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Search results

  1. Alucard

    Alucards Chao Sprite Shop

  2. Alucard

    Alucards Chao Sprite Shop

    Here you go
  3. Alucard

    Alucards Chao Sprite Shop

    No problem ill get them done as soon as possible
  4. Alucard

    Alucards Chao Sprite Shop

    Hello and welcome to my sprite shop here are some examples of what i can do enjoy!! More stuff coming soon! Form for Chao TCs Name: Trainer (sorry, no customs at this point): Badge Set: Pokemon, include which pose you want as well as the Pokemon 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- A background you...
  5. Alucard

    The Pikachu Club

    hi guys can i join your club??
  6. Alucard

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! opps lol can i get an carmander chaos
  7. Alucard

    The Pokemon World Cup - Final

    Umbreon woot!
  8. Alucard


    TY guys
  9. Alucard

    Old habits in pokemon games

    i do the same things crazy linoone.
  10. Alucard

    Weirdest Sprite!

    Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Peral
  11. Alucard


    Hi there I'm Alucard. My brothers Belmont and he told me this site is really cool so I'm trying it out. i like making trainer cards for Pokemon and making sprites and stuff.
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