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Search results

  1. jibaku

    Requests Open Give me a Pokemon and I will draw it.

    May I have a Dragonair?
  2. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    Woww~ Shiny Gyrados is so awesome looking.
  3. jibaku

    HeartGold And SoulSilver

    eee We're getting Eusine <333 *shot* All the other stuff is awesome too :3 By now, all the awesome new features and stuff we're getting is overwhelming. And yus. Mewtwo for some wins, yo.
  4. jibaku

    Naruto Fanclub

    I've been thinking that for the last month or so. Why can't he prz gtfo?
  5. jibaku

    Could be better, but I'll post it anyway.

    You know, I didn't look at it that way. Good point XD
  6. jibaku

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    Someone do me >:
  7. jibaku

    Could be better, but I'll post it anyway.

    Gimp is easy. Go to Image, then Transparency. Go to Color to Alpha and select the background color. My suggestion is that you turn the posting count on in the game section. We'll have tons of posts but it'll be easier to hatch our eggs. Also: Bitches need to post more >:I I'm going to make...
  8. jibaku

    Could be better, but I'll post it anyway.

    I joined~ I are Steffyn Desu on there. The general area is kind of empty, isn't it?
  9. jibaku

    Two great forum-based Pokemon RPGs

    Why do you have the account validation set on admin approval? Isn't e-mail verification enough? I'm not joining if it's on admin-validation :|
  10. jibaku

    Naruto Fanclub

    Wait wait wait. Episode 115 is already out. It was out last week.
  11. jibaku

    Naruto Fanclub

    Suigetsu's already in there.
  12. jibaku

    Door to Door Atheists Bother Mormons

    Wo wth XDD You know, whenever I see the word Jehova, I think of Jenova *shot*
  13. jibaku

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    ...I lost so hard XDDDDDDD
  14. jibaku

    Naruto Fanclub

  15. jibaku

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    I dunno why, but you kind of remind me a Pichu a little.
  16. jibaku

    What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

    ...Why did they make Byron such a creeper in the dub? And the person they picked for Roark was a stoner dude. Don't get me started on how badly they messed up Riley ;o;
  17. jibaku

    The "Fwee" Thread

    I. FOUND. SAPPHIRE. VERSION *implodes*
  18. jibaku

    Pokemon Memorial Thread

    Ohh jibaku from my ruby version. We never had much time to bond because I lent out Ruby version to a friend who never returned it. Never shall I forget you and your lvl 33 Mudkip ;o; And Jasmine from my Crystal version, my first Pokemon game, my first trainer. You and the level 32 Quilava I...
  19. jibaku

    Cheat Cartidges

    Well, I got a hacked Lucario off of the GTS when I was having a tough time with Maylene, but now I'm training its replacement so it all works out in the end :Dv
  20. jibaku

    Anyone hear about Michael Jackson yet?

    The Michael Jackson the world knew and loved died a long time ago. For years we had an inferior copy of the man and now that shell is gone. Now we all can appreciate his legacy and memory. That doesn't change the fact that I'm upset.
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