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  1. The Omskivar

    Absence Sheet

    Yo hey speaking of The Omskivar, I'm coming up on show week and then a massive slew of auditions, callbacks and Theta events through like the middle of October. I'm mostly posting to provide an explanation for, and apologize for the continuation of, terrible reffing habits. Though I am still...
  2. The Omskivar

    Trading Post

    These three are still sitting in my box collecting dust if anyone's interested
  3. The Omskivar

    Superbird vs The Omskivar

    fucking chingling fucking learns recover why didn't i just fucking use recover We're just gonna pray. A lot. Use Zen Headbutt, and if you get lucky enough to survive to the second action, throw up a Protect. After that, zap him with Shock Wave. Zen Headbutt~Protect~Shock Wave
  4. The Omskivar

    The Omskivar vs. Totodile

    Let's get Beechbone out there!
  5. The Omskivar

    The Omskivar vs. Totodile

    Well I'm praying to all the Norse deities I can remember, and Grognak, you're throwing your bone everywhere (if you know what I mean). Bonemerang all the live-long day, if there's a Skeletal Buddy, you'll be alright, and if there are a bunch of boxes instead of a sword, aim it out through one...
  6. The Omskivar

    Challenge Board

    Oh man, I'm so in, Sergio will be putting on a dapper little miner's hat and taking the Ground type.
  7. The Omskivar

    Libraries are no help at all for contemporary plays :( contemporary currently means published...

    Libraries are no help at all for contemporary plays :( contemporary currently means published after 1980, and most of the monologue books at the library were published before 1990. I found enough for what I need but really I just need to buy and read a ton of plays Do you have a branch of...
  8. The Omskivar

    Superbird vs The Omskivar

    BLARGH that seemed like such a good idea in my head Well let's start with a Thunder Wave, then a Wish, and a Shock Wave. On the first action, release Wicket (and try to put some spin on it while you can) as you zap him, then try and keep your distance. Thunder Wave (release Wicket)~Wish~Shock...
  9. The Omskivar

    ASB Team Goal List!

    -betray TruetoCheese preemptively
  10. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    A friend studying in Madagascar sent me a huge facebook message and I get to unwind and read it later after rehearsal :3 seriously this thing is enormous
  11. The Omskivar

    What is your least favorite Pokemon

    See, I like a lot of the forgettable Pokemon. Every once in a while in class I'll get bored and list every Pokemon in a notebook (not numerically, but by region) and I always forget a few. Lickitung? I love Lickitung! It's so silly and I like its Iguanadon thumb-spikes. Lickilicky is ok...
  12. The Omskivar

    Superbird vs The Omskivar

    Oh yeah totally he's named after the Redwall character, after which they named a bell at the conclusion. Anyway I'll command later when I'm not just in-passing
  13. The Omskivar

    Right now I'm a BA but I'm planning on jumping into BFA once I get a little more situated! Also...

    Right now I'm a BA but I'm planning on jumping into BFA once I get a little more situated! Also I'm pretty sure my GPA isn't high enough for it so I need to bump that up as well. I'm in my fourth year of school though so yeah I can just pile 'em on, I only have one not-theater-related class...
  14. The Omskivar

    The "Fwee" Thread

    So last night at rehearsal the understudies were (FINALLY) rotated in, which is great because I've done like two line-throughs since the show started and practiced my blocking for the first act once. Woke up this morning to a large post in the facebook group praising the understudies (this from...
  15. The Omskivar

    Superbird vs The Omskivar

    nnnnnh gaaah I liked the Ominous Wind better okay Methuselah we don't want Brave Birds being thrown around all crazy so I want you to float over to the Taillow and Wrap onto him. Try to get yourself on his back, it's a Sky Battle so the hopes of bringing him to the ground are dashed but...
  16. The Omskivar

    Yeah I just don't really remember what my plan was with the Chingling o~o but thank you!

    Yeah I just don't really remember what my plan was with the Chingling o~o but thank you!
  17. The Omskivar

    Rename the Above Poster!

    Jiraichu now where did you find that thunder stone
  18. The Omskivar

    \ o /

    yo hey hi sorry I'm late I'm bad with this subforum welcome back! I'm The Omskivar and I've just typed that out three times in like two minutes so I'm really grasping at another way to introduce myself, but I also have to leave for my Beginning Dance class in like five minutes so I shouldn't...
  19. The Omskivar

    The SerpentJester brought me!

    Ah crap I'm so bad at keeping up with introductions Hi I'm The Omskivar! If you ask some people apparently I'm the Big Bad Omskivar but really it's just The Omskivar. I think I saw your old username in some ancient thread I happened upon? Anyway welcome back!
  20. The Omskivar


    Hey hi sorry I'm really bad at keeping up with the introductions forum I'm The Omskivar! It's good to meet you and Pokemon Snap is like the greatest thing, man. The greatest thing. You should go check out ASB!
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