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Search results

  1. The Omskivar

    The Omskivar vs. I liek Squirtles

    Dark Pulse. I just really want to avoid that Dazzling Gleam, so I'm praying for the flinch. Second action, you're back on the ground so use Dragon Tail[/i]. Go for distance over damage if you need to choose that sort of thing and see if we can get out of that Energy Ball as well. Third...
  2. The Omskivar

    [15] The Omskivar vs Music Dragon (ref: Sangfroidish)

    Okay Noel, all we can do is pray for hax. Psychic-types use their brains. Brains run on electricity (okay it's a bit more complicated than that but the signals are quasi-electric or something). Let's fuck with it. First action, fire off another Zap Cannon right into that eye stalk. The King...
  3. The Omskivar

    Lord of the Fireflies vs The Omskivar

    Well the first move is to Magic Coat that Thunder Wave. Thankfully this Ralts doesn't have Synchronize. After that, use Dark Pulse and let's see if we can get the flinch. Magic Coat~Dark Pulse x2
  4. The Omskivar

    Trading Post

    I'll take that Spinda off your hands!
  5. The Omskivar

    Question Box

    Wait poison/burns too?
  6. The Omskivar

    Keldeo vs. Lilypad

    As Vesper took to the skies ceilings once more, Lilycolo threw another Pokeball, summoning a tiny, chittering Fletchling. A short pause was taken as the scientists administered the new Pokemon's (REDACTED), but the battle was soon underway once more, Twitchwing seeming to not be bothered by the...
  7. The Omskivar

    Question Box

    Do Future Sight and Doom Desire count towards the damage cap of the round during which they connect? I feel that they should since Future Sight's BP has been raised somewhat drastically (EDIT:) and they're calculated with the user's offensive stats
  8. The Omskivar

    [15] The Omskivar vs Music Dragon (ref: Sangfroidish)

    Was my order to Noel to actively let the Egg Bomb hit him taken into account? I figured he could just position himself underneath it before Bouncing
  9. The Omskivar

    Eifie vs. Music Dragon II: A Battle of Wits

    Pre-Battle Team Eifie Zigzagoon Barfie (M) [Gluttony] @ Lansat Berry Health: 100% Energy: 90% Condition: Living up to his name. Status: Hidden Power: Electric. Has one clone remaining. Team Music Dragon Sigilyph King of Hearts (M) [Magic Guard] Health: 99% Energy: 84% Condition: Off with his...
  10. The Omskivar

    Lord of the Fireflies vs The Omskivar

    I'll send out Marilyn the Gothita, let's see how many evolutions I can get away with here
  11. The Omskivar

    Question Box

    do Counter/Mirror Coat/Metal Burst activate an opponent's Color Change when used?
  12. The Omskivar

    Lord of the Fireflies vs The Omskivar

    ugh this battle we're going for broke my friend, Endeavor until the sub's gone, then do it again. If you're Tormented and can't use it twice, the Sub should still be gone, so use Pain Split on the second action instead, then Belly Drum on the last one. If you just used Endeavor twice, toss...
  13. The Omskivar

    DQ warning against pathos in the tournament!

    DQ warning against pathos in the tournament!
  14. The Omskivar

    That he should! Apologies, I'll do that right now

    That he should! Apologies, I'll do that right now
  15. The Omskivar

    [15] Grass King vs pathos (ref: The Omskivar)

    Annnd another somewhat late DQ Warning for Grass King. 48 hours to post!
  16. The Omskivar

    [15] The Omskivar vs Music Dragon (ref: Sangfroidish)

    Alright, that Future Sight is going to hurt a lot. But I have an idea--an idea so smart that my head would explode if I even began to know what I'm talking about. The first thing you have to do, Noel--you have to take that Egg Bomb! If I'm reading this correctly, once that Egg Bomb connects...
  17. The Omskivar

    Challenge Board

    Well this just sounds amazing, dropping my other challenge to partake in this
  18. The Omskivar

    Keldeo vs. Lilypad

    Round 3 End Team Keldeo OO Zubat Vesper (F) Health: 53% Energy: 77% Status: Feeling slightly woozy. +1 Attack, +1 Special Attack, -1 Evasion Team Lilypad OO Meowth Rex (M) Health: 38% Energy: 66% Status: Feeling slightly pointy. +1 Attack. Paralyzed (light; 6% chance of full paralysis, -1...
  19. The Omskivar

    Eifie vs. Music Dragon II: A Battle of Wits

    Pre-Battle Team Eifie Zigzagoon Barfie (M) [Gluttony] @ Lansat Berry Health: 100% Energy: 100% Condition: Panting with pent-up energy. Team Music Dragon Sigilyph King of Hearts (M) [Magic Guard] Health: 100% Energy: 100% Condition: Nervous? Round the First The King of Hearts stared at his...
  20. The Omskivar

    Misc. Database Typos/Minor Mistakes

    I know there's a formula for calculating Protect's energy based on the move it was Protecting from, but that's explained nowhere in the database (not even the 2% base), so I'm editing in the description in the D&E guide, rewording it specifically for Protect. I'll also do Detect and Endure if...
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