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The SerpentJester brought me!

Pixel Chinchill

New member
An old buddy of mine (see thread title) told me of an old forum we frequented. And informed me that, despite times a changing, it was most welcoming and old friends were still here too.

So here I rejoin! I once went by the handle of Shocktail, though Chinchill is my preferred username nowadays. Much like Serpent, I've also come out as trans! So howdy everyone, new and old around here. My interests haven't changed much. I'm still into Sonic but also into Steven Universe, writing stuff, music, and, of course, all things ADORABLE. Oh, also this thing called Pocket Monsters. Very obscure. It's from Japan, dontacha know.

PS: (I heard a certain Foxhog is still around...bring him to me so I can bite his tail. I MISSED HIM SO)
now i get to meme on charlie on yet another platform!! amazing.

go buy some asb mons and put your dukes up! :u
Ah crap I'm so bad at keeping up with introductions

Hi I'm The Omskivar! If you ask some people apparently I'm the Big Bad Omskivar but really it's just The Omskivar. I think I saw your old username in some ancient thread I happened upon? Anyway welcome back!
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