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Machetes: Get Yours Today!

see ya

So I was bored one day on my lunch break at my job and decided to browse the aisles of Wal-Mart. As I reached the camping section, I noticed something very...interesting.

(WARNING: CRAPPY PHONE PICTURE ALERT, but you should be able to see what's important)


That's right. At our super-low Wal-Mart prices, you can come in and buy a real machete for only seven dollars.


(Yes, I know machetes have a legitimate use. Doesn't make it any less hilarious, though. Especially since most of our pocket knives are twice as expensive as this.)
Why does the packaging feel the need to say "machete" twice, one underneath the other? We get the point it's a machete damnit D<
Why does the packaging feel the need to say "machete" twice, one underneath the other? We get the point it's a machete damnit D<

It's probably supposed to have it in multiple languages (probably English and Spanish), only "machete" was the same in both languages.

Hahahahaha, that's awesome though.
my grandfather once told me that he owned a left-handed machete.

... I'm still not entirely sure how that works.
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