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How long do Pokemon live?

I never suggested that they were totally immortal; they are shown to die and their death is mentioned. I just think that maybe they don't die of old age or anything.
In Butterfree's fanfic, the pokemon live in a state of suspended animation while inside a pokeball. So that means that they won't age while in a pokeball.
Marowaks don't die right after you breed them...But Cubone's entry says its mother dies... Really, I'm not sure about lifespans. I just wated to point that out >:3
Marowaks don't die right after you breed them...But Cubone's entry says its mother dies... Really, I'm not sure about lifespans. I just wated to point that out >:3

The game abtracts a LOT of things for the sake of gameplay.

I want to say that most species have an average lifespan a bit longer than that of humans.

Seriously though, I don't know if Pokémon are meant to have a specific lifespan. Some Pokémon do (e.g. Ninetales is meant to live for 1000 years (I think) etc.), and Pokémon such as legendaries are supposed to have been around for millenia. Presumably the legends don't die- Arceus certainly couldn't, being a God- so they live forever.

Ultimately death doesn't come into Pokémon, to keep its family-friendly image of ignoring death and passing the buck until kids eventually find out from someone else. XD
I think somewhere below 1000 years except for stuff like legends and Ninetales. The way it's said, Ninetales's life span seems amazing so other normal Pokemon must have not so amazing lifespans. Smaller less powerful Pokemon like Rattata would have shorter lifespans and strong powerful Pokemon might love longer like lets say, a Garchomp. Maybe Psychic Pokemon would live longer because of their Psychic powers. Hmm...this thread gets you thinking...ehh...
In Butterfree's fanfic, the pokemon live in a state of suspended animation while inside a pokeball. So that means that they won't age while in a pokeball.

Just because Butterfree said something doesn't mean it is true. Besides: It's fan fiction. Are you really going to regard it as "true"?
Thanks for mentioning Garchomp, EeveeSkitty. I was going to say that Garchomp lives around the lifespan of real dragons, about 400 or 500 years at maximum. Other than that, I think that most Pokemon, with the exception of Rattata and such, live about as long as humans do. Of course, Ghost-types live forever.
When a Pokémon dies, does it turn into a ghost Pokémon?
And if so, what decides which one it turns into?

How long does Missingno. live?

These are the kinds questions we should be answering.
I might write some strange fanfic or something to answer them.
Everybody saying that Pokémon are immortal, look at Absol's Emerald entry. It is a LONG LIVED Pokémon that lives about 100 YEARS. And that is Canon, for Arceus' sake!

That means that average Pokémon, at most, dies around the same time as humans
I tend to ignore Pokédex entries, some of them can't be true. I'll think of an example later.

Although you're probably right. A lot of Pokédex entries are realistic.
When a Pokémon dies, does it turn into a ghost Pokémon?
And if so, what decides which one it turns into?

How long does Missingno. live?

Good questions.

Could be a very easy way to get a Gengar if you don't have any friends to trade with. Just shoot a Bidoof. >=3
I tend to ignore Pokédex entries, some of them can't be true. I'll think of an example later.

Although you're probably right. A lot of Pokédex entries are realistic.

Absol's seems pretty reasonable. Only ones that I think may have issues are Ghost type entries and Legendary entries. Absol is neither

Good questions.

Could be a very easy way to get a Gengar if you don't have any friends to trade with. Just shoot a Bidoof. >=3


Ghost pokemon aren't actual ghosts. If they were, then they wouldn't be able to breed. They can die just as any other pokemon.

Dead pokemon can returns as ghosts, as can be seen with Marowak in the Lavender Tower. But it didn't become a ghastly.
Then why are places like Lavender Tower and Mt.Pyre infested with ghost types it they aren't the ghosts of the Pokémon who were buried there?

Marowak is a good point, though.
It's where they happen to live. :/ Perhaps they can communicate with the ghosts of pokemon, and that's why they are drawn there, but they themselves are just not ghosts.
Ghastly's Pokédex data:
"A Pokémon born from poison gases."

Not really a ghost then. But... yeah.

"it is said to be from another dimension"
But ghastly is made from gas, how can gas that comes from this dimension suddenly become from another? Oh well.
How exactly can you 'come from another dimension'?

"A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits"

I don't get that kind of Pokémon. Exeggcute, Dugtrio etc. How are they a single Pokémon?

Pokédex data can't really be trusted, but meh.
Ghastly's Pokédex data:
"A Pokémon born from poison gases."

Not really a ghost then. But... yeah.

"it is said to be from another dimension"
But ghastly is made from gas, how can gas that comes from this dimension suddenly become from another? Oh well.
How exactly can you 'come from another dimension'?

"A Pokémon that was formed by 108 spirits"

I don't get that kind of Pokémon. Exeggcute, Dugtrio etc. How are they a single Pokémon?

Pokédex data can't really be trusted, but meh.

Yeah, that is why I said ghost data is inaccurate
I would of never though someone would ask this question. I think they live over 10,000 years or so even when there owner/trainer die. They might give up on life and don't want to battle anymore but they should still be alive.
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