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Search results

  1. ZimD

    but chuck norris sucks

    but chuck norris sucks
  2. ZimD

    i dont know who or what wang fire is but it sounds like a porno

    i dont know who or what wang fire is but it sounds like a porno
  3. ZimD


  4. ZimD

    i turned it off halfway through it was stupid

    i turned it off halfway through it was stupid
  5. ZimD

    i didnt even watch the entire thing it was so boring

    i didnt even watch the entire thing it was so boring
  6. ZimD

    The Last.fm Thread

    very low. http://last.fm/user/zimdelinvasor
  7. ZimD

    we haven't talked in forever. you should give me your e-mail so i can add you on msn <333

    we haven't talked in forever. you should give me your e-mail so i can add you on msn <333
  8. ZimD

    Toy Story 3

    i haven't seen it yet but i want to eventually. i remember hating toy story 2 though. also i hated wall-e :|
  9. ZimD

    Never Ending Cheat

    ...kill you. You will go to Hell. You must find Ted Bundy, and tell him you seek his wisdom and advice. He will reply...
  10. ZimD

    it can. he quoted most of what you said but still i recommend it

    it can. he quoted most of what you said but still i recommend it
  11. ZimD

    i was enjoying watching

    i was enjoying watching
  12. ZimD

    virtually everyone else seems to have an easy time doing it it's called not posting a reply. if...

    virtually everyone else seems to have an easy time doing it it's called not posting a reply. if you hate what he says that much, just ignore him. if you're determined to type a reply then type one up and don't post it if that's what you need to do, but going out of your way to take the time to...
  13. ZimD

    PROTIP: don't feed the trolls

    PROTIP: don't feed the trolls
  14. ZimD


    not joining this club because it's stupid, but don't feed the trolls it isn't that hard to ignore him if you don't like him, it's called not posting a reply >_>
  15. ZimD

    my birthday was actually yesterday

    fuck yes a laptop
  16. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. [70] Brock [90] Lt. Surge [70] Misty [130] Erika [135] Koga [105] Blaine [105] Giovanni [80] Lorelei [130] Lance [135] Blue hurt brock heal blue.
  17. ZimD

    i usually am

    i usually am
  18. ZimD

    hurt 'n' heal

    Re: hurt 'n' heal, bitches. [80] Brock [90] Lt. Surge [70] Misty [125] Erika [135] Koga [10] Sabrina [105] Blaine [105] Giovanni [75] Lorelei [15] Bruno [120] Lance [130] Blue hurt giovanni heal blue
  19. ZimD


    I will say this once and once only. FUCK. WHITNEY. That god damn Miltank made her ONE OF the hardest gym leaders there is (Not THE hardest... Fuck Juan's Kingdra, fuck Liza/Tate as well). She was hard as shit i don't care what you say. But it's not even just that - it's her god damn attitude...
  20. ZimD

    oh im sure

    oh im sure
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