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Search results

  1. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Just as she had predicted and hoped, Athena made it to Twinleaf before nightfall. It wasn't a surprise really, she was a fast runner and had good grades in P.E before she was pulled out of school. She quikly set out to find a place to stay. Finding an abonded place, she went in and sighed. Now...
  2. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Athena's dad had fallen asleep, the one that where putting a roof over their head for the night where in the kitchen, the guest room they where staying in was on the leavle above it. ((don't know if that made sense, but I'm tired and I can't get to sleep >_<)) Athena grabed some money, enough to...
  3. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Athena and her father where walking now. They where prepared for their long journy to Twinleaf, where they will get on a boat to Pallet. Every thing was quite, Rock was ahead, Sea Queen next to Athena's father, and Jasmine, loyal as ever, walking next to Athena. The trip was silent as ever...
  4. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Athena entered the living room, surprised to see her father there. "Athena, we're moving to Pallet Town." He siad, surprising her even more. ((I'm not going to put my plan into action >_< i can't think any ways so yea.)) "W-we are? But how are we going to get a house?" She asked, she knew...
  5. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Athena sighed, she was sitting at her desk in her room, her dad in his study room, Rock and Sea Queen in the living room sleeping, Jasmine was laying on Athena's bed looking out the window. Athena looked over at Jasmine. "Should we just go today?" she asked, whispering. Jasmine looked like she...
  6. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Athena sighed and shook her head. She was going to get out of here, soon, tommorow she'll be away from here. She stood up and looked up at the sky to see how dark it was. It seemed to her the day was slow, but it was really going by fast. "I'll turn in early, i guess." she said, she turned and...
  7. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    The plan was simple. Rock will lead Athena out, who is caring a basket of berries, looking frighten. Rock will be mumbling this, "Stupid girl, always taking to much berries on her walks. She better plant them back, OR else."And Sea Queen and Jasmine will be in there balls, each hidden, though...
  8. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Athena looked up. Dialga was speaking, though, she didn't know to who , but realized it was to a pokemon. She stood up and walked out of the green house, Jasmine and Rock following close behind. Sea Queen woke up, she was normally a heavy sleeper and grew used to Dialga's loud voice, but the...
  9. N


    Lol. Thank you for the welcome Shani-chan. If you had an old account then wouldn't that make you a new, yet, old? Sorry I'm so clueless to what I'm saying at the moment because of a stuiped test day at school >_< Please don't get me talking about math, you would probably never understand some of...
  10. N

    ~Creativity Comes a Long Way~ Ninetails_Lover's Artwork

    Shure, but its going to take longer then that skitty though, EeveeSkitty- Ok ^^ Darksong- xP I thought so too, but I hadn't seen a picture of a Houndour for awhile when i made it, so I guess its a wolf ether way. Drawing a skitty was my first time drawing one :sweatdrop: And I'll get working...
  11. N


    Lol, plus i have no use of money for i have 100.00 dollors saved up cause i have no idea on what to spend it on >.< :grin: I'll try not to hesitate.........I'll really try not to >.< But I may, i don't know, I hesitate some times......I think I'm starting to ramble again today. I can't...
  12. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Thoughts where creeping into her head now, thoughts that she never wanted to think about. I need to get out of here.....But how? I'll get caught, I know that for sure, and I would probably die.....And what about my father? He can't take care of himself... these where the thoughts creeping in...
  13. N


    Eeveeskitty- If only i can convince my younger sister >_< she hates doing art work Raichu Grunt- Its nice to meet you Raichu Grunt. Thank you for the.....uh...I don't know how to phrase this but hey, its a try: Thanks for the wish of luck. You know, the funnyest thing is I have a Raichu on one...
  14. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    Athena had heard the roar. She closed her eyes, she knew these where hard times and people wanted out. But why wouldn't they give up? All it leads to was death.... She let out a sigh and opened her eyes up again. Jasmine was sitting beside her looking up at the greenhouse windows above them, Sea...
  15. N

    ~Creativity Comes a Long Way~ Ninetails_Lover's Artwork

    Ok, heres the Skitty. I'm sorry if its not quite good, my cam needed new AA batteries, and my scanner doesn't pick up pencil really well. http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn263/animalactress/Pokemon/SkittyByManta2.png
  16. N

    ~Creativity Comes a Long Way~ Ninetails_Lover's Artwork

    Ok, I'll try and figure how to save my pixel art .png I'll get working on that skitty then.
  17. N

    ~Creativity Comes a Long Way~ Ninetails_Lover's Artwork

    Ok, I'm finnaly going to show my artwork. I work hard on them and it takes me atleast a week or less to finish it and put it up. I will take requests, but be warned, this is my first time i will be taking requests. I also do artwork on the computer (I think it was called Digitalart or some...
  18. N


    Eeveeskitty- :) Taliax- I was thinking about that. And thank you for the welcome ^^
  19. N

    Open The Waning of Humans

    ((Is it allright if I join? Name: Athena Heart Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: Long black hair that’s at her waist, brown eyes. Is pretty skinny and about the same height of a normal 14 year old girl, though, she is about 5 inches taller. She wears a long sleeve black silk dress with black...
  20. N


    Yep. Sorry if I don't say much at the moment, its morning and I never do get up this early, lol
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