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Eeveeskitty- If only i can convince my younger sister >_< she hates doing art work

Raichu Grunt- Its nice to meet you Raichu Grunt. Thank you for the.....uh...I don't know how to phrase this but hey, its a try: Thanks for the wish of luck. You know, the funnyest thing is I have a Raichu on one of my pokemon games, and his name is Grunt.
Lol anyway welcome to tCoD forums hope you have a good time here. If you want to be friends don't hesitate to PM me =)
Clearly you haven't read the thread.

I gave a NINETALES PLUSHIE(ooh) and a gift is more worthy than money as you keep it :)

Lol, plus i have no use of money for i have 100.00 dollors saved up cause i have no idea on what to spend it on >.<

Lol anyway welcome to tCoD forums hope you have a good time here. If you want to be friends don't hesitate to PM me =)

:grin: I'll try not to hesitate.........I'll really try not to >.< But I may, i don't know, I hesitate some times......I think I'm starting to ramble again today. I can't tell.......... :sweatdrop: Ohh boyI'm probably making a fool of my self :sweatdrop:
Hi Athena! I'm new here too, lol, but I had a old account so I know my way around. Meet your new official helper bunny! *nibbles carrot*
Lol. Thank you for the welcome Shani-chan. If you had an old account then wouldn't that make you a new, yet, old? Sorry I'm so clueless to what I'm saying at the moment because of a stuiped test day at school >_< Please don't get me talking about math, you would probably never understand some of the problems i'll give you, nor the answers xD
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