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Search results

  1. K

    Gardevoir Forum

    Thank you for viewing this thread. I'm trying to help my friend get more members on her forum; I think it is a very nice forum just needs more people. If you think there is something wrong with, please tell so I can tell her to fix it. Hopefully this forum will grow to be great thanks to the...
  2. K

    How long do Pokemon live?

    I would of never though someone would ask this question. I think they live over 10,000 years or so even when there owner/trainer die. They might give up on life and don't want to battle anymore but they should still be alive.
  3. K

    Renteura's Sprite Shoppeh Re-opened

    Renteura sorry about that. I was just kind of happy I showed it to people on my forum and on another they all said it was good.
  4. K

    Renteura's Sprite Shoppeh Re-opened

    You want to start a shop? I wouldn't know where to get started.
  5. K

    Renteura's Sprite Shoppeh Re-opened

    Hey look what I made Thanks for telling me what you use
  6. K

    Renteura's Sprite Shoppeh Re-opened

    Ohhhhhhh I would of never knew. Thank you
  7. K

    Renteura's Sprite Shoppeh Re-opened

    Well is there someway for you to download it?
  8. K

    Renteura's Sprite Shoppeh Re-opened

    Can you pm me the url to the site?
  9. K

    Requests Open Mewtwo's Sprite Shop that is too freakishly long to be posted in so GO TO THE NEW ONE DANGIT

    Re: Mewtwo's Sprite Shop! What site did you go on to make your sprites?
  10. K

    Renteura's Sprite Shoppeh Re-opened

    I would like to know what site did you go on to make these.
  11. K

    Swampert forum

    Ok, I thought I couldn't take a joke.
  12. K

    Swampert forum

    Well thank you for the tips. Now stay on this thread and praise swampert forum!!!! Thank you.
  13. K

    Swampert forum

    Well they like my forum and want to give it more attention then the other Advertising threads.
  14. K

    Swampert forum

    Umm CN this thing ' is not this thing " just thought I let you know. "<-quote. Not quote->'.
  15. K

    Swampert forum

    So what if my grammar is not the best. "Mercury was saying that you have improved [grammar/site] as if it makes the [grammar/site] good." Are you saying that better grammar dose not make the site better? Dose this "[grammar/site]" mean grammar and site or grammar or site?
  16. K

    Swampert forum

    I belive They are talking about the way I talk on here. It is true that improvement dose not make something good it onlys makes it better. But what is your point?
  17. K

    Swampert forum

    Oh. lol. I just noticed what you guys was talking about. lol I fixed it. That thing about the "skin styles" are you talking about what I call the layout?
  18. K

    Swampert forum

    You guys just want to be mean it is ok I feel where you are coming from. lol
  19. K

    Swampert forum

    You guys don't like it all? :(
  20. K

    Swampert forum

    Well what do you think?
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