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Search results

  1. saxophonebird

    I found it! It looks like a lot of fun, but I really should do some homework while I have the...

    I found it! It looks like a lot of fun, but I really should do some homework while I have the chance... Hope your clash doesn't totally ruin your day, 'cause that would suck. Also, school on a computer sounds both amazing and horrifying.
  2. saxophonebird

    Um, hey guys!

    YAY I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE Thanks! I'm actually about to go check out ASB pretty soon. And the tea-cod meme is bringing nostalgia waves.
  3. saxophonebird

    I think I know where it is... but a link couldn't hurt! xD Also, I understand your pain. I'm...

    I think I know where it is... but a link couldn't hurt! xD Also, I understand your pain. I'm actually at home sick from school today cause my throat is burning :(
  4. saxophonebird

    Oh, cool! I might check it out sometime if I have a chance :3

    Oh, cool! I might check it out sometime if I have a chance :3
  5. saxophonebird

    Hi! Thanks for the welcome! :D Also, I'm not entirely sure what that is...

    Hi! Thanks for the welcome! :D Also, I'm not entirely sure what that is...
  6. saxophonebird

    Um, hey guys!

    Thanks! :) My old account was ShadowUmbreon I think. I almost never got on...
  7. saxophonebird

    Um, hey guys!

    Hey! I'm saxophonebird, if you couldn't tell from the username I play the alto sax and tend to spend most of my time doin' a little bird creeping. I used to have an account here, but I was never active even though I check the main TCoD website on an almost regular basis. Um, what else... Oh! I...
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