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Search results

  1. Haz

    My sprite thread (creative title, I know)

    No requests unless their are REALLY originally. And yeah, four-way legendary fusions suck. P.S New spritesc coming soon!
  2. Haz

    My sprite thread (creative title, I know)

    Okay, you've caught me out, the base was Cascoon. I was trying to keep the same light source. I'd love to have that as a Pokemon though. Thanks ^^
  3. Haz

    In Progress Blood of the animals [Rated R]

    This is my original fandom fic. It's rated R for extreme swearing, sexual references and high levels of blood and gore. Prologue: Murder in the dark She entered the dank, dark room and moved towards the figure on the floor, swiftly and with grace. Her limbs perfectly muscled to fit her slim...
  4. Haz

    Requests Open Recolored Sugimori Art

    Could you do a Marowak with Houndoom and Magmar colours? The body black and the skull red?
  5. Haz

    My sprite thread (creative title, I know)

    Just my thread where I post my various sprites. I'm learning tho scratch at the moment so please, bear with me. Recolours: Pink Chikorita line Parchurisu recoloured with Johto legendary colours Cubone recolour Fusions: Mudkip/ Porygon2 A random Ground-type fusion Rayquazza/ Deoxys...
  6. Haz

    Hello there

    Thanks! I can be hyperactive sometimes so ignore me when I do that. I've been on a lot of other forums so I won't get scared. :P Thanks! It's DP Snorlax, Aerodactyle and Meganium with Quaqsire (spelling?) and Espeon colours. Thanks, I hope I do. *takes lemons* Thanks Skroy.
  7. Haz

    Hello there

    Hello there people. I'm new (duh) ... ... ... ... ... ... Not really much to say really...
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