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How long do Pokemon live?

It's said that Ninetales lives for a thousand years, and Wartortle lives for ten thousand, but other than that, I think that Pokemon live as long as their animal counterparts normally do. It's most logical.

My new Butterfree in FR is going to die tomorrow?


And Mike, I never thought of that, but now that I look at it, I do. Posion Gas, useless little balls, huge eyes, copyandpastedandchangedtwopixels mouths...

I always thought they would live about 10 years longer than their trainer, since they lived a life of luxury and wouldn't be able to fend for themselves in the wild.
I would of never though someone would ask this question. I think they live over 10,000 years or so even when there owner/trainer die. They might give up on life and don't want to battle anymore but they should still be alive.


Absol is described as long lived, and lives 100 years (presumably in the wild)

The average Pokemon would likely only live about as long as a human
Hmmm.... I always assumed that the average Pokemon lives about as long as a human. Some more common ones and bug types (Shedinja not included) probably have shorter life spans, while fully evolved Pokemon lives for longer times. Dragons (Charizard, Salamence, and all those) and pseudo-legendaries can live for probably thousands of years, and legendaries don't die from age.

But that's only what I think.
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