.

: (See Thalia's bio)

Period 1: Drama
Period 2: Spanish
Period 3: Science
Period 4: P.E
Period 5: Psych


and pssst I get the reference of the science teacher being Mr. Nye do I win a prize?
(Hey, I noticed that too. But I got the reference to the Law teacher being Mr. Wright. :D)

Klavier muttered in his sleep.

"No...I won't let you take her, mindless scum" he mumbled, "I will use the..."

He stopped.

"Did I just say that out loud?" she muttered, half-asleep, "If so, sorry. I'm going back to bed."

He closed his eyes and immediately went back to sleep.
Diego waves Ingrid off, getting back to his feet and brushing himself off. He glances over at the milling students leaving the hall, clicking his tongue a bit as he judges a good place to slip through to get out of there without being run over.

"Now or never..."

He shoves his way into the mill and moves through it by either having students make way for him out of fear, or by him moving them himself. He then breaks free and brushes himself off again, walking to the boards.

"Let's go Tiny...dorms and shit."

Tiny nods, taking a stub of one of the flyers and follows him, slipping the stub in his pocket. Diego gives him a questioning glance, returned by Tiny's small laugh and shoulder shrug. They move move down the hall and look at the boards outside of doors, looking for their names.

"Mark Vincianelli, Mason DeRonez, and Klavier Bauer...Ah, here we go. Diego Álvaro, Remmi Menchu, and Larry Feuerberg...Remmi? That sound familiar..."


Diego looks up at Tiny for a few moments before doing a literal face palm.

"...I forgot that was you name, Tiny."

Tiny laughs and pushes the door open, ducking his head to slip into the room. He let out a small 'eep' when he noticed that there was another person in the room. Diego walks in after him and ducks under the Rhyperior's arm and looks at the other boy.

"...You must be this Larry guy. What grade you in."


"Shut it Tiny, I'm making friends"

Tiny just sighs and goes to the large bed provided for him, pulling his bag open to unpack. He knew Diego's friend making will land someone in the infirmary.

And his money was on this Larry to be the open gives the year round ticket.
Mori chuckled as Jadyn struggled with his bags, but not too much as he didn't want to sound rude. He followed him to the office to see where his dorm was, only to realise that the lists were posted on the doors of each dorm.

"Do they really think that's a good idea? Someone's probably already swapped those tags.. Oh, let's just leg it over and hope no one has gotten any ideas yet." said Jadyn, to which Mori replied with a simple nod. He ran with the Vaporeon to the dorms and walked with him as he read out the names.

Finally Jadyn stopped and found his name along with the name "Hallelujah"...and Mori's. The look and grin on Jadyn's face as he turned to him made Mori blush slightly. He was so glad that the fur on his face made it invisible unless looked at closely.

Just as he was about to walk in, a Staraptor messenger flew overhead and dropped a bag right into Mori's hands. With the bag was a note saying...


I can't believe on your first day you forgot your bag! You're lucky this messenger flew by when he did or you'd be stranded without clean clothes!

Be careful hon,



Mori face palmed in his mind, scrunched up the note before anyone else could read the embarrassing words of a mother and entered the dorm. It looked like Jadyn was adamant about his choice of bed, so Mori sat on the adjacent one, plopped his bags down on the floor, took his shoes off (leaving his socks) and laid down on the bed. He crossed his legs and put his hands behind his head, finding it quite comfortable.

After a few moments, the door crept open and a male Lapras poked his head through, "Hello? I'm Hallelujah...".

A strange name, but seemed a nice person nonetheless, "There's your answer Jadyn. Hi, I'm Mori..."

Mori didn't say much as a greeting. He didn't really like meeting new people, usually just ignoring or avoiding them. This year however, he at least wanted to make friends with his dorm mates otherwise it'd be a very uncomfortable situation.
((I'm personally deathly afraid of the biology teacher, Mr. Tucker. Good luck to you people in that class. *shudder*))

Roman walked onto the campus. Sure, he'd missed the entrance ceremony, but quite honestly, could anything of importance really happened? All that might've really happened would be the principal going on about rules, a favorite subject of his.

And so, instead of walking to the assembly hall, Roman elected to take a somewhat roundabout route to the dormitories.

