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Search results

  1. R

    Pokemon-Planet.com - Chek it out

    Well, dispise the fact that he lied about something that was not really there... Anyways i guess i see your point.
  2. R

    Pokemon-Planet.com - Chek it out

    Lmao, idk what you achieved in that. Anyways, both typos were fixed
  3. R

    Pokemon-Planet.com - Chek it out

    Urm, ty. And for "VIP Forums" the VIP system was infact something that was going to be released at a later point in time, ovcourse, since the site just started, but the feature was already made in the process of making the site. And "spelling errors" They are not spelling errors, because every...
  4. R

    Pokemon-Planet.com - Chek it out

    Simple, for trading pokemon, it does not elevate above gts+, and for competitive battling, it does not elevate above smogon. Simply because, unlike those sites, that is not the main focus for the site, and was not made solely for that purpose, but infact gives a kind of alternative incase people...
  5. R

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Lmao, nah i didnt know. I just found it funny that they would name a drink SARS Haha XD
  6. R

    Pokemon-Planet.com - Chek it out

    O_o .....
  7. R

    Machetes: Get Yours Today!

    lool, i could do with one of those XD
  8. R

    Pokemon-Planet.com - Chek it out

    PokemonPlanet - The Best Place For Trading Pokemon FriendCodes & Competitive Battling! Recruiting members, check it out Hi, a Pokemon site named Pokemon-Planet.com was just finished like last week or so, it was made from the ground up, loaded full with features that every online pokemon battler...
  9. R

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    Ok right, 20 WORST production names in history, am i rtite?: Now dont try and say you did not laugh at even one of them, i doubt thats possible, as i could not stop laughing when i was posting these pics
  10. R

    Hi everyone.

    ill be posting in different forums, none specific
  11. R

    Hi everyone.

    Haha yea, i get it pretty much, i dont want to feel hot larva XD
  12. R

    Hi everyone.

    Hello, my name is Richard, and i just registered today. Hi everyone :talking:
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