Not bad this year., he declared mentally, scoping out potential targets of his charms.

Before he'd realized it, though, Roman was staring down a list of rooms and their occupants. His name appeared next to a Veral Tenkal and Beythear Radson.

The first should be an 11th grader now, and seemed like a fairly cool guy from what Roman had seen. The second, a 10th grader, was unknown to him, however.

All I ask is that they're not annoying., Roman thought.

He found the room fairly quickly.

"Anybody home?", Roman asked the empty space, "Suppose not.", he added upon receiving no reply.

With that, Roman sat himself down on a bed and set his things down, he didn't have many.

Heading to the hall that held his classroom, Piet thought plenty about what this year might be like.

Hah, all I need is a class without any troublemakers or clowns and I'll be fine.

Though most of the students at least should be finding their dorms and such, Piet spotted many wandering the halls, probably freshmen finding their bearings.

Before turning to open the door to his classroom, Piet spotted a wandering Smeargle, clad in paint-stained clothing and thick glasses.
Once the speech had ended, Beythear decided to go to his dorm. He was tired and wanted to lay down for a while. He was just walking out of the assembly hall when he heard someone call his name. He turned sharply, and saw Joyce walking towards him. "Joyce?! What are you doing here?!" he yelled.

"I came with you Brother. I know you told me not to, but I left a note telling Ma and Pa that I was going the complete opposite way. They'll never find us," she said confidently.

"Joyce, Mom and Dad don't need to know where we're going, they can just track our scent."

"Then why haven't they done so Brother?" He paused. Why hadn't they? "Well I'm here now, so why does it matter?"

Beythear sighed. "I guess I blew that a bit out of proportions. I'm glad your here, safe from Mom and Dad." He knelt down and hugged her. "Now, I don't know about you, but I'm a little tired, so I'm going to my dorm. I'll see you later," he said. He turned and left. He walked by the doors in the boys dorms slowly, reading the names... Mark Vincianelli, Mason DeRonez, and Klavier Bauer... Diego Álvaro, Remmi Menchu, and Larry Feuerberg... Roman Novak, Veral Tenkal, and Beythear Radson! He entered the room where he had earlier thrown down his bags. There was already someone in there unpacking. "Hey," he said rather neutrally, while throwing himself onto the bed.


After leaving her Brother, Joyce went to her dormitory as well. She walked past each door looking for her name. Joyce Radson, Song Ji, Haneul Kyung... not too hard to find. She entered the room, but seeing no one, began to unpack.
Larry read his book and seeemd to sink into it so much that he didn't that two other students entered the room until one of them called him "larry guy".

He looked at his two roommates- they were a gigantic Rhyperior and a Houndoom. A shiver went down Larry's spine- he was stuck with two people that were at least 3 years older than him and didn't seem to be too nice.

"None of your business." Larry said coldly, and then put his book on his bed. He stood up, and looked at the two.

"Now listen up! If you're looking for trouble, I might be small, but I definitly can defend myself. Im not looking for trouble, but you two sure seem to do said action." He said while loading up a focus blast attack between his hand- an orange shimmering ball of energy that seemed to explode should it make the smallest contact with anyone.

"And by you I mean you." He said and looked at the houdoom, called Diego according to the Rhyperior, who was called 'tiny' according to the Houndoom.

"I hope we're clear." He hissed and sat down, still charging up the orange colored focus blast.
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Diego leans his head back and lets out a bark of laughter, finding the guy's actions to be funny. He just shakes his head and goes to his own bed, still laughing as if he just say someone do a face plant in the dirt.

"Guy, get out of here. You really think you'd stand a chance against me and Tiny here? You must be a Grade Nine to pull that stunt with me. I'll let that one slide, but believe me, I suggest you watch your step with that shit."

Diego grabs his bag and starts to unpack, trying to stop chuckling at the idiot's stunt. Tiny let out a sigh and glanced over at the Monferno, eyeing him carefully.

"Larry...I suggest you take his advise. He has a sense of humour, but it's a bad idea to stretch it thin. Fair warning."

Tiny's eyes then take on a more serious look.

"But if you are serious in using a attack on my friend...I will not be pleased."
Haneul paused beside Song, who was signing up for a few clubs beside her and didn't seem to have noticed the Luxray had stopped beside her.

"Hey!" Song twitched and leapt back, almost knocking a guy over as Haneul broke out into a smile. "We're in the same dorm again! Great!" Something seemed to come over her as she froze for a second, and her tail sparked. "Though.. who's this Joyce Radson? Not sure I've met her before." With a shrug, Haneul seemed to unfreeze and grabbed Song's shoulder. The Swellow girl let out a yelp as she found herself being dragged along to the dorms.

Don't I get a say in this, she wanted to snap, though saying something might cause Haneul to switch sides and electrocute her. No.. the angry side couldn't, right? She tapped Haneul's paw and she released her, the two walking beside each other now.

"Ah, here we are!" Haneul pushed the door open, to find a Growlithe girl with odd blue fur there. "Hello, you're Joyce, right?" Haneul bounced into the room and looked around, taking everything in. "Huh, smells like the ninth grade. You're new, right? I haven't seen you around, what grade are you in? I'm Haneul and this is Song, and we're both in the tenth grade. She won't talk much."

Song winced. Much as she'd rather have introduced herself, she was glad that she didn't have to do any talking.. Haneul at her best was rather intimidatingly friendly, and at her worst.. She'd warn Joyce later. For now, Song smiled and waved to the girl, before walking past Haneul and nodding to the two of them. She just wanted to unpack.
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As Jasmine listened, she took note of the Charizard's dark color. That would be a good thing to recognize him by. He mentioned club sign-ups in the main office. But after a little thought, Jasmine decided to go later. She stood up and slung her dark orange bag over her left shoulder, heading carefully out into the halls, following other students to the dormitories. She stopped shortly to read the names beside each door, but nothing matched. Sand seemed to trail behind her, but was swept up soon after; thanks to her Sand Stream, she would probably cause a bit of interruption. But she was careful to keep close to the walls so she didn't trail dirt in the middle of the floor. There were more signs with names, but nothing said hers. Finally, she got to an odd room -- it only had one name on the list.

Jasmine Hawkes.

With a grin, she carefully opened the door, looking around. Finally, she would be alone for some time... she dropped her bag near a bed far from the door, but close to the wall; she liked being in corners, but only if she was alone.

((I didn't read too carefully, but I did read that I got my own room. If I missed anything, let me know.))
Roman looked whoever had just entered and plopped down on one of the other beds over. There lie a musclebound Arcanine, complete with a seemingly glued on scowl and stiff fur.

"Yo.", Roman responded, asking, "Who might you be?"
"That it does" Jadyn says, tilting his head towards the door. He raises his left arm as if to wave, but otherwise doesn't get up otherwise. "Heya, Hal!... Hope you don't mind I call ya that. Three's a party then!"
"Oh my.. this is going to be an interesting year~" Jadyn thinks to himself.
"Make yourself at home, if home is the one bed that hasn't been claimed yet that is... Anyway, I'm Jadyn - and my friend here is Mori. But you probably already know that, it's only written on the door and all...."

Jadyn pauses for awhile, a howling laughter was echoing down the hallway, at least a few thumps of dropping books could be heard - probably from students scared witless.
"And not a moment too soon, sounds like Diego has found this year's punching bag..."
Beythear chuckled. "I might be a lot of people, but I am Beythear Radson. You are?" He asked his new roommate.


"Yep. I'm Joyce. I'm new here, in the ninth Grade. You are?" She asked excitedly. The one called Song walked past her, and gave her a look, then began unpacking. Joyce had almost finished. She just had a few pieces of clothing left. She held a shirt high, and the bracelet she wore sparkled in the sun.

((Would post more but I'm in a rush.))
Larry sighed, and slowly moved the Focus blast towards his face, and swallowing it once it was close enough and firing an ember on his hands.

In stark mountain I might have been attacked a lot, but there I had a chance and didn't have to face off foes that are almost two times my size each. Well, at least I know that at stark mountain people had some respect to the meaning of 'fair battling'. He let out a sad chuckle, and then grabbed his book.

He went back to reading, sitting in the same strange pose as before. He put the book on his side, again, and leaned forward towards his backpack, looking in it and finding a small box with a cookie painting on it fast enough.

He grinned, knowing that his room"mates" couldn't see his face, and fished a cookie out of the box, pushing it into his mouth and eating it as fast as he could.

Then, he grabbed a notebook and a few pencils, climbed out of his oversized backpack, opened the notebook and started doodling in it.

((creating a second character in Larry's bio post soon.))
((Okay Blaziking you is added! *lates*))

Ingrid looked up when the door opened, and the Ninetales from before walked in. She waved a bit from her spot on the floor, where she was currently trying to shove all her clothes into the bottom drawer of a chest of drawers, and kind of failing. She had clothes scattered all over the floor, and a pair of panties on her head, which she didn't seem to have noticed yet.

"Hey." She said, then turned back to the drawer. "Damnit dad I don't need this much stuff, we don't live that far away... I swear t'God that metal arm did something to your brain..." She muttered, mostly to herself but not all that quietly.


Hallelujah smiled a bit at the Vaporeon boy who was speaking so enthusiastically, and slipped into the room. His belongings were huddled quietly in a corner, and he got to unpacking them, until he heard the barking laugh from down the hall, and Jadyn's words. Deigo... He sighed. That guy was a lot of trouble at time, but nice...

"Well... It's nice to meet you both, I hope we can get along." He said with a sigh.


Roy stared down at the paper in his hands as he strode down the halls towards the boy's dormitories first, a frown plastered on his dark face. He slipped into the hallway and made his way to the door that said 'Xreig Kralon' on it, and picked up the pen, scrawling another name under that while muttering about 'room changes'.

When he left, the whiteboard read "Xreig Kralon and Amos Sharpfrost.'
Veral yawned as he shuffled out of the autitorium. Making sure his blades didn't scratch him, he crossed his arms as he followed the other male students to the male dorms. Stopping, he began to walk down the hall, reading nameplates to himself as he went. After a number of moments, he found himself standing before a room with his name on it. Without knocking or waiting on seeing if anyone else were inside, he kicked the door open. Waltzing in, he noticed his stuff leaning again the wall. Flopping on the bed, he sighed.
Diego moves to his dresser and puts away some pants and shirts. He pulls open the second drawer and dumps the remains on his bag into it. A small package lands on top of the pile with a note attacked.

"...The hell?"

Deigo snatches it and reads the note, rolling his eyes and slipping it into his back pocket muttering about 'insane Maes' and opens the package to reveal a snack bag with bitter and spicy flavours mixed together. Diego chuckles and opens it, popping a snack in his mouth before slipping it into his coat pocket.

"So Tiny. Did you find a club you wanted to join?"

Tiny let out a soft 'eep', turning to his friend with a shy look in his eyes.

"Umm...well. I was thinking of joining a club...but I'm not sure if I want to be in the Poetry club, Drama club, or that one that Mrs. Ryuu runs..."

"...You mean that club where you need to figure out mysteries and the criminal mind thing?"

"Yeah...but I'm not smart...that would be more of...Joey's thing..."

Diego let out a huff, crossing his arms.

"You are smart. Plus, if you want to go to these clubs, then do it...though the Football team will be snatching you off the spot again. So be prepared."

Tiny turns back to his unpacking, muttering a soft 'aye aye scar' under his breath. He goes to his own dresser and neatly puts away his belongings, not having much to begin with.

"..This is our last year here..."

"Yeah. Then we're free agents."
"Hi." Sasha yawned, falling back onto her bed, then looking up again at Ingrid. "Me, I'm just glad my brother didn't get into any fights bringing in my stuff like he did last year why do you have underwear on your head." she pointed at it as she set her belongings on the bedside table and shoved the clothes onto the floor. She'd put them away later; she was too tired from being awoken early at the moment. So as she lay her head back, she decided to count the little sparkles in the ceiling.

...Now that she thought about it, why were those still there? That incident had been months ago; the end of last year.
Beythear stared as someone stormed into the room without even a passing glance towards him. He didn't like being ignored very much. "Who're you?" he asked none too kindly, "and why the hell won't you even look at me?" He always appeared angry, but now he looked furious.
